         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Ombak di laut sedang besar.Warnanya putih dan akan menggulung siapa saja yang ada di pantai.Suaranya pun sanat kencang.
The waves in the sea are large. The color is white and will roll anyone who is on the beach. The sound is very loud.
Hal ini membuat para kepiting yang hidup di tepi pantai merasa terganggu.
Suatu hari,kawanan kepiting berkumpul.
This makes the crabs that live by the beach feel disturbed.
One day, a herd of crabs gathered.
"Sungguh,ombak membuatku kesal.Suara gemuruhnya membuatku tak bisa tidur beberapa hari ini.Baru bisa memejamkan mata,gemuruh ombak malah datang dan menghancurkan semuanya,"keluh salah satu kepiting dengan marah.
"Really, the waves make me upset. The sound of his roar has made me unable to sleep for a few days. New can close my eyes, the rumble of the waves came and destroyed everything," complained one of the crabs angrily.
"Benar sekali teman.Gara-gara onbak,pekerjaanku menjadi berantakan,"sahut kepiting lain.Sama seprti kepiting pertama,kepiting ini pun tak kalah marahnya.
"That's right, friend. Because of the onbak, my work is a mess," said another crab. Like the first crab, this crab was no less angry.
Semua kepiting menyaahkan ombak.Mereka tak suka jika onbak terlalu besar dan bersuara keras.Ombak itu sungguh membuat mereka tidak nyaman.
All crabs wave the waves. They don't like it when the onbak is too big and has a loud voice. The waves really make them uncomfortable.
"Lalu apa yang bisa kita lakukan?"tanya salah satu kepiting.Semua kepiting bingung,tak tahu bagaimana cara melawan ombak."Jumlah kita ada berapa?"tanya salah satu kepiting.
"Then what can we do?" Asked one of the crabs. All the crabs were confused, did not know how to fight the waves. "How many of us are there?" Asked one of the crabs.
Tampak kepiting yang paling pandai mulai menghitung,lalu menjawab,"sekitar seratus,kawan.Jika ditambah denga anak dan istri kita,mungkin dua ratusan."
The most clever looking crab starts counting, then he answers, "about a hundred, friend. If we add our children and wife, maybe two hundreds."
"Jumlah kita lumayan banyak,pasti kita bisa mengadang ombak di pantai.Kita harus melakukannya,agar ombak itu tidak terus menerus mengganggu kita,"usul kepiting lain.
"There are quite a lot of us, surely we can block the waves on the beach. We have to do it, so that the waves don't keep bothering us," suggested another crab.
Para kepiting pun setuju.Memang harus ada yang mengadang ombak,agar ombak tidak sesuka hati sendiri.
The crabs also agreed. Indeed, someone had to block the waves, so that the waves are not as they pleased.
"Baiklah.Jika kalian semua setuju,besok pagi kita semua berkumpul di pantai.bawa serta anak dan iastri untuk menghadang ombak bersama-sama,"ujar ketua kawan kepiting.
"All right. If you all agree, tomorrow morning we will all gather on the beach. Bring along with your children and Iastri to block the waves together," said the chairman of the Crab friend.
Pagi-pagi sekali semua kepiting erkumpul di pantai.Mereka membawa anak dan istri mereka.Mereka semua siap melawan ombak.Tiba-tiba datang seekor udang.
Early in the morning all the crabs gather on the beach. They bring their children and their wives. They are all ready to fight the waves. Suddenly a shrimp comes.
"Hei,para kepiting.Apa yang kalian lakukan disini?Ombak besar bisa kapan saja datang,"tanya udang.Iaheran ada banyak sekali kepiting disana.
"Hey, crabs. What are you doing here? Big waves can come anytime," asked the shrimp. Aheran there are lots of crabs there.
"Justru itu,kami disini datang untuk melawan ombak,"jawab salah satu kepiting dengan mantap.
"Ombak telah membuat hidup kami tak tenang,"imbuh kepiting yang lain.
"That is, we are here to fight the waves," one of the crabs answered steadily.
"The waves have made our lives uneasy," added another crab.
"Apa,melawan ombak?"ucap udang kaget mendengar jawaban kepiting.
Belum sempat udang berbicara,ia melihat buih putih dilautRupanya ombak besar akan datang.
What, against the waves?" Said the shrimp surprised to hear the crab's answer.
Before the shrimp could speak, he saw the white foam at sea. Apparently the big waves were coming.
"Awas ombak besar datang!"udang memperingatkan kepiting sambil berlari menjauh dari pantai.Namun kepiting tak peduli.Mereka tetapmemasang badan di pantaiHingga byurr.....
"Watch out the big waves are coming!" The shrimp warned the crabs while running away from the beach. But the crabs did not care. They still put their bodies on the beach.
Ombak besar menyapu apapun yang ada disana,termasuk juga kepiting.Para kepiting kualahan melawan ombak besar.Tubuh mereka pun terpelanting.
Large waves swept whatever was there, including crabs. The crabs were defeated against big waves. Their bodies were bounced.
Ada yang menghantam karang dan mati,ada yang terseret ombak.Tapi,tak sedikit pula yang selamat,meskipun mengalami luka-luka.
There are those who hit the reef and die, some are dragged by the waves. But, not a few of them survived, despite the injuries.

pesan moral
Kita harus menyadari kemampuan diri sendiri.Jangan melakukan hal bodoh dan melawan sesuatu yang di luar kemampuan kita.
We must realize our own abilities. Don't do stupid things and fight against something that is beyond our ability.

Thank for reading STORY FOR KIDS 2 ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.


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