         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...

"The naughty little prince "(Pangeran licik yang usil)

short story
one day, the king was about to go hunting, as well as taught the little prince hunting in the forest .
Suatu hari,Raja hendak pergi berburu,sekaligus mengajari pangeran cilik berburu di hutan
Little prince felt very happy and excited.
Pangeran cilik merasa sangat senang dan bersemangat  
The king and princes, and the entourage went to the forest.
Raja dan pangeran cilik,serta rombongan pun pergi ke hutan.
 after a long walk, finally the king saw a deer grazing.
Setelah lama berjalan,akhirnya raja melihat seekor rusa yang sedang merumput .
 "Wah there are prey," said the king while preparing the quarry.
" Wah ada buruan,"ucap raja sambil menyiapkan buruan.
behind the king the little prince saw the deer. He wanted to shoot him.
Di belakang raja pangeran cilik pun melihat rusa itu.ia ingin memanahnya.
 "Father let me shoot it," begged the little prince.
 "Ayah biarkan aku saja yang memanahnya,"pinta pangeran cilik.
 "No my son is a big catch." let me shoot him, reject the king.
"Tidak anakku ini tangkapan besar."biar aku yang memanahnya,tolak raja.
 The little prince was disappointed. 
 Pangeran cilik merasa kecewa
He was anxious to shoot the deer. 
 Ia sangat ingin memanah rusa itu
Olala, unbeknownst to the king, the little prince pulled his bow and directed him to the deer.
Olala,tanpa sepengetahuan raja,Pangeran cilik menarik busur dan mengarahkannya ke rusa.
 hup !!
The arrows are released from the bow. 

 Anak panah dilepas dari busurnya
But unfortunately the young princess's shot missed and did not hit the deer. 
Tapi sayang bidikan pangeran cilik meleset dan tidak mengenai rusa.
The deer who realized there was a hunter, ran very fast
Rusa yang menyadari ada pemburu,segera berlari amat kencang.
Seeing the deer ran because of the little princes, the king was upset.
 Melihat rusa itu berlari karena keusilan pangeran cilik,raja pun kesal.
 "I told you I was going to hunt him. 
  "Sudah kubilang aku yang akan memburunya.
You better be with the guards. Do not bother me," said the king.
Lebih baik kamu bersama pengawal saja.jangan menggangguku,"ucap raja.
 Prince kidnapped also participated in the annoyed.
 Pangeran culik pun ikut kesal.
 The group went back to continue the hunt
Rombongan lalu kembali melanjutkan perburuan.
 "Well, there is a bird, can for dinner," murmured the king as he saw the birds on the tree.
 "Wah ada seekor burung,bisa untuk makan malam,"gumam raja ketika melihat burung di atas pohon.
 The little prince also saw itu.But he remember, his father told him not to disturb. 
Pangeran cilik juga melihat itu.Tapi ia ingat ,ayahnya menyuruhnya untuk tidak mengganggu.
 Little boy felt very upset.He had the idea to forget his annoyance
Pangern cilik merasa sangat kesal.Ia pun memiliki ide untuk melupakan kekesalannya 
The little prince takes a small stone from the ground, then throws it into the tree to where the bird is perched. 
Pangeran cilik mengambil batu kecil dari tanah,lalu melemparkannya ke pohon ke tempat burung itu hinggap.
The birds perched on the tree were shocked then flew away before the king shot him
Burung yang hinggap di pohon pun kaget lalu terbang menjauh sebelum raja memanahnya
 Feeling annoyed, the king stared at the little prince, but the little prince pretended not to know anything.
 Dengan merasa kesal,raja menatap pangeran cilik,tapi pangeran cilik berpura-pura tak tahu apa-apa.
 Ah, the king could not have faulted without proof.
Ah,raja tak mungkin menyalahkan tanpa bukti. 
the king's party then continued the hunt, but the little prince continued to disturb the king
Rombongan raja lalu melanjutkan perburuan,namun pangeran cilik terus mengganggu raja . 
Night arrived, the group also set up a tent on the edge of the river. 
Malam pun tiba,rombongan itu pun mendirikan tenda di pinggir sungai.
But unfortunately due to the continuing little prince annoyance, none of the animals that managed to hunt.
 Tapi sayangnya karena keusilan pangeran cilik yang terus,tak ada satu pun binatang yang berhasil diburu.
 As a result they could not eat anything this night
Akibatnya mereka tak bisa makan apapun malam ini.
The little prince realized the mistake and regret.
 Pangeran cilik menyadari kesalahan dan menyesal
The day was late and they could not hunt anymore.
 Hari sudah malam dan mereka tak bisa berburu lagi.
even though stomach already rang from earlier.He was forced to hunger.
Padahal perutnya sudah berbunyi dari tadi.Ia pun terpaksa menahan lapar.

Pesan moral:
kawan,jangan suka usil.nanti kita sendiri yang usil 



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