         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...

"Red Rose Haired Princess"(Putri Rose Berambut Merah)

STORY FOR KIDS In a kingdom there was a very beautiful princess.
 Disebuah kerajaan ada seorang putri yang amat cantik.
 The princess was named princess rose.
 Putri itu bernama putri rose.
 She had beautiful hair.
 Ia memiliki rambut yang indah.
Princess Rose also sounded melodious.
Putri Rose juga bersuara merdu.
The inhabitants of the palace were very fond of the melodious voice.
 Penghuni istana sangat menyukai suara yang merdu itu 
 Every afternoon princess rose was standing on the balcony of the palace to sing.
Setiap sore putri rose berdiri di balkon istana untuk bernyanyi .
That's when a golden bird will come and accompany Rose princess.
Saat itulah burung emas akan datang dan menemani putri Rose.
The bird will stand on the shoulders of Rose princess.
Burung itu akan berdiri di pundak putri Rose.
 Happy to hear the singing of princess Rose.
Bahagia mendengarkan nyanyian putri Rose 
 Miraculously as the princess sings, the princess's red hair shines so beautifully
Ajaibnya saat putri bernyanyi,rambut merah putri bersinar dengan sangat indah.
Another miracle, the inhabitants of the palace will dream beautifully after hearing the song of Rose princess.
keajaiban yang lain,yaitu penghuni istana akan bermimpi indah setelah mendengar nyanyian putri Rose.
Tt made a wicked envy.
Hal itu membuat seorang penyihir jahat iri. 
That's because many people loved Rose princess. 
 Ya!itu karena banyak orang yang menyukai putri Rose.
while anyone did not like her
 sementara dirinya tak disukai siapapun
a wicked wizard came to Rose princess. 
 Penyihir jahat pun mendatangi putri Rose.
"I'll turn your hair black."cried the wicked wizard.
"Aku akan merubah rambutmu menjadi hitam pekat."seru penyihir jahat. 
Instantly, Rose's daughter's hair turned black. 
seketika,rambut putri Rose berubah menjadi hitam pekat.
Princess rose to be very sad. her hair no longer shined as ever.
Putri rose menjadi sangat sedih.rambutnya tak lagi bersinar seperti dulu.
Even as he sings, the singing is not as beautiful as it once was.
Bahkan saat ia bernyanyi ,nyanyiannya tak seindah dulu.
Just the singing made people in the palace had nightmares.
Justru nyanyiannya membuat orang di istana bermimpi buruk
"I want my hair back as before,"said Rose princess.
"Aku ingin rambutku kembali lagi seperti semula,"ujar putri Rose.
"Dip your black hair into the water with the rose, your hair will come back to normal," said the golden bird suddenly.
"celupkan Rambut hitammu ke air yang ada bunga mawarnya,rambutmu akan kembali seperti semula,"celetuk burung emas tiba-tiba.
Princess Rose then picked roses in the palace garden. 
 Putri Rose lalu memetik bunga mawar di taman istana
She put the rose in a basin filled with water.
 Ia menaruh mawar itu di sebuah baskom yang berisi air
 Then she sliced her hair into the water.
Kemudian ia menyelupkan rambutnya ke dalam air itu .
Olala, Rose's princess hair back into a shiny red. It looked beautiful.
 Olala,rambut putri Rose kembali menjadi merah mengilap.Sungguh terlihat indah.
Thank you golden bird you are my best friend."Said Rose princess
Terimakasih burung emas kau memang teman terbaikku."kata putri Rose. 
knowing that, the wicked wizard gets upset.
Mengetahui hal itu,penyihir jahat menjadi kesal
He did not expect that magic could be annihilated with roses.
Ia tak menyangka jika sihir bisa dimusnahkan dengan bunga mawar.
Princess rose and then sang on the palace balcony.
 Putri rose lalu bernyanyi di balkon istana.
Wah, Rose's princess hair back shining beautiful.
 Wah,rambut putri Rose kembali bersinar indah
 The residents of the palace and the people could enjoy the sound of the beautiful princess of Rose.
Penghuni istana dan rakyat pun bisa menikmati suara putri Rose yang merdu itu.

Pesan moral:
Ketika temanmu memiliki masalah bantulah dia


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