STORY FOR KIDS ENGLISH DAN ARTNYA_CERITA FABEL,CERITA RAKYAT,CERITA DONGENG DAN INI MERUPAKAN CERITA NARRATIVE_The snail looked sad in her house.What is going on?apparently,she was contemplating his fate as a slowly snail.while thinking,accidentally a snail see the there were many birds fly wriggle there.The bird as like fly to the ocean.
Ada seorang pemuda yang bekerja di istana sebagai perawat kuda kerajaan.Ia adalah pekerja yang sangat rajin.
There was a young man who worked in the palace as a royal horse nurse. He was a very diligent worker.
Pemuda itu juga ahli melukis.Sudah bayak hasil lukisan yang dibuatnyaLukisan-lukisan pemuda itu terlihat sangat nyata.
The young man was also an expert at painting. The paintings of this young man looked very real.
Salah satulukisan pemuda itu adalah lukisan adik perempuannya.Pemuda itu memiliki kebiasaan unik,yaitu berbicara dengan lukisan adiknya,yang ia letakkan di pondoknya.
One of the paintings of the young man is that of his younger sister. The young man has a unique habit of talking to his sister's painting, which he places in his hut.
Semua itu ia lakukan,semata-mata untuk mengobati rindu kepada adik tercintanya.Maklum pemuda itu tak tentu kapan bisa pulang kerumah.
All that he did, solely to treat the longing for his beloved sister. Understandably the young man was not sure when he could return home.
"Kau tahu,hari ini sangat melelahkan,"cerita si pemuda kepada lukisan adik perempuannya.
"You know, today is very tiring," the young man told the painting of his younger sister.
Setiap sore setelah bekerja,banyak pegawai kerajaan yang datang kerumah si pemuda untuk melihat keanehan pemuda itu.
Every evening after work, many royal employees came to the young man's house to see the young man's peculiarities.
"Wah,beruntung sekali pemuda itu Ia memiliki ekasih yang sangat cantik,"bisik salah satu pegawai kerajaan.
"Wow, this young man is very lucky. He has a very beautiful love," whispered one of the royal servants.
Lambat laun,berita tentang keanehan pemuda itu semakin meluas.Bahkan berita itu sampai ketelinga raja.Raja pun menjadi penasaran.Suatu sore,raja datang ke pondok si pemuda.
Gradually, the news about the strangeness of the young man spread. The news even reached the ears of the king. The king became curious. One afternoon, the king came to the young man's hut.
Ia ingin membuktikan kabar yang didengarnya selama ini.Benar saja,saatraja datang ,terlihat si pemuda tengah berbicara dengan lukisan adiknya.
He wanted to prove the news he had heard so far. Sure enough, when the king came, he saw the young man talking with a painting of his younger brother.
Raja yang penasaran pun masuk kedalam pondok si pemuda.Alangkah kagetnya pemuda itu saat melihat raja yang datang kerumahnya.Ada geranganapa hingga raja menyempatkan diri bertandang?
The king, who was curious, entered the youth's hut. How shocked was the young man when he saw the king who came to his house. Is there anything that the king took the time to visit?
Padahal raja terkenal sangat sibuk."Wah,cantik sekali kekasihmu,"ucap raja saat melihat lukisan adik perempuan si pemuda.Pemuda seketika tertawaRaja menjadi heran Apa yang salah dengan ucapannya?
Even though the king was known to be very busy. "Wow, how beautiful your lover," said the king when he saw the painting of the young man's sister. The young man laughed at once. The king was surprised What was wrong with his words?
"Maaf gadis ini bukan kekasihku,Tuan.Dia adalah adik perempuanku,"jelas si pemuda.
"Sorry this girl is not my lover, sir. She is my younger sister," explained the young man.
Mendengar penjelasan si pemuda,raja menjadi malu sekaligus bahagia.Ia pun ingin menikahi adik perempuan pemuda itu.
Hearing the explanation of the Emuda, the king was both embarrassed and happy and wanted to marry the young man's sister.
Akhirnya raja dan adik perempuan pemuda itu menikah.Adik pemuda itu sekarang tinggal diistana.Sedangkan pemuda itu tak lagi mengurusi kuda.Ia menjadi pelukis istana.
Finally, the king and the young man's sister got married. The young man's brother now lives in the palace. While the young man no longer takes care of horses, he becomes a palace painter.
Pesan moral:
selalu ingat pada keluargamu,pasti nasib baik akan menyertaimu.
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