         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Disebuah desa,ada dua gadis yang bersahabat baik.Mereka adalah gadis pertama dan gadis kedua.
In a village, there are two girls who are good friends. They are the first girl and the second girl.
Mereka selalu melakukan apa pun bersama-sama.Di desa itu pula,ada satu gadis yang tak mempunyai teman.Ia melakukn apa-apa sendirian.
They always do anything together. In the same village, there is one girl who has no friends. She does nothing alone.
Suatu hari,dua gadis yang bersahabat itu sedang mencuci baju di sungai.Mereka tampak sangat senang.Sementara gadis yang tak memiliki teman,seorang diri mencuci baju di tepi sungai yang lain.
One day, two friendly girls were washing clothes in the river. They looked very happy. While the girl who had no friends, was alone washing clothes on the other riverbank.
"Wah,bahagianya jika memiliki teman.Mencuci bisa bersama-sama,main bersama-sama.Pasti tidak kesepian,"ucap gadis yang tak memiliki teman itu.
"Wow, happy if you have friends. Washing can be together, playing together. Definitely not lonely," said the girl who did not have that friend.
Berhari-hari gadis itu berfikir,bagaimana caranya agar ia memiliki seorang teman.
"Aha!Aku rebut saja teman gadis itu.Pasti aku akan memiliki teman,"gumam gadis itu.
For days the girl thought, how to make him have a friend.
"Aha! I'll just take that girl's friend. I will definitely have a friend," the girl murmured.
Suatu ketika,dua gadis yang bersahabat itu sedang tidak bersama.Muncullah ide di benak gadis yang tak memiliki teman.Ia pun mendekati gadis pertama.
One time, the two friendly girls were not together. An idea appeared in the mind of a girl who had no friends. She approached the first girl.
"Kamu tahu,sebenarnya temanmu itu tidak tulus.Ia hanya berpura-pura baik kpadamu,"ucap gadis yang tak memiliki teman itu.
"You know, actually your friend is not sincere. He just pretends to be good to you," said the girl who did not have that friend.
Gadis pertama awalnya tak percaya.Namun,gadis yang tak memiliki teman itu terus menghasut gadis pertama.Akhirnya,gadis pertama itu pun percaya.
The first girl did not initially believe. However, the girl who did not have friends continued to incite the first girl. Finally, the first girl also believed
Rupanya,gadis itu yang tak memiliki teman itu tidak hanya menghasut gdis pertama.Kepada gadis kedua pun,ia mengatakan hal serupa.Awaalnya,gadis kedua tak percaya.Tapi,lama kelamaan,gadis kedua percaya.
Apparently, the girl who did not have friends was not only inciting the first girl. To the second girl, she said the same thing. Initially, the second girl did not believe. But, over time, the second girl believed.
Seiring berjakannya waktu,gadis pertama dan gadis kedua ,tak pernah lagi bertemu.Mereka lebih suka melakukan semua hal sendiri-sendiri.
As time went on, the first girl and the second girl never met again. They preferred to do things individually.
Bahkan,mereka jadi lebih sering melakukan sesuatu bersama gadis yang tak memiliki teman.Gadis yang tak memiliki teman pun merasa bahagia.
In fact, they are more likely to do things with girls who have no friends. Girls who have no friends feel happy.
Ia tak lagi sendirian,karena ia sudah mencuri teman.Namun,sebaik-baiknya menyembunyikan bangkai,lama-kelamaan akan tercium juga baunya.
He is no longer alone, because he has stolen friends. However, as well as possible to hide the carcass, eventually it will also smell.
Gadis pertama dan gadis kedua tak sengaja bertemu di sungai.Mereka bercerita banyak hal,termasuk tentang gadis yang tak memiliki teman.Mereka pun akhirnya tahu,bahwa putunya tali persahabatan mereka adalah ulah dari gadis yang tak punya teman.
The first girl and the second girl accidentally met at the river. They told me a lot of things, including about the girl who had no friends. They finally found out, that their daughter's cord of friendship was the act of a girl who had no friends.
Mengetahui kebenaran itu,gadis pertama dan gadis kedua kembali menjadi sahabat.Sedangkan gadis pencuri teman,dijauhi oleh kedua gadis yang bersahabat itu.Alhasil,gadis pencuri teman itu kembali menjadi gadis yang tak memiliki teman.
Knowing the truth, the first girl and the second girl again became friends. While the friend's thief girl, was shunned by the two friendly girls. As a result, the friend's thief girl returned to being a girl who had no friends.

Thank for reading STORY FOR KIDS 2 ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.


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