         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


story for kids 2

There is a rich merchant who lives in the village. He is the richest person there. Unfortunately, his character is very bad. He does not want to share what he has.
Ada seorang saudagar kaya raya yang hidup di desa.Ia adalah orang terkaya di sana.Sayangnya,tabiatnya sangat buruk.Ia tak mau membagi apa yang ia miliki.
"My child is sick. I will borrow money from the rich merchant," said one of the residents in a panic.
"It's better not to, you will only be embarrassed there. Even if you will get into debt," replied the other residents.
"Anakku sakit aku akan meminjam uang kepada saudagar kaya itu,"ucap salah satu penduduk dengan panik.
"Lebih baik jangan,kau hanya akan di permalukan disana.Kalaupun kau akan terjerat utang,"balas penduduk yang lain.
But the residents did not know anymore, how to get money. He also ventured to face the merchant.
Namun penduduk itu sudah tak tahu lagi,bagaimana cara mendapatkan uang.Ia pun memberanikan diri untuk menghadap saudagar.
"I will not help you," said the merchant arrogantly. When the villagers came for help.
"Aku tak akan membantumu,"ucap saudagar itu dengan sombong.saat penduduk itu datang minta bantuannya.
"Alright sir, if so, let me borrow your money. My son needs help," the resident asked.
"What are you going to pay for your debt?" the merchant asked arrogantly.
"Baiklah tuan ,jika begitu izinkan aku meminjam uangmu.Anakku membutuhkan pertolongan,"pinta penduduk itu.
"dengan apa kau akan membayar utangmu?"tanya saudagar itu dengan sombong.
"I will work, sir. If I have money, I will immediately pay it," said the resident. Evil thoughts emerged in the mind of the merchant. He could use the population to pay high-interest debts.
"Aku akan bekerja,tuan.Jika aku memiliki uang,aku akan langsung membayarnya,"ujar penduduk itu.Munculah pikiran jahat dibenak saudagar itu.Ia bisa memanfaatkan penduduk itu untuk membayar utang dengan bunga yang tinggi.
Finally, the merchant lent him money. The rich Sagaragar was indeed very cruel. Many people were tormented with debts whose interest was very large. All the residents hated the merchant.
Akhirnya saudagar itu meminjaminya uang.Saudagar kaya itu memang sangat kejam.Bnyak penduduk yang tersiksa dengan utang yang bunganya sangat besar.Semua penduduk pun benci sama saudagar itu.
One night the rich merchant's house was visited by robbers. The robber seized all of the merchant's money. Audagar, who did not want to lose his wealth, tried to save himself.
Suatu malam rumah saudagar kaya itu didatangi perampok.Perampok itu merampas semua uang saudagar itu.Saudagar yang tak mau kehilangan kekayaaanya,berusaha menyelamatkan diri.
He ran out of the house. Everyone left the house. But when he knew the merchant was asking for help, the residents immediately entered the house. They locked their homes tightly.
Ia berlari keluar rumah.Semua orang keluar rumah.Namun saat tau saudagar itu yang meminta tolong ,penduduk langsung masuk rumah.Mereka mengunci rumah mereka rapat-rapat.
"Just let the miserly merchant get his reply. He has done evil to us. Now he knows what it's like to be teased," said one resident as he entered the house.
"Biarkan saja saudagar kikir itu mendapat balasannya.Ia sudah berbuat jahat kepada kita.Sekarang dia tahu bagaimana rasanya di jahati,"kata seorang penduduk sambil masuk ke dalam rumah.
Hearing those words the merchant became sad. He realized that he had hurt many people. He cried, he knew that he could not live without the help of others.
Mendengar perkataan itu saudagar menjadi sedih.Ia sadar bahwa ia sudah menyakiti banyak orang.Ia pun menangis,ia tahu bahwa ia tidak bisa hidup tanpa bantuan orang lain.
He should have helped others with sincerity, so he also got help when he needed it. Since then the merchant had turned into a good merchant.
Harusnya ia membantu orang lain dengan iklas,agar ia juga mendapatkan bantuan saat ia membutuhkannya.Sejak saat itu saudagar itu berubah menjadi saudagar yang baik.

moral message

Friend, we cannot live alone. We always need the help of others. So, help other people sincerely, so that we get help when we need it.
kawan,kita tidak bisa hidup sendiri.kita selalu membutuhkan bantuan orang lain.jadi.bantulah orang lain dengan iklas,agar kita mendapat bantuan saat kita membutuhkan.

Thanks for reading STORY FOR KIDS 2 in my blog.


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