         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Seorang saudagar kaya raya mengatakan bahwa ia bisa hidup sendiri.Ia tak butuh bntuan orang lain.
"Aku memiliki kekayaan yang tak akan habis tujuh turunan.Aku tak memerlukan bantuan siapapun,"ucap saudagar itu kepada semua penduduk.
A wealthy merchant said that he could live alone. He did not need help from others.
"I have a wealth that will never run out of seven derivatives. I do not need anyone's help," said the merchant to all residents.
Penduduk yang lain pun mempercayai ucapan saudgar itu.Mereka berjanji,tidk akan menolong saudagar itu.
The other residents also believed the words of the brother. They promised, they would not help the merchant.
Selain sombong,saudagar kaya itu juga pelit.Meski kekayaannya berlimpah.Ia tak mau menolong orang yang susah.
Besides being arrogant, the rich merchant is also stingy. Even though his wealth is abundant. He does not want to help people who are in trouble.
Satu hari,ada seorang kakek datang ke rumah saudagar kaya itu.Wajahnya panik seolah memiliki masalah yang besar.
One day, a grandfather came to the rich merchant's house. His face panicked as if he had a big problem.
"Tolong aku saudagar,anakku sakit tapi aku tak punya uang untuk membawanya ke tabib,"pinta kakek tua itu.
"Help me merchant, my child is sick but I don't have money to take him to the doctor," the old man pleaded.
"Aku tak peduli jika kau mau uang kau harus bekerja,"jawab saudagar kaya dengan angkuh.Mendengar jawaban saudagar itu kakek tua tak memohon lagi.Ia pun pulang dengan tangan kosong.
"I don't care if you want money, you have to work," the rich merchant replied arrogantly. Hearing the merchant's answer, the old man did not beg anymore. He returned empty-handed.
Malam harinya saudagar kaya itu menghitung semua uangnya.Uangnya sangat banyak ,bahkan hingga larut malam ia belum slesai menghitungnya.
At night the rich merchant counted all his money. There was so much money, even until late at night he had not finished counting them.
Olala,tiba-tiba lilin yang menyala di rumah saudagar kaya itu roboh.Lilin tu pun mengenai barang yang mudah terbakar.
Olala, suddenly the candle that was burning in the house of the rich merchant collapsed. The wax was also on flammable items.
Perlahan api yang kecil berubah menjadi besar.Saudagar kaya baru menyadari rumahnya terbakar saat setengah rumahnya sudah hangus.Saudagar itupun panik dan langsung keluar.Lantas,ia berteriak meminta tolong.
Slowly the small fire turned into a big one. Rich rich brother realized that his house was on fire when half of his house was burnt. He even panicked and immediately went out.
"Tolong tolong aku!"teriak saudagar itu.Sayangnya meski penduduk mendengar teriakan itu,mereka tak mau menolong saudagar itu.
"Please help me!" The merchant shouted. Unfortunately even though the residents heard the cry, they did not want to help the merchant.
Saudagar bahkan mendatangi rumah penduduk,memohon untuk menolongnya."Tolong aku rumah aku terbakar,"pinta saudagar kaya.
The merchant even went to the resident's house, begging to help him. "Help me burn my house," pleaded rich merchant.
Seperti janji para penduduk dulu,mereka tak akan mau menolong saudagar kaya itu.Toh,dulu saudagar kay itu bilang bahwa ia bisaa hidup tanpa bantuaan orang lain.
As promised by the inhabitants of the past, they would not want to help the rich merchant. After all, the merchant said that he could live without the help of others.
Seketika saudagar itu sadar,betapa berharganya tetangga.Ia tak mungkin bisa hidup sendiri.Seharusnya ia mau menolong tetangganya yang kesusahan.Pasti saat ia kesusahan,tetangganya pun akan menolongnya.
Instantly the merchant realized, how valuable the neighbors were. He could not have lived alone. He should have wanted to help his neighbors who were in trouble. Surely when he was in trouble, his neighbors would help him.


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