         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


          There was a grandfather who worked as a fisherman.Everyday he looked for fish in the sea with his net.But  not as usual,the grandfather did not get any fish at all.He actually got a golden snail in his net.
         "How beautiful this snail,I will take it home,"said grandfather.
The grangfather had brought the golden snail home.He took good care of the golden snail.The grandfather did not know that the golden snail was Candra Kirana incarnation that had been enchanted by the witch.
        The next day,the grad father returned to sea.When gradfather left his home,the golden snail turn into Candra Kirana.
        "Iwill make delicious cook for my gradfather,the gradfather was very kind for me,"said Candra Kirana.
       Candra Kirana start cooking,not just cooking good food,She also cleanded grandpa's house.After all was done,Candra Kirana changed back to golden snail.
        In the afternoon,gradfather came home,how surprised he was to find that there was already food on his desk.His house also look very clean.
        "Who is cooking all this?"asked the gradfather confused.The gradfather was astonished at what was happening at home.But because it was so hungry the gradfather immediatelly ate all the food.
         It happens repeatedly,everyday already there was food at gradfather's house.The gradfather became increasingly curious.He then decided to find out who was ccoking for him.
         "I will lurk silently,"the gradfather thought.
That morning the grad father pretended to go to work.After a few steps out of the house.He returned home and hid near the kitchen.
olala,gradfather saw the golden snail in his house turned into a beautiful woman.That woman was the cook for the grandfather.
        granfather went straight to Candra Kirana.Candra Kirana also told it all.She had been bewitched.And who could eliminate the magic was true love
        When was talking with  grandfather suddenly arrived Raden Inu.Aparrently raden Inu accidentally passed in front of the house.He also saw Candra Kirana there.After Raden Inu And Candra met,the magic in self Candra Kirana vanishes."Let us go home,"invited Raden Inu.
        Candra Kirana nodded,She also brought the granfather who helped her.Arriving to the palace Candra Kirana told everything to her father.Gaih Ajeng was in law because it has hurt Candra Kirana.Finally Raden Inu and Candra married.They lived happily until the end of life.

      Ada seorang kakek yang bekerja sebagai seorang nelayan.Setiap hari ia mencari ikan di laut dengan jaringnya.Tapi tak seperti biasanya,kakek itu tak mendapatkan ikan sama sekali.Ia justru menemukan keong emas di jaringnya.
      "Indah sekali keong ini aku akan membawanya pulang,"ujar kakek itu.
       Kakek itu pun membawa pulang keong emas itu kerumahnya.Ia merawat keong emas itu dengan baik.Kakek itu tidak tahu bahwa keong emas itu adalah jelmaan Candra Kirana yang telah disihir oleh penyihir jahat.
       Keesokan harinya nenek itu kembali melaut.Saat nenek itu pergi dari rumahnya,keong emas berubah menjadi Candra Kirana.
       "Aku akan membuat masakan yang enak untuk kakek,kakek itu sangat baik kepadaku,"ucap Candra Kirana.
       Candra Kirana pun mulai memasak.ak hanya memasak makanan yang enak tapi juga membersihkan rumah kakek itu.Setelah semuany selesai Candra Kirana pun berubah menjadi keong emas.
      Sore harinya,Kakek pulang kerumah.Betapa kagetnya kakek itu ketika mendapati ada banyak makanan di meja makannya.Rumahnya pun terlihat amat bersih.
      "Siapa yang memasak semua ini?"tanya nenek bingung.
Nenek itu masih heran dengan apa yang terjadi dirumahnya.Namun karena sangat lapar kakek itu langsung melahap semua makanan yang ada dimeja.
     Hal tersebut terjadi berulang kali.Setiap hari sudah ada makanan di rumah kakek.Kakek itu enjadi semakin penasaran.Ia lalu memutuskan untuk mencari tahu siapa yang memasak makanan untuknya.
      "Aku akan mengintai diam diam,"pikir nenek itu.
Pagi itu kakek pura pura berangkat kerja,setelah beberapa langkah keluar dari rumah  ia kembali kerumah dan sembunyi di dekat dapur.Olala,kakek itu melihat keong emas yang ada di rumahnya berubah menjadi wanita cantik. Perempuan itulah yang memasak untuk kakek.
       Nenek itu langsung menghampiri Candra Kirana.Candra kirana pun menceritakan semuanya. Ia telah disihir dan yang bisa menghilangkan sihir itu adalah cinta sejati
       Saat sedang berbicara dengan nenek,tiba-tiba datang Raden Inu,rupanya Raden Inutak sengaja lewat rumah kakek itu.Ia pun melihat Candra Kirana disana.Setelah Raden Inu dan Candra Kirana bertemu sihir didiri Candra Kirana pun lenyap seketika.
       "Ayo kita pulang?"ajak Raden Inu Kertapatih.
Candra Kirana mengangguk.Ia juga membawa nenek yang sudah menolongnya.Sesampainya di istana Candra Kirana menceritakan senuanya kepada ayahnya Galuh Ajeng pun dihukum karena telah mencelakai Candra Kirana.
        Akhirnya,Candra Kirana dan Raden Inu Kertapatih menikah merekapun hidup bahagia hingga akhir hayat mereka.

pesan moral:kebaikan pasti akan menang sedangkan kebohongan pasti akan terbongkar,serapat apapun ditutupi.

Thank for reading STORY FOR KIDS 2 ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.



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