
Showing posts with the label FOLKLORE



         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a herd of elephants didn't care.The think the ants were small animals.A herd of elephants were continuing their eating.They were not even reluctant to destroy the


Disebuah desa,ada dua gadis yang bersahabat baik.Mereka adalah gadis pertama dan gadis kedua. In a village, there are two girls who are good friends. They are the first girl and the second girl. Mereka selalu melakukan apa pun bersama-sama.Di desa itu pula,ada satu gadis yang tak mempunyai teman.Ia melakukn apa-apa sendirian. They alway s do anything together. In the same village, there is one girl who has no friends. She does nothing alone. Suatu hari,dua gadis yang bersahabat itu sedang mencuci baju di sungai.Mereka tampak sangat senang.Sementara gadis yang tak memiliki teman,seorang diri mencuci baju di tepi sungai yang lain. One day, two friendly girls were washing clothes in the river. They looked very happy. While the girl who had no friends, was alone washing clothes on the other riverbank. "Wah,bahagianya jika memiliki teman.Mencuci bisa bersama-sama,main bersama-sama.Pasti tidak kesepian,"ucap gadis yang tak memiliki teman itu. "Wow, happy if you have friends. W


Seorang saudagar kaya raya mengatakan bahwa ia bisa hidup sendiri.Ia tak butuh bntuan orang lain. "Aku memiliki kekayaan yang tak akan habis tujuh turunan.Aku tak memerlukan bantuan siapapun,"ucap saudagar itu kepada semua penduduk. A wealthy merchant said that he could live alone. He did not need help from others. "I have a wealth that will never run out of seven derivatives. I do not need anyone's help," said the merchant to all residents. Penduduk yang lain pun mempercayai ucapan saudgar itu.Mereka berjanji,tidk akan menolong saudagar itu. The other residents also believed the words of the brother. They promised, they would not help the merchant . Selain sombong,saudagar kaya itu juga pelit.Meski kekayaannya berlimpah.Ia tak mau menolong orang yang susah. Besides being arrogant, the rich merchant is also stingy. Even though his wealth is abundant. He does not want to help people who are in trouble. Satu hari,ada seorang kakek datang ke rumah saudagar kaya itu


Di sebuah desa,hiduplah keluarga yang terdiri dari ayah,ibu, dan anak.Ayah bekerja sebagai nelayan dan ibu mengurus rumah.Sedngkan si anak hanya bermalas-malasan di rumah. In a village, there lived a family of fathers, mothers, and children. Father worked as a fisherman and mother took care of the house. While the child was just lazing around at home. Suatu malam,ayah belum pulang dari melaut.Dirumah,hanya ada ibu dan anaknya. "Ibu,mengapa ayah belum pulang?"tanya si anak kepada ibunya. One night, the father had not returned from fishing. At home, there were only mother and child. "Mother, why isn't Father home yet?" The child asked his mother. "Ayahmu sedang melaut,nak.Tunggu sebentar lagi,ya,"jawab ibu. "Ah,ayah tidak pernah mau pulang lebih cepat.Padahal aku sangat ingin bermain dengannya,"rujuk si anak. "Your father is at sea, son. Wait a little longer, yes," answered the mother. "Ah, father never wants to go home early. In


Alkisah,ada seorang lelaki yang hidup sederhana besama dengan istrinyaMeskipun demikian,lelaki itu tak pernah mengeluh. Once upon a time, there was a man who lived simply with his wife. Even so, he never complained. Ia sangat baik.Ia bahkan kerap membantu orang yang membutuhkannya.Laki-laki itu bekerja sebagai pembuat sepatu.Setiap malam,ia membuat sepatu,paginya ia menjual sepatunya ke pasar. He is very kind. He even often helps people who need it. The man works as a shoe maker. Every night, he makes shoes, in the morning he sells his shoes to the market. Suatu hari,lelaki itu baru pulang saat hari sudah petang.Ia tampak kelelahan.Rupanya siang tadi,ia menolong orang yang membutuhkan bantuan.Hal tersebut membuat lelaki itu kelelahan. One day, the man just returned when it was already evening. He looked tired. Apparently this afternoon, he helped people who needed help. It made him tired. "Aku harus membuat sepatu agar besok bisa kujual,"ucap lelaki itu. Malam pun tiba,lelaki


