STORY FOR KIDS ENGLISH DAN ARTNYA_CERITA FABEL,CERITA RAKYAT,CERITA DONGENG DAN INI MERUPAKAN CERITA NARRATIVE_The snail looked sad in her house.What is going on?apparently,she was contemplating his fate as a slowly snail.while thinking,accidentally a snail see the there were many birds fly wriggle there.The bird as like fly to the ocean.
"Satu......dua......tiga!Lariii......,"teriak ketua rusa.
"One ...... two ...... three! Run ......," shouted the head deer.
Dia menyemangati rusa lain yang sedang lomba lari melawan kelinci."Ayo,kalau kita menang,kita ambil rumah si kelinci!"teriak rusa lagi.
He encouraged another deer who was running against the rabbit. "Come on, if we win, we'll take the rabbit's house!" Shouted the deer again.
Rusa akhirnya memenangkan perlombaan.Kelinci,mau tak mau harus menyerahkan rumahnya pada kelompok rusa."Tuh kan,aky;o bilang apa?Kami ini,kelompok hewan terhebat!"kata para rusa pongah.Kelompok rusa memang selalu begitu.
Deer finally won the race. Rabbit, like it or not they have to give up their house to the deer group. "Oh right, what do you say? We are the greatest animal group!" Said the deer proudly. Deer groups always do.
Mereka selalu menantang hewan lain untuk lomba lari.Mereka merasa paling cepat larinya.Awalnya hanya pertandingan biasa.
They always challenge other animals for a run. They feel the fastest they will run. At first it was just a normal competition.
Namun,lama kelamaan rusa juga menyita tempat tinggal hewan yang kalah.Dulu,kehidupan di hutan di kepulauan Aru ini cukup damai.
However, over time the deer also seized the habitat of the defeated animals. In the past, life in the forests in the Aru Islands was quite peaceful.
Sayang,sekarang para hewan tak bisa lagi hidup nyaman.Banyak yang tak punya tempat tinggal,karena sudah disita rusa.
Unfortunately, now the animals can no longer live comfortably. Many do not have a place to live because the deer have been confiscated.
Mereka pun resah.Keresahan mereka didengar kelompok kelomang yang tinggal di tepi pulau Aru."Mengapa kalian membiarkan rusa melakukan itu?
They were restless. Their concern was heard by the group of hermit crabs living on the edge of the island of Aru. "Why did you let the deer do that?
"Kami tak bisa apa-apa.Mereka memaksa megambil tempat tinggal kami,"sahut kelinci.
"We can't do anything. They force us to take our place," said the rabbit
Kelompok kelomang berfikir keras."Mereka memang hewan yang lincah.Namun,kita harus bisa mengalahkan mereka."
The hermit crab group thought hard. "They are indeed agile animals. However, we have to beat them.
"Itu tak mungkin,sahut kelinci dan hewan-hewan lain.
"That's impossible, said the rabbits and other animals.
"Tak ada yang tidak mungkin di dunia ini,"sahut ketua kelomang."Semakin hari,kelompok rusa semakin semena-mena.Mereka masih saja mecari-cari,siapa yang hendak ditantang."Hm,sekarang siapa lagi yang akan kita tantang?Semuanya sudah pernah kita kalahkan,"kata salah satu rusa.
Nothing is impossible in this world," said the head of the hermit crab. "Every day, the deer herd is getting more arbitrary. They are still looking for, who to challenge." Hm, now who else are we going to challenge? we have already beaten, "said one of the deer.
Srek.....srek......semak-semak berbunyi.Kelompok kelomang lewat.
Srek ..... srek ...... bushes sound. A group of hermit crabs passes by.
"Aha!Kelomang.Kita belum pernah menantang mereka."
"Aha! Hermit crabs. We've never challenged them."
"Oh,iya ya.Kalau begitu,kita tantang yuk."
"Oh, yes yes. Then, let's challenge it."
Ketua Rusa dan kelompoknya pun mendatangi kelomanh.
The head of the Deer and his group came to the group.
"Kami mau bertanding dengan kalian,tapi ada syaratnya,"kata ketua Kelomang."Jika kami kalah,silahkan ambil wilayah kami.Tapi jika kalian kalah,kembalikan semua wilayah tempat tinggal hewan-hewan lain yang sudah kalian rampas."
"We want to compete with you, but there are conditions," said the head of the Kelomang. "If we lose, please take our territory. But if you lose, return all the areas where the other animals you have seized live."
Para rusa saling berpandangan.
The deer looked at each other
"Hahahaha......kami tak mungkin kalah.Tapi,baiklah.Kalau kami kalah,kami akan mengembalikan semuanya.,sahut ketua rusa.
"Hahahaha ...... we can't possibly lose. But, alright. If we lose, we will return everything, said the head deer.
Mereka pun memutuskan waktu pertandingan.Mereka akan bertanding besok.Tepat disaat matahari erbit.Rusa tak pernah tahu bahwa kelomang adalah hewaan cerdik.Meski mereka lamban,mereka punya banyak akal.Para kelomang telah menyusun rencana untuk mengalahkan rusa.
They also decide the time of the match. They will compete tomorrow. Just as the sun rises. The deer never know that hermit crabs are clever prizes. Even though they are slow, they have a lot of resources. The hermit crabs have devised a plan to defeat the deer.
