         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...

"The cunning stork"(bangau yang licik)

short story
       In a small lake, the crabs lived in peace with their fish friends. 
 Disebuah danau yang kecil,kepiting hidup damai bersama teman-teman ikannya.
They lived happily and loved each other.
Mereka hidup bahagia dan saling menyayangi.
 One day old friend of the old crab was Stork, flying over the lake.
 Suatu hari sahabat lama sahabat lama kepiting yaitu Bangau,terbang di atas danau.
Bangau was starving.There was no fish due to too much rubbish
 Bangau sedang kelaparan.Sudah tak ada ikan akibat terlalu banyak sampah.
 Involuntarily ,storks saw the crab talking to the fish. Seeing that came the evil thoughts of the stork.
Tanpa sengaja bangau melihat kepiting sedang bercakap -cakap dengan para ikan Melihat hal itu munculah pikiran jahat bangau.
"Hhhmmm, there's good food," muttered the crane, then flew toward the crab.
 "Hhhmmm,ada makanan enak rupanya,"gumam bangau,lalu terbang mendekati kepiting
 "Well, your crabs look very happy with the fish," the crane said to the crab.
 "Wah,kepiting kamu tampak bahagia sekali dengan para ikan,"ucap bangau kepada kepiting.
 The crab smiled, agreed with the stork.
 Kepiting tersenyum,menyetujui ucapan bangau
 True, he lived happily in the lake.
 Memang benar,ia hidup bahagia di danau itu.
 Although the lake was small, but he had many fish friends. 
 Meskipun danaunya kecil,tapi ia memiliki banyak teman ikan
He was not lonely.
 Ia pun tak kesepian.
 "But the lake is too narrow for the fish, I know a wider lake. 
  "Tapi danau itu terlalu sempit untuk ikan,aku tahu danau yang lebih luas.
Surely, your fish friends will be happy there," persuades the heron.
Pasti teman-teman ikanmu akan bahagia disana,"bujuk bangau.
"No need, we are here happy, "refuse the crab  
 Tak perlu kami disini sudah bahagia,tolak kepiting.
"But surely the fish will be happier in that new place," the stork said.   
"Tapi pasti ikan akan  lebih bahagia di tempat baru itu,"hasut bangau.  
 Crab thought for a moment.
  Kepiting berfikir sejenak.
" I'll help them move, "the stork continued.
"Aku akan membantu mereka pindah,"lanjut bangau. 
" well, I will ask them first, "said the crab.
 "Baiklah akan ku tanya mereka terlebih dahulu,"ujar kepiting.
The crabs went to meet the fish.
 Kepiting pun pergi menemui ikan
 Apparently, the fish welcomed the offer bangau.
 Rupanya para ikan menyambut baik tawaran bangau.
kepiting soon back to see the heron and tell it
Kepiting segera kembali menemui bangau dan memberitahukan hal tersebut
 one by one the fish went into the beak's beak and they were brought flying.
  Satu persatu ikan masuk ke paruh bangau dan mereka dibawa terbang.
 after all the fish was brought stork, the crab felt lonely.
 Satu persatu ikan masuk ke paruh bangau dan mereka dibawa terbang.
by chance, the crane came back to the lake for a drink.
 Kebetulan bangau datang kembali ke danau untuk minum.  
 The crab  asked about his fish friends .
 Kepiting pun  menanyakan kabar teman teman ikannya.
 the crane was nervous, he could not answer. 
  Bangau gugup ,ia tak bisa menjawab
Moreover the crab also asked the stork to take himto the fish
Apalagi kepiting juga meminta bangau untuk mengantarnya ke tempat ikan.
"Ah, I'm getting fuller if I eat crabs," thought the stork.
 "Ah, aku jadi semakin kenyang jika memakan kepiting,"pikir bangau.
 Stork also approve the request of crabs. 
 Bangau pun menyetujui permintaan kepiting.
She held crab and carried it flying.
 Ia menggendong kepiting dan membawanya terbang.
 But as they fly, the crab looked at the fish bones scattered on the ground. 
Namun saat mereka terbang,kepiting melihat tulang ikan yang berserakan di tanah .

He was sure that it is his friend's fish. 
Ia yakin bahwa itu adalah ikan ikan temannya.
 the crab felt angry at being bohongi by bangau.
Kepiting merasa marah karena di bohongi oleh bangau
Dengan immediately, he pinched the wing of the crane.
Dengan segera,ia mencubit sayap bangau.
As a result, Stork in pain and falling.
Alhasil,Bangau kesakitan dan jatuh .
His wings were broken.That was a proper reply for friends who lie.
Sayapnya pun patah.Itulah balasan yang setimpalbagi sahabat yang berdusta.

Pesan moral:
kawan,jangan mengkhianati kepercayaan teman.jika berkhianat,teman akan membenci kita. 


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