
Showing posts with the label FABEL



         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a herd of elephants didn't care.The think the ants were small animals.A herd of elephants were continuing their eating.They were not even reluctant to destroy the


         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a herd of elephants didn't care.The think the ants were small animals.A herd of elephants were continuing their eating.They were not even reluctant to destroy the

"The cunning stork"(bangau yang licik)

       In a small lake, the crabs lived in peace with their fish friends.    Disebuah danau yang kecil,kepiting hidup damai bersama teman-teman ikannya. They lived happily and loved each other. Mereka hidup bahagia dan saling menyayangi.   One day old friend of the old crab was Stork, flying over the lake.   Suatu hari sahabat lama sahabat lama kepiting yaitu Bangau,terbang di atas danau. Bangau was starving.There was no fish due to too much rubbish   Bangau sedang kelaparan.Sudah tak ada ikan akibat terlalu banyak sampah.   Involuntarily ,storks saw the crab talking to the fish. Seeing that came the evil thoughts of the stork. Tanpa sengaja bangau melihat kepiting sedang bercakap -cakap dengan para ikan Melihat hal itu munculah pikiran jahat bangau. "Hhhmmm, there's good food," muttered the crane, then flew toward the crab.   "Hhhmmm,ada makanan enak rupanya,"gumam bangau,lalu terbang mendekati kepiting   "Well, your crabs look very happy w


           Once upon a time,there was a prince looking for a princess.But he wanted a true princess as his queen. apparently to get a real princess was not easy.Qween was very confused with the true daughter who was in the intention of his son.        Many princesses from neighboring countries had come to the palace.But there had not been a princess in accordance with the wishes of the prince.        Until one day,when it was  heavy raining there was some one knock on the palace gate.When the gate opened,there was a beautiful young woman.Olala,she said that she was a true princess.       The queen immediately let the princess enter.She asked the maids to prepare clothes and bedrooms for the foreign women.The queen served the woman well.        "Is she really a true princess?the princess cerious. The queen decided to test the woman.She instructed the maid to prepare a soft bed for the princess.Happy take a rest,and good night.said the princess.        The princess immediat


  " S atu......dua......tiga!Lariii......,"teriak ketua rusa. "One ...... two ...... three! Run ......," shouted the head deer. Dia menyemangati rusa lain yang sedang lomba lari melawan kelinci."Ayo,kalau kita menang,kita ambil rumah si kelinci!"teriak rusa lagi. He encouraged another deer who was running against the rabbit. "Come on, if we win, we'll take the rabbit's house!" Shouted the deer again. Rusa akhirnya memenangkan perlombaan.Kelinci,mau tak mau harus menyerahkan rumahnya pada kelompok rusa."Tuh kan,aky;o bilang apa?Kami ini,kelompok hewan terhebat!"kata para rusa pongah.Kelompok rusa memang selalu begitu. Deer finally won the race. Rabbit, like it or not they have to give up their house to the deer group. "Oh right, what do you say? We are the greatest animal group!" Said the deer proudly. Deer groups always do. Mereka selalu menantang hewan lain untuk lomba lari.Mereka merasa paling cepat larinya.Awalnya h


The snail looked sad in her house.What is going on?apparently,she was contemplating his fate as a slowly snail.while thinking,accidentally a snail see the there were many birds fly wriggle there.The bird as like fly to the ocean.         If I were a bird ,I  can fly on the sky, at once can see the beauty of the vast ocean.said snail.All day,the snail just bemoans his fate.She wanted to do manything.But,the slow path made her difficult to do something very fast.A snail was known to be a slo-moving animals.         "I want to go to ocean,it is certainly very beautiful there.But how many days to reach there?to just visit my neighbor's house,i need long time,moreover to ocean,"said snail sadly.           suddenly,A snail looked at monkey that can easy to up and down the mountain. the monkey looked very happy because could go everywhere easily.           "If I were a monkey, I can go up and down at will,"said a sail.yah a snail was busy complaining of hi


