         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...



Setelah acara pesta dansa itu,pangeran menjadi pemurung.

After the ball, the prince became gloomy.

Ia sedih karena tak bisa menemukan gadis yang dicintainya,yang tak lain adalah Cinderella.

He is sad because he cannot find the girl he loves, who is none other than Cinderella

Mengetahui kesedihan pangeran,raja pun membuat sayembara.Barang siapa yang ukuran kakinya pas dengan sepatu kaca,dialah gadis yang ia cari.

Knowing the prince's sadness, the king made a contest. Anything whose feet fit the glass slipper is the girl he is looking for.

Pangeran ditemani para pengawal,datang kerumah-rumah penduduk yang memiliki anak gadis.

The prince, accompanied by his guards, came to the houses of residents who had girls.

Tapi,dari sekian banyak gadis yang mencoba sepatu kaca,tak ada satu pun gadis yang memiliki ukuran kaki pas.Pangeran hampir putus asa.

But, of the many girls who try glass shoes, not one girl has the right foot size. The prince almost gave up.

Pangeran memasuki rumah terakhir,yaitu rumah Cinderella.Tentu saja,ibu tiri dan kedua saudara Cinderella tak mengizinkan Cinderella mencoba sepatu kaca.

The prince entered the last house, namely Cinderella's house. Of course, Cinderella's stepmother and two siblings did not allow Cinderella to try on the glass slipper.

Mereka memberikan Cinderella banyak pekerjaan di belakang rumah.Dengan begitu,pangeran tak tahu,jika dirumah itu ada gadis lain.

They gave Cinderella a lot of work behind the house. That way, the prince didn't know, if there were other girls in the house.

Kedua saudara tiri Cinderella pun mencoba sepatu kaca itu.Tapi,tetap saja tidak pas.

Cinderella's two stepsisters also tried the glass slipper, but it still didn't fit.

"Kemana lagi harus mencari gadis itu,"jawab pangeran dengan sedih.

"Where else to find that girl," replied the prince sadly.

Tiba-tiba,terdengar nyanyian yang sangat merdu dari belakang rumah cinderella.

Suddenly, there was a very melodious singing from behind the Cinderella house.

Pangeran pun penasaran.Ia mencari asal suara itu.Olala,ternyata yang bernyanyi adalah seorang gadis yang menggunakan pakaian usang.

The prince was curious. He looked for the origin of the voice. Olala, it turned out that the one singing was a girl wearing old clothes.

Ya!Dia adalah cinderella.Tapi,pangeran tak peduli.Ia ingin Cinderella mencoba sepatu kaca.

Yes! She is Cinderella. But, the prince doesn't care. He wants Cinderella to try glass slipper.

Sepatu itu ternyata pas di kaki Cinderella.Begitu Cinderella memakainya tiba-tiba muncul cahaya putih yang menyilaukan.

The shoes fit on Cinderella's feet. As soon as Cinderella wore them, a dazzling white light appeared.

Wah,Cinderella berubah Menjadi putri!Ia sama persis dengan putri yang tempo hari berdansa dengan pangeran.Pangeran pun kaget sekaligus senang.

Wow, Cinderella turned into a princess! She was exactly the same as the princess who danced with the prince the other day. The prince was surprised and happy.

'Kaulah gadis yang aku cari selama ini."ucap pangeran.Cinderella membenarkan perkataan pangeran.

"You're the girl I've been looking for." Said the prince. Cinderella confirmed the prince's words

Akhirnya,ia menikah dengan pangeran,Cinderella dan pangeran pun hidup bahagia di istana.

Finally, she married the prince, Cinderella and the prince lived happily in the palace.

Pesan moral:

kawan,jangan mudah putus asa.Pasti kita bisa mendapatkan apa yang kita mau,asal kita tidak berputus asa.

Thank for reading STORY FOR KIDS 2 ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.


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