Bawang di usir ibunya dari rumah.Ia pun berlari ke hutan sambil menangis.Sungguh,hatinya sangat sedih karena difitnah adiknya. Onion was kicked out by her mother from home. She ran to the forest while crying. Really, her heart was very sad because she was slandered by her sister Saat sedang menangis Bawang melihat seekor burung emas sedang bertengger di pohon.Bawang langsung memanggil burung itu. When he was crying Bawang saw a golden bird perched on a tree. Onions immediately called the bird. "Hai,burung patuklah aku biar aku mati,"pinta Bawang. Burung itu langsung mematuk Bawang.Tiba-tiba muncul mahkota emas di kepala Bawang.Bawang menjadi sangat heran. The bird immediately pecked onions. Suddenly a golden crown appeared on Bawang's head. Onions became very surprised. Tapi,ia tak menyerah.Ia kembali meminta burung untuk mematuk tubuhnya. but, he did not give up. He again asked the bird to peck his body. Olala,bukannya terluka tapi baju yang dipakai Bawang berubah menjad


Di sebuah desa,hidupkah sepasang suami istri.Mereka bekerja sebagai petani.Mereka memiliki dua orang putri. In a village, there lived a married couple. They worked as farmers. They had two daughters. Putri yang pertama bernama bawang ,sedangkan adiknya bernama kesuna.Namun,dua saudara itu memiliki watak yang berbeda.Bawang sangat rajin membantu ibunya,sedangkan kesuma sangat malas. The first daughter was named onion, while her sister was called kesuna. However, the two siblings had different characters. Onions were very diligent in helping their mothers, while kesuma was very lazy . Suatu pagi,sebelum pergi ke pasar,sang ibu menyuruh bawang dan kesuna untuk menumbuk padi.Padi itu sudah harus menjadi nasi saat ia pulang. One morning, before going to the market, the mother told the onions and kesuna to pound rice. The rice had to become rice when he returned "Bantu kakakmu,Kesuna,"pinta ibunya. Kesuna mengangguk,pura-pura mengiyakan perintah ibunya.Saat ibunya pergi,Bawang memi


Suatu ketika,seorang kakek tua sedang mencari kayu bakar di hutan.Persediaan kayu bakar di rumahnya telah habis.Jika ia tak mempunyai kayu bakar,ia tak dapat memasak. One time, an old man was looking for firewood in the forest. The supply of firewood in his house had run out. If he did not have firewood, he could not cook. Hutan sangat sepi kala itu.Kakek tua pun bergegas mengumpulkan kayu bakar.Tiba-tiba ia melihat sebuah kayu kering di atas pohon.Ia ingin mengambil kayu itu,tapi ia bingung. The forest was very quiet at that time. The old grandfather rushed to collect firewood. Suddenly he saw a dry wood in the tree. He wanted to take the wood, but he was confused. "Apakah aku harus mengambil kayu itu?Tapi bagaimana caranya?"gumam kakek tua.Kakek tua itu terus berfikir. "Do I have to take the wood? But how?" Murmured the old grandfather. The old grandfather kept thinking. "Tapi pasti memerlukan waktu yang lama untuk naik ke atas pohon.Belum lagi kalau aku terp


Ada seoranggadis kecil yang hanya tinggal bersama ibunya.Suatu hari,ia sedang bersedih.Sudah beberapa hari ini ibunya sakit. There was a little girl who only lived with her mother. One day, she was sad. For a few days her mother was sick. Ia ingin membelikan sesuatu untuk ibunya.Mungkin buah kesukaan ibunya,tau mungkin selimut baru agar ibunya tidak kedinginan.Tapi,gadis kecil itu tidak memiliki uang.Ia bingung harus berbuat apa. He wants to buy something for his mother. Maybe his mother's favorite fruit, know maybe a new blanket so that her mother is not cold. But, the little girl has no money. She is confused what to do. "Ya Tuhan,apa yang harus aku lakukan? Andai aku bisa membelikan buah kesukaan ibu,pasti ibu akan sangat senang,"doa gadis itu sambil berurai air mata. "Dear God, what should I do? If I could buy my mother's favorite fruit, surely she would be very happy, "the girl prayed in tears . Gadis kecil itu berfikir.Jika ia terus berada di rumah,ia


Once upon a time, there was a young man who lived alone.  Alkisah,ada seorang pemuda yang tinggal sendirian.   The young man was very lazy.  Pemuda itu sangat malas.   As a result he became poor. Akibatnya ia menjadi miskin. Unlike his friends who like to work hard, the young man would rather be a beggar.   Tidak seperti teman temannya yang suka bekerja keras,pemuda itu justru lebih suka menjadi pengemis.   According to him, begging iwas the easiest job. He just begged and people will give him.   moneyMenurutnya ,mengemis adalah pekerjaan yang paling mudah.Ia tinggal minta-minta lalu orang akan memberinya uang.   One day the young man begged in the market. Olala, the young man was lucky. There was a philanthropist who gave him a cup of milk.  Suatu hari pemmuda itu mengemis di pasar.Olala,pemuda itu sedang beruntung.Ada seorang dermawan yang memberinya sekendi susu. The young man was very happy and rushed home. Pemuda itu sangat senang dan bergegas pulang kerumah.   Th


