         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...

""Always Anxious" (Selalu WAs-was)

short story for kids
On a tree came a very loud throat.
Di sebuah pohon terdengar suara tenggoret yang amat keras.
Olala, the throat did not realize that his loud voice had attracted the attention of locusts to catch it.
Olala,tenggoret tak menyadari bahwa suaranya yang keras telah menarik perhatian belalang untuk menangkapnya.
 "Incidentally, I'm hungry. I'll catch you," said the locust as he settled near the throat.💙
"Kebetulan sekali,aku sedang lapar.aku akan menngkapmmu,"ucap balalang sambil mengendap endap mendekati tenggoret.   
The throat was completely unaware of the locust behind him. 
Tenggoret sama sekali tidak menyadari keberadaan belalang di belakangnya. 
But apparently in the same tree, there was a bird watching the grasshopper.
Tetapi rupanya di pohon yang sama,ada seekor burung yang memperhatikan belalang.
"You stupid grasshoppers, I'm starving, but you come to me alone," the bird said.
 "Dasar belalang bodoh!Aku sedang kelaparan,tapi kau malah datang sendiri kepadaku,"ujar burung itu.
Birds also sneaked to catch grasshoppers
 Burung pun ikut mengendap-endap untuk menangkap belalang.
So it was with the bird. 
 Begitu pula dengan si burung.
He did not know that under the tree, there was a little boy with his catapult being stalked💙
 Ia tak tahu bahwa di bawah pohon,ada seorang anak kecil dengan ketapelnya sedang mengintai.
 "Tonight I'm going to ask my mother to cook bird meat," the little boy thought.
"Malam ini aku akan meminta ibuku untuk memasak danging burung,"batin anak kecil itu. 
 The little boy then picked up a small stone. 
  Anak kecil itu lalu mengambil sebuah batu kecil.
He started targeting the bird that was on the tree. 
 Ia mulai mengincar burung yang berada di atas pohon itu
In the third count, the little boy released his slingshot .
Dalam hitungan ketiga,anak kecil itu melepaskan ketapelnya
 Plaque! the stone from the catapult right about the bird.
 plak!batu dari ketapel tepat mengenai si burung.
 Instantly, the bird fell to the ground.
Seketika,burung itu jatuh ke tanah
 The little boy was very happy, because he managed to bring home the catch.💙
Anak kecil itu sangat senang,karena ia berhasil membawa pulang burung hasil tangkapannya.
Then the throat was aware of the existence of the grasshopper.
  Barulah tenggoret menyadari keberadaan belalang
 Similarly, the grasshopper, he just realized the existence of the birds that mengintainya.
 Begitu pula dengan belalang,ia baru menyadari keberadaan burung yang mengintainya.
Tonggeret and grasshopper ware fleeing fear, away from the tree.
Tonggeret dan belalang pun kabur ketakutan,menjauh dari pohon itu. 
Ah, the animals in the tree were busy hunting for food and did not pay attention around.💙
 Ah ,para binatang di pohon itu asyik berburu makanan dan tak memparhatikan sekitar.
They were not introspective, so they did not know the dangers that threaten them.
Mereka tak wawas diri,sehingga mereka tak mengetahui bahaya yang mengancam mereka.

Pesan moral:
Selalu berhati hati ketika berada di tempat yang belum kau ketahui.Ingat,bahaya bisa datang sewaktu-waktu.👈💙

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