         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Somewhere there lived a very generous king. He was as fast as giving money to people in need.
Di suatu tempat hiduplah seorang raja yang sangat dermawan.Ia selaju memberi uang kepada orang-orang yang membutuhkan.
Of course, the people who got the money felt very happy. They also used the money as well as possible.
Tentu saja,orang-orang yang mendapatkan uang tersebut merasa sangat bahagia.Mereka pun menggunaan uang tersebut dengan sebaik-baiknya.
In that place too, there was a man whose life was inadequate. He lived in distress. Finally, the king did not help the man. Whereas the man was a relative of the king.
Di tempat itu pula,ada seorang laki-laki yang hidupnya serba kekurangan.Ia hidup dalam kesusahan.Anehnya,raja tak menolong lelaki tersebut.Padahal lelaki itu adalah kerabat raja.
"Raja, why do you let your brother live in poverty?" Asked the empress.
"Raja,mengapa kau tegamembiarkan saudaramu hidup dalam kemiskinan?"tanya permaisuri.
"O my wife, don't you know that I am a generous person? Not that I did not help him, but I have my own reasons why I did not help him," replied the king.
"Wahai istriku,bukankah kau tahu bahwa aku adalah orang yang dermawan?Bukannya aku tidak menolongnya,namun aku memiliki alasan tersendiri mengapa aku tidak menolongnya,"jawab raja.
The Empress did not ask anymore. He also believed in the king very much.
Permaisuri pun tak bertanya lagi.ia pun sangat percaya pada raja.
Actually the king was very compassionate and wanted to help his brother. But he did not want to help his brother for fear that he would get bad luck.
Sebenarnya raja sangat iba dan ingin kali menolong saudaranya itu.Tapi ia tidak mau menolong saudaranya itu karena takut akan mendapat kesialan.
One day, there was a contest from another kingdom. Whoever has red oranges, he will get half the wealth of the kingdom. Kings are also interested in joining the contest.
Suatu hari, ada sebuah sayembara dari kerajaan itu.Siapapun yang memiliki jeruk berwarna merah,maka ia akan mendapatkan separuh kekayaan kerajaan itu.Raja pun tertarik untuk engikuti sayembara itu.
"Wow, if I can win the contest, surely my wealth will double. I have to find the red orange!" Said the king excitedly.
"Wah,kalau aku bisa memnangkan sayembara itu,pasti kekayaanku akan bertambah dua kali lipat.Aku harus menemukan jeruk merah itu!"Ujar raja bersemangat.
The king sold out to all court ladies to search the entire palace room and look for red oranges. Dear, even though it was searched everywhere.
Raja laku menyuruh seluruh dayang istana untuk menggeledah seluruh ruangan istana dan mencari jeruk merah.Sayang,meskipun sudah dicari kemana-mana.
no red oranges were found. Then, the king told his bodyguards to look for red oranges in all markets and orchards. However, in vain, red oranges were not found. The king was desperate.
tidak ditemukan juga jeruk berwarna merah.Kemudian,raja menyuruh pengawalnya untuk mencari jeruk merah ke seluruh pasar dan kebun buah.Namun,sia-sia saja,tak juga ditemukan jeruk merah.Raja pun putus asa.
Suddenly the king remembered his poor brother. First, his brother once gave him red oranges. The king rushed to his poor conscious house, hoping there would still be red oranges.
Tiba-tiba raja teringat akan saudaranya yang miskinDulu,saudaranya itu pernah memberi jeruk berwarna merah padanya.Raja pun bergegas menuju ke rumah sadaranya yang miskin itu,berharap masih ada jeruk merah.
Olala, how shocked the king was. His brother had given his red orange to the kingdom who held a contest. His brother was not poor anymore. Yes, he had turned into a rich person.
Olala,batapa terkejutnya raja.Saudaranya telah memberi jeruk merahnya kepada kerajaan yang mengadakan sayembara.Saudaranya itu pun tak miskin lagi.Ya,ia telah berubah menjadi orang yang kaya.
The king felt embarrassed. He regretted not helping his brother first. He apologized to his brother.
Raja pun merasa malu.Ia menyesal karena tak menolong saudaranya dulu.Ia pun meminta maaf kepada saudaranya itu.

Terimakasih telah membaca story for kids 2 di blog saya.


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