Hari ini adalah hari yang sangat cerah.Matahari bersinar dengan teriknya. Today is a very sunny day. The sun shines  brightly.  Angin berhembus dengan lembut,membuat dedaunan bergoyang dan melambai-lambai. The wind blows gently, making the leaves sway and wave. Udara siang  itu jadi tidak terlalu panas,karena angin membawa udara yang sejuk. The afternoon air was not too hot, because the wind brought cool air. Dari jauh,tampak raja dan ratu sedang asyik berkuda.Rupanya, mereka hendak berkeliling kampung sambil menikmati pemandangan yang masih asri. From afar, it appeared that the king and queen were busy riding. Apparently, they wanted to go around the village while enjoying the beautiful scenery. "Wahai istriku,apakah kau tahu siapa pemilik gubuk tua itu?"tanya raja,enasaran saat melihat sebuah gubuk. "O my wife, do you know who owns the old hut?" Asked the king, curious when he saw a hut. "Suamiku,itu bukan gubuk.Itu adalah rumah si petani,"jawab ratu. &q


Disebuah wilayah yang subur,hidup kakak beradik.Mereka adalah putra mahkota di kerajaan wilayah tersebut.Saqhem sang kakak,sedangkan Hazeem adiknya. In a fertile region, the brothers lived. They were crown princes in the kingdom of the region. Saqhem was his brother, while Hazeem was his younger brother. Karena ayah dan ibu mereka telah lama meninggal,kakak beradik itu hidup bersama paman mereka. Because their father and mother had long passed away, the siblings lived with their uncle. Tahun ini,kerjaan mendapatkan panen yang melimpah.Hazeem dan Saqhen pun berencana mengadakan pesta untuk rakyat.Namun,paman mereka melarangnya dengan alasan untuk menghemat hasil panen. This year, the work gets an abundant harvest. Hazeem and Saqhen also planned to hold a party for the people. However, their uncle forbade it with the reason to save on crops. Olala,paman mereka ternyata mempunyai sifat licik.Dia berniat jahat terhadap putra mahkota. Olala, their uncle turned out to have a cunning nature.


Zaman dahulu di dekat sungai Gangga,ada sepasang suami istri yang hidup sederhana.Meskipun begitu,mereka sangat bahagia. In ancient times near the river Ganges, there was a husband and wife who lived modestly. Even so, they were very happy. Raj,sang suami,adalah seekor pawang ular.Setiap hari,Raj, pergi ke alun-alun desa sambil membawa guci berisi ular berbisa.Saat ia meniupkan serulingnya ular berbisa itu akan keluar dan menari-nari.Orang yang melihatnya pun bersorak dan bertepuk tangan.Mereka lalu melemparkan beberapa uang koin ke pinggir guci. Raj, the husband, is a snake charmer. Every day, Raj, goes to the village square while carrying a jar filled with poisonous snakes. When he blows his flute the snake will come out and dance. The person who saw it cheered and clapped They then threw a few coins to the edge of the jar Setelah pertunjukan selesai,Raj pulang.Ia lalu memberikan uang koin ke pinggir guci. After the show finished, Raj went home. He then gave coins to the edge of the

"Dropping a baby in the river"(Menjatuhkan bayi di sungai)

 A young man was seen enjoying the view of the river.  Seorang pemuda terlihat sedang asyikmenikmati pemandangan sungai . In the vicinity of the river grew a very beautiful plants.  Di sekitar sungai itu tumbuh tanaman yang sangat indah. The birds flew, adding to the beauty that afternoon. Burung burung pun berterbangan,menambah keindahan sore itu. " it's a beautiful view this afternoon.   Sungguh indah pemandangan sore ini  It's so beautiful that it keeps the mind calm, "the young man said. Sangat asri,sehingga membuat pikiran tenang,ujar pemuda itu .     But suddenly he saw a man was holding a baby.  Namun tiba-tiba ia melihat seorang laki-laki sedang menggendong bayi. It seemed the baby is his son. Sepertinya bayi itu adalah anakkya.   The man headed for the river.     Laki-laki itu menuju sungai. Olala, the man lifted the baby up high.  Olala,laki-laki itu mengangkat bayi itu tinggi-tinggi.   The baby was crying loudly. Bayi itu pun menan