         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


pemuda yang malas

Ada seorang anak laki-laki yang hidup berdua bersama ibunya.Mereka tak pernah kekurangan.Namun sayangnya,anak laki-laki itu sering membuat ibunya jengkel.

There is a boy who lives alone with his mother. They are never short, but unfortunately, this boy often irritates his mother.

Anak laki-laki itu sangat suka bermain di luar.Ia pulang hanya untuk makan.Ia pun tak pernah mau membantu ibunya.Malah,tak jarang ia membuat ibunya panik.

This boy really likes to play outside. He comes home only to eat. He never wants to help his mother. In fact, he often makes her panic.

Seperti hari ini.Sekarang sedang turun salju,membuat udara sangat dingin.Namun,anak laki-laki itu tak peduli.Ia bermain sejak pagi,dan sampai sore hari ia belum juga pulang.

Like today. Now it is snowing, making the air very cold. However, the boy does not care. He has been playing since morning, and until evening he hasn't come home.

"Kemana perginya anakku?tanya sang ibu,panik karena anaknya tak kunjung pulang.

"Where did my son go? Asked the mother, panicking because her son was not coming home.

Saat hari semakin petang,barulah anak laki-laki itu pulang.

When it was getting late, the boy came home.

"Dari mana saja,Nak?Mengapa baru pulang?"tanya sang ibu.

"Where have you been, son? Why did you just come home?" Asked the mother.

"Aku baru bermain,ibu.Ada permainan baru diluar sana,"jelas sang anak laki-laki.Tanpa menghiraukan kecemasan ibunya,ia langsung menuju meja makan.

"I just played, mother. There's a new game out there," explained the boy. Ignoring his mother's worries, he went straight to the dining table.

"Besok ibu ada pekerjaan yang berat,ibu membutuhkan bantuanmu.Bisakah kau membantu ibu?"tanya sang ibu saat makan malam.Namun,anaknya itu tak menjawab.Ia tetap asyik makan.

"Tomorrow I have a tough job, I need your help. Can you help me?" Asked the mother at dinner. However, her son did not answer. He was still enjoying eating.

Sama seperti hari-hari sebelumnya,anak laki-laki itu sudah berangkat bermain saat pagi buta.Sang ibu terkejut karena tak menemukan anak laki-lakinya di kamar.

Just like the previous days, the boy had left to play in the early morning. The mother was surprised because she did not find her son in the room.

"Aku tak tahu,harus bagaimana lagi menghadapi anakku.Aku sudah tak mampu menasehatinya,"keluh si ibu.

"I do not know what else to do with my son. I am unable to advise him," complained the mother.

Tiba-tiba,sebuah cahaya terang muncul.Perlahan,cahaya itu membentuk sebuah peri.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared. Slowly, the light formed a fairy.

"Ibu yang baik,aku akan menolongmu,"ucap peri tersebut.

"Good mother, I will help you," said the fairy.

"Bagaimana caranya peri?"tanya sang ibu.Ia sungguh ingin mengubah sifat anakknya.

"How do fairies?" Asked the mother. She really wanted to change the nature of her child.

"Apa yang anakku mau?Anakku hanya ingin bermain.Apakah aku harus memberinya mainan?"pikir si ibu.

"What does my child want? My son just wants to play. Should I give him toys?" Thought the mother.

Hari sudah malam,si anak laki-laki baru saja pulang.Ia tak melihat ibunya di depan rumah,seperti malam-malam biasanya.Ah,ia tak peduli.Akibat bermain seharian,perutnya sangat lapar.Ia ingin makan.

It was already evening, the boy had just come home. He did not see his mother in front of the house, like usual nights. Ah, he didn't care. As a result of playing all day, his stomach was very hungry. He wanted to eat.

Anak laki-laki itu bergegas menuju meja makan,dan membuka tutup makanan.Olala,tak ada makanan di sana.Yang ada hanya mainan yang banyak sekali.

The boy rushed to the dining table, and opened the lid of the food. Olala, there is no food there. There are only a lot of toys.

"Aku butuh makanan sekarang,bukan mainan,"ucapnya.

"I need food now, not toys," he said.

Anak laki-laki itu pun mencari ibunya.Ternyata ibunya sedang tidur di kamar.

The boy was looking for his mother. It turned out that his mother was sleeping in the room..

"Ibu aku lapar.Apakah ibu tidak masak?"tanya anak laki-laki.

"Mother I'm hungry. Did you not cook?" Asked the boy.

"Bukankah kau lbih suka bermain dari pada makan,ibu belikan mainan saja untukmu,"ucap sang ibu.

"Aren't you more like playing than eating, I just bought toys for you," said the mother.

Mendengar jawaban ibunya,anak laki-laki itu sadar.Tidak seharusnya ia lupa diri saat bermain.Ia pun meminta maaf kepada ibunya,dan berjanji akan selalu membantu ibunya.

Hearing his mother's answer, the boy realized. He shouldn't forget himself when playing. He apologized to his mother, and promised to always help his mother.

Pesan moral:
kawan,jadilah anak yang cedas,agar kamu bisa menghadapi masalahmu sendiri.


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