         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...

Helper Fairy(Peri penolong)

Live a girl named Elisha. She is a cheerful and helpful child. One day Elisha walked in the woods. Suddenly a sound fell from the tree.
Hiduplah seorang anak perempuan bernama Elisha.Ia adalah anak yang periang dan suka menolong.Suatu hari Elisha berjalan-jalan di hutan.Tiba-tiba terdengar suara terjatuh dari atas pohon.
The voice was very loud. I made Elisha curious. She also looked for the origin of the sound. Olala, it turns out that the fall is a beautiful bird. The bird's bird looks injured. English took the bird immediately.
Suara itu sangat kencang.membuat Elisha penasaran Ia pun mencari asal suara itu.Olala,ternyata yang jatuh adalah seekor burung yang cantik.Kli burung itu tampak terluka.Elisha langsung mengambil burung itu.
"Calm down the bird I will take you and take care of you," Elisha said. Elisha rushed home with the bird. Arriving at home she met her sister. She was very happy. She thought Elisha brought a bird for dinner.
"Tenang aja burung aku akan membawamu dan merawatmu,"ucap Elisha.Elisha bergegas pulang ke rumah dengan membawa burung itu.Sesampainya di rumah ia bertemu dengan kakaknya.Kakaknya sangat senang.Ia mengira Elisha membawa burung untuk makan malam."
It just so happened that you brought a bird, I was very eager to eat a burn tonight," said Elisha's sister. "Not this bird's brother was injured and I will take care of him," Elisha said.
"Kebetulan kau membawa burung,aku sangat ingin sekali memakan burng malam ini,"kata kakak Elisha."Tidak kak burung ini terluka dan aku akan merawatnya,"ujar Elisha.
Elisha immediately took the medicine box and immediately treated the bird. She also took care of the bird well. She never left the item for a while. She was worried that if she left the bird her sister would cook it.
Elisha segera mengambil kotak obat dan langsung mengobati burung itu.Ia juga merawat burung itu dengan baik.Ia tak pernah meninggalkan barang sebentar.Ia khawatir jika ia meninggalkan burung itu kakaknya akan memasaknya.
For days Elisha took care of the bird. Finally the bird returned to health and the wound healed. Suddenly his brother approached him. "We have run out of food, let me cook the bird. If we don't cook it tonight we cannot eat, said Elisha's brother.
Berhari-hari Elisha merawat burung itu.Akhirnya burung itu kembali sehat dan lukanya sembuh.Tiba-tiba kakaknya menghampirinya."Kita sudah kehabisan bahan makanan,biarkan aku memasak burung itu.Jika kita tidak memasaknya malam ini kita tidak bisa makan,ucap kakak Elisha.
Hearing his greeting Elisha became confused and sad. She loved the bird very much. Even she intended to release it in the forest. "Let me not be able to eat today, provided that this bird can fly freely," thought Elisha.
Mendengar ucapan kakanya Elisha menjadi bingung dan sedih.Ia sangat menyayangi burung itu.Bahkan ia berniat untuk melepaskanya di hutan."Biarkan aku tak bisa makan hari ini,asal burung ini bisa terbang dengan bebas."pikir Elisha.
Elisha then threw the bird into the sky. The bird suddenly glittered very brightly and turned into a fairy. "I know you're sad. Because you're already nice to me, I'll help you. From now on you won't lack food anymore. will prepare food supplies for your family, "said the bird fairy.
Elisha lalu melemparkan burung itu ke angkasa.Olala tiba-tiba burung itu berkilau sangat terang dan berubah menjadi seorang peri."Aku tahu kau sedang bersedih.Karena kau sudah baik padaku,aku akan menolongmu.Mulai sekarang kau tak akan kekurangan makanan lagi.Aku akanmenyiapkan persediaan makanan untuk keluargamu,"ucap peri burung itu.
Now go home, you will find a lot of food in the fields behind your house, "continued the bird fairy. English still did not believe all that.
Sekarang pulanglah,kau akan menemukan banyak persediaan makanan di ladang belakang rumahmu,"lanjut peri burung itu.Elisha masih tak percaya dengan semua itu.
"Elisha returned home. Right in the fields behind the house, the plants grew very fertile. The plants would be enough to meet the needs of her family. English was very grateful, because her family would not starve anymore.
'Elisha pun pulang Benar saja di ladang belakang rumah,tumbuh tanaman dengan sangat subur.tanaman itu akan cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarganya.Elisha sangat bersyukur,sebab keluarganya tak akan kelaparan lagi.

moral message
Goodness is always rewarded with kindness.
Kebaikan selalu dibalas dengan kebaikan.

Thanks for reading SHORT STORY 2 FOR KIDS in my blog.


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