         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Dahulu kala,hidup seorang gadis cantik bernama Cinderella.
Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful girl named Cinderella.
Ia tinggal bersama kedua saudara tirinya dan seorang ibu tiri.
He lives with his two half brothers and a stepmother.
Mereka sama sekali tida menyukai Cinderella.
They don't like Cinderella at all.
Cinderella selalu disuruh untuk melakukan banyak hal.Mulai dari memasak,mencuci,mengepel,dan semua pekerjaan rumah lainnya dilakukan oleh Cinderella seorang diri.
Cinderella is always told to do many things, from cooking, washing, mopping, and all other household chores done by Cinderella alone.
Karena terus bekerja,Cinderella hanya bisa berteman dengan tikus-tikus yang bersembunyai di rumahnya.
Because she continues to work, Cinderella can only be friends with rats who live in her house.
Tikus-tikus itu takut akan diburu oleh kucing peliharaan sang ibu tiri.
The rats were afraid that the cat's pet stepmother would hunt them.
Satu hari,seorang pengawal dari kerajaan datang ke desa.Ia mengumumkan,bahwa akan diadakan pesta untuk mencari calon istri untuk pangeran.
One day, a guard from the kingdom came to the village and announced that there would be a party to find a wife for the prince.
Hal itu membuat semua gadis di desa merasa senang,termasuk Cinderella.Namun, kedua saudara tiri dan ibu tirinya tak suka jika cinderella mengikuti pesta itu.
It made all the girls in the village feel happy, including Cinderella. However, the two stepsisters and stepmother didn't like it when Cinderella joined the party.
Ketika malam pesta tiba,ibu tiri memberikan Cinderella banyak sekali pekerjaan.
When the night of the party arrived, the stepmother gave Cinderella a lot of work.
Tentu saja agar cinderella tak sempat datang ke pesta itu.Namun,cinderella sudah bertekat,ia akan tetap datang ke acara itu.Semua pekerjaannya pun diselesaikan dengan cepat.
Of course, so that Cinderella did not have time to come to the party. However, Cinderella was determined, she would still come to the event. All her work was done quickly
"Ini adalah acara kerajaan.Apakah kau akan pergi menggunakan baju usangmu?"ejek ibu tiri.
"This is a royal ceremony. Are you going to wear your old clothes?" Sneered the stepmother.
Cinderella jadi sedih.Apa yang dikatakan ibu tirinya memang besar.Ia tak mungkin datang ke pesta itu dengan bajunyaa yang usang.Akhirnya,kedua saudara tiri dan ibu tirinya pergi tanpa Cinderella.Cinderella pun hanya bisa menangis sedih di halaman belakang rumah.
Cinderella became sad. What said her stepmother was big. She could not possibly come to the party with her old clothes. Finally, the two stepsisters and her stepmother left without Cinderella. Cinderella could only cry sadly in the backyard.
Sementara itu,di istana,sedang berlangsung pesta untuk mencari calon istri untuk pangeran.Namun,tampaknya tak ada satu pun gadis yang mampu menarik perhatian pangeran.
Meanwhile, at the palace, a party is underway to find a wife for the prince. However, it seems that none of the girls are able to attract the prince's attention.
Begitu pun dengan kedua saudara tiri cinderella,mereka tak mampu membuat pangeran tertarik.
Likewise with Cinderella's two stepsisters, they were unable to attract the prince.
Cinderella masih menangis di belakang rumah.Tiba-tiba.....
Clingg!Olala,air matanya berubah menjadi peri.
"Mengapa kau bersedih,Cinderella?"tanya peri.
Cinderella is still crying in the back of the house. Suddenly .....
Clingg! Olala, her tears turned into fairies.
"Why are you sad, Cinderella?" Asked the fairy.
Cinderella pun menjelaskan semuanya.Mendengar penjelasan cinderella,peri menjadi kasihan.Ia pun berniat membantu cinderella.
Cinderella explained everything. Hearing Cinderella's explanation, the fairy became pity. He also intended to help Cinderella.
"Ambillah satu buah labu,dan panggilah teman-teman tikusmu,"pinta peri.
Tanpa membuang waktu,cinderella menuruti perintah peri.Dengan tongkat ajaibnya,peri mengubah labu menjadi kereta kuda yang sangat indah.Sedangkan para tikus,diubah menjadi pengawal.
"Take a pumpkin, and call your mouse friends," pleaded the fairy.
Without wasting time, Cinderella obeyed the fairy orders. With her magic wand, the fairy turned the pumpkin into a very beautiful horse carriage. Meanwhile, the mice, were transformed into bodyguards.
Cinderella sendiri diubah seorang putri.Sungguh,cinderella terlibat sangat cantik.Ia mengenakan gaun yang sangat indah dan sepatu kaca.
"Ingat cinderella,sihirku hanya bertahan sampai tengah malam.Jadi,sebelum jam dua belas malam kau harus pulang,"pesan peri saat melepas kepergian cinderella.
Cinderella herself was transformed into a princess. Really, Cinderella was involved very beautiful. She wore a very beautiful dress and glass shoes.
Cinderella mengangguk mengerti.Ia langsung berangkat ke istana pangeran menggunakan kereta labunya.Sesampainya di istana,pangeran melihat Cinderella.
"Cantik sekali gadis itu,"gumam pangeran.Pangeran berjalan mendekati cinderella.
Cinderella nodded in understanding. She immediately went to the prince's palace using her pumpkin train. Arriving at the palace, the prince saw Cinderella.
"Very beautiful girl," murmured the prince. Prince walked closer to Cinderella
Olala,ia mengajak cinderella berdansa.Alangkah senangnya cinderella,ia pun berdansa dengan pangeran .
Tak terasa,waktu menunjukkan hampir jam dua belas malam.Saat jam dua belas malam,jam istana berdentang kencang.Cinderella seketika ingat dengan pesan peri.Ia pun berpamitan kepada pangeran.
Olala, she asked Cinderella to dance. How happy Cinderella was, she danced with the prince.
Imperceptibly, it was almost twelve in the evening. At twelve in the evening, the palace clock chimed loudly. Cinderella immediately remembered the fairy message. She said goodbye to the prince.
Pangeran berusaha mencegah cinderella.Tapi terlambatcinderela sudah berlari kencang ke kereta labunya.Namun,ketika berlari,tanpa sengaja satu sepatu kaca cinderella terjatuh.Pangeran pun memungut sepatu kaca itu,dan menatap kepergian cinderella dengan sedih.
The prince tried to prevent Cinderella. But too late, Cinderella was already running fast to her pumpkin. However, when running, accidentally one Cinderella's glass slipper fell. The prince picked up the glass slipper, and stared sadly at Cinderella's departure.


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