Para rusa malah sibuk bersantai.Mereka bahkan tak memikirkan siapa yang akan mewakili mereka bertanding esik."Siapa saja boleh.Toh ini hanya melawan kelomang.
The deer are busy relaxing. They don't even think about who will represent them in the ice competition. "Anyone can. After all, this is only against hermit crabs.
Pagi pun tiba.Rusa segera bergegas ke tempat pertandingan.Di sana,sudah ada seekor kelomang menunggu.Hei,di mana teman-temanmu;o?"tanya rusa.
Morning arrived. The deer immediately rushed to the venue. There, there was already a hermit crab waiting. Hey, where are your friends; o? "Asked the deer.
"Mereka tigkdak ikut .ini bukan peristiwa penting,"sahut kelomang.
"They didn't come. This is not an important event," said the hermit crab.
"Oh,mungkin mereka tidak tega melihatmu kalah,hihihi."
"Oh, maybe they can't bear to see you lose, hihihi."
Mendengar ejekan rusa,kelomang hanya tersenyum.
Hearing the deer taunts, the hermit crab just smiled.
"Kita lihat nanti,siapa yang tertawa belakangan."
"We'll see who laughs later."
Para rusa pun bergumam,"Sombong sekali.Hewan lamban tak mungkin menang."
The deer muttered, "How arrogant. Sluggish animals can't win."
Rusa tak tahu.Diam-diam,kelomang dan kelompoknya telah mengatur strategi.
The deer didn't know. Secretly, the hermit crab and his group had made a strategy.
Sebenarnya,ada sepuluh kelomang yang hadir di pertandingan itu.Masing-masing bersembunyi di titik perhentian,termasuk titik final.
In fact, there were ten hermit crabs present at the match, each hiding at the stopping points, including the final point.
Rusa terkantuk-kantuk,sampai dia tak melihat kelomang lagi."Eh
Deer nodded off, until he didn't see the hermit crab again. "Eh
dia sudah tidak kelihatan.Aku harus menyusulnya!"
he's out of sight. I have to catch up with him!
Rusa tidur pulas sekali,sampai tak sadar kelomang sudah jauh di hadapannya.PLUK........
The deer slept so soundly that he didn't realize the hermit crab was far in front of him. PLUK ........
sebuah jambu air jatuh menimpa wajah Rusa.
"Aduh!"a water guava fell on the face of the deer. "Ouch!"
"Haaa,kelomang sudah dimana?"teriaknya.
"Haaa, where are you hermit crabs?"
Rusa buru-buru berlari lagi.Sekuat tenaga dia mengejar kelomang.
The deer hurriedly ran again. With all his strength he chased the hermit crab.
"Itu dia!"teriaknya saat melihat kelomang dari kejauhan.
“There he is!” He shouted when he saw the hermit crab from a distance.
Wusss....wussssss rusa menyalip kelomang.
Whoops .... whoosh the deer overtakes the hermit crab.
"Menyerah sajalah,kau tak akan menang,"ejeknya.
"Just give up, you won't win," he scoffed.
Rusa terus berlari,sampai ke perhentian berikutnya.Namun,betapa kagetnya dia melihat kelomang sudah ada disana."Hah?Kok bisa?"
The deer kept running, until he came to the next stop. However, how surprised he was to see the hermit crab was already there. "Huh? How come?"
Rusa kembali berlari kencang.
The deer ran fast again.
Berulang kali Rusa menyalip kelomang,tapi berulang kali pula kelomang selalu kembali berada di depan.Rusa tak mau menyerah.Dia mengerahkan semua tenaganya untuk mempercepat larinya.Hos....hos hos.....Akhirnya rusa tiba digaris akhir.
The deer repeatedly overtook the hermit crab, but repeatedly the hermit crab was always back in front. The deer did not want to give up. He put all his strength to speed up his run. Host .... host host ..... Finally the deer arrived at the finish line.
"Apa?"mata rusa membelalak.Kelomang sudah menantinya di garis akhir.
“What?” The deer widened its eyes. The hermit crab was waiting for him at the finish line.
"Bagaimana mungkin?"Rusa mengucek matanya.Teman-teman rusa pun keheranan.Meski demikian,mereka tak menyangkal kemenangan kelomang.
“How is that possible?” The deer rubbed his eyes. Deer friends were amazed. Even so, they did not deny the victory of the hermit crab.
"Kami mengaku kalah.Kami akan mengembalikan semua hewan lain,"kata ketua rusa.Sejak saat itu,keadaan hutan kembal damai seperti dulu.Tentu,tak ada seekor hewan py;on yang membocorkan rahasia kelomang pada rusa.
"We admit defeat. We will return all the other animals," said the head deer. Since then, the forest has returned to its former peaceful state. Of course, no py; on animal has leaked the hermit crab secret to the deer.
pesan moral:
Orang yang lemah belum tentu kalah,Biarpun lemah fisiknya,tapi jika memikiki semangat dan kemauan tinggi,dia bisa berhasil.
A weak person doesn't necessarily lose, Even if he is physically weak, but if he has high morale and will, he can succeed.
Thank for reading STORY FOR KIDS 2 ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.
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