         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Di sebuah desa,hiduplah keluarga yang terdiri dari ayah,ibu, dan anak.Ayah bekerja sebagai nelayan dan ibu mengurus rumah.Sedngkan si anak hanya bermalas-malasan di rumah.
In a village, there lived a family of fathers, mothers, and children. Father worked as a fisherman and mother took care of the house. While the child was just lazing around at home.
Suatu malam,ayah belum pulang dari melaut.Dirumah,hanya ada ibu dan anaknya.
"Ibu,mengapa ayah belum pulang?"tanya si anak kepada ibunya.
One night, the father had not returned from fishing. At home, there were only mother and child.
"Mother, why isn't Father home yet?" The child asked his mother.
"Ayahmu sedang melaut,nak.Tunggu sebentar lagi,ya,"jawab ibu.
"Ah,ayah tidak pernah mau pulang lebih cepat.Padahal aku sangat ingin bermain dengannya,"rujuk si anak.
"Your father is at sea, son. Wait a little longer, yes," answered the mother.
"Ah, father never wants to go home early. In fact, I really want to play with him," the child said.
Pagi harinya,saat anak itu terbangun,ia kembali tidak menemui ayahnya.
"Ibu ayah dimana?"tanya anak itu penasaran.
"Sudah berangkat melaut,Nak,"jawab ibu.
In the morning, when the child woke up, he again did not see his father.
"Where is mother and father?" Asked the boy curious.
"It's gone to sea, son," answered the mother
"Uh,ayah selalu saja berangkat pagi-pagi buta.Aku tak ingin bermain dengan ayah,"rujuk si anak lagi.
Padahal,ayah membanting tulang juga demi si anak.Anak selalu meminta ini dan itu.makan pun tak mau seadanya.Hal itu membuat sang ayah harus membanting tulang lebih giat.
Uh, dad always leaves early in the morning. I don't want to play with daddy," the child said again.
In fact, the father also drains for the sake of the child. Children always ask for this and that. Even the food does not want to be sober. This makes the father have to work harder.
Siang harinya,si anak hendak makan.Ia langsung manyun begitu melihat lauknya.
"Apakah tidak ada makanan lain,bu?Aku bosan makan ikan setiap hari,"keluh si anak.
At noon, the child was about to eat. He immediately grinned when he saw the side dishes.
"Is there no other food, ma'am? I'm tired of eating fish every day," complained the child.
"Carilah kerang di tepi laut.Tapi,ombak di laut sedang besaar dan bergulung hebat.Sangat menakutkan.Anak itu pun tak berani mencari kerang ke tengah pantai.Ia hanya mencari di pinggir pantai.
"Look for clams on the seashore. But, the waves at sea are big and are rolling great. Very scary. That child did not dare to look for shells to the middle of the beach. He was only looking on the beach.
Tiba-tiba ia melihat kapal di tengah laut yang berombak besar.
"Berani sekali nelayan itu.Jika ombak menggulungnya,bisa-bisa kapal karam,"ucapnya.
Suddenly he saw a ship in the middle of a large choppy sea.
"How dare the fishermen. If the waves are rolling, a shipwreck might be," he said
Tak sengaja ,si anak melihat sekilas nelayan itu.Sepertinya ayah!Si anak beru menyadari,ternyata ayahnya bekerja keras untuknya.Sementara ia sendiri tak pernah puas dengan apa yang dimiliki.
Unintentionally, the child caught a glimpse of the fisherman. It seemed like father! The child realized, his father had worked hard for him. While he himself was never satisfied with what he had.
Sesekali ombak menyapu perahu.Olala,tiba-tiba perahu itu terbalik.Si anak menjerit memanggil ayahnya.Ia pun bergegas kerumah untuk memberi tahu ibunya.
Every now and then the waves swept over the boat. Olala, suddenly the boat capsized. The child screamed for his father. He hurried home to tell his mother
Namun sesampainya di rumah,ia terkejut karena ayahnya sudah dirumah.
"Ayo kita bermain,anakku.Katanya kau mau bermain dengan ayah,"ucap sang ayah tanpa terliht lelah.
amun when he got home, he was surprised because his father was at home.
"Let's play, my child. You say you want to play with dad," the father said without looking tired.
Si anak pun langsung memeluk anaknya.Tak henti-hentinya ia berterimakasih kepada ayahnya atas pengorbanannya selama ini.Kasih sayang ayah memng tiada tara.Sejak saat itu,si anak tak pernah menuntut apa pun.Ia juga berjanji akan menjadi anak yang baik.
The child immediately embraced his child. Incessantly he thanked his father for his sacrifice all this time. Father's love was unmatched. Since then, the child has never demanded anything. He also promised to be a good child.

pesan moral
Kawan,ayah bekerja membanting tulang untuk kita,Sayangilah ia.Jangan membuat susah,ya.
Friends, daddy is working hard for us, love him. Don't make it hard, yeah.


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