Ombak di laut sedang besar.Warnanya putih dan akan menggulung siapa saja yang ada di pantai.Suaranya pun  sanat kencang. The waves in the sea are large. The color is white and will roll anyone who is on the beach. The sound is very loud. Hal ini membuat para kepiting yang hidup di tepi pantai merasa terganggu. Suatu hari,kawanan kepiting berkumpul. This makes the crabs that live by the beach feel disturbed. One day, a herd of crabs gathered. "Sungguh,ombak membuatku kesal.Suara gemuruhnya membuatku tak bisa tidur beberapa hari ini.Baru bisa memejamkan mata,gemuruh ombak malah datang dan menghancurkan semuanya,"keluh salah satu kepiting dengan marah. "Really, the waves make me upset. The sound of his roar has made me unable to sleep for a few days. New can close my eyes, the r umble of the waves came and destroyed everything," complained one of the crabs angrily. "Benar sekali teman.Gara-gara onbak,pekerjaanku menjadi berantakan,"sahut kepiting lain.Sama se


Namanya jaja.Dia adalah ayam jago yang selalu bersemangat.Ia selalu bangun lebih pagi dari teman-temanya.Bahkan hampir setiap hari ia membangunkan  teman-temannya.Jaja memang ingin selalu berbuat baik kepada teman-temannya. His name is jaja. He is a rooster who is always excited. He always gets up earlier than his friends. Even almost every day he wakes up his friends. Jaja really wants to always do good to his friends. Hari ini,jaja pergi lebih pagi ke ladangnya.Ia akan memanen jagung miliknya.Hmm,jagung-jagung yang ia tanam memang sudah mulai menguning. Today, Jaja went earlier to his field. He would harvest his corn. Hmm, the corn he planted had already started to turn yellow . "Aku harus segera memanennya,"ujar jaja.Jaja mulai memotong stu persatu pohon jagung miliknya.Ia tetap bersemangat meskipun ia mengerjakannya sendiri Jaja bahkan melakukannya sambil bernyanyi dengan riang.Hal itu membuat beberapa binatang tertawa melihatnya. "I have to harvest it immediately,&q

""Always Anxious" (Selalu WAs-was)

On a tree came a very loud throat. Di sebuah pohon terdengar suara tenggoret yang amat keras. Olala, the throat did not realize that his loud voice had attracted the attention of locusts to catch it. Olala,tenggoret tak menyadari bahwa suaranya yang keras telah menarik perhatian belalang untuk menangkapnya.   "Incidentally, I'm hungry. I'll catch you," said the locust as he settled near the throat. 💙 "Kebetulan sekali,aku sedang lapar.aku akan menngkapmmu,"ucap balalang sambil mengendap endap mendekati tenggoret.     The throat was completely unaware of the locust behind him.   Tenggoret sama sekali tidak menyadari keberadaan belalang di belakangnya.  But apparently in the same tree, there was a bird watching the grasshopper. Tetapi rupanya di pohon yang sama,ada seekor burung yang memperhatikan belalang. "You stupid grasshoppers, I'm starving, but you come to me alone," the bird said.  "Dasar belalang bodoh!Aku sedang kel


Persahabatan ikan gabus dan tupai sangatlah erat.Mereka saling membantu satu sama lain.Bila tupai kesusahanikan gabus akan membantunya. Friendship fish cork and squirrels are very close. They help each other. When the squirrel cork trouble, it will help. Begitupun sebaliknya.Suatu hari,ikan gabus jatuh sakit.Ia tak mau makan apapun.Tupai yang sangat dekat dengannya pun menjadi khawatir. And vice versa. One day, cork fish fell ill. He did not want to eat anything. Squirrel who is very close to him also became worried. "Kau ingin makan apa,ikan gabus?Aku akan mencarikannya untukmu,tanya tupai. "Aku ingin makan hati ikan yu,tupai,"jawab ikan gabus.Mendengar jawaban ikan gabus,tupai menjadi bingung. "What do you want to eat, cork fish? I'll find it for you, ask the squirrel. "I want to eat yu's liver, squirrel," cork fish replied. Hearing the cork fish's answer, squirrel became confused. Ikan yu adalah ikan yang sangat besar.,ganas dan kuat.ia ting