


         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄 Brokoli,sawi dan selada sedang asyik bercerita.Mereka sedang membicarakan tubuh kubis yang bulat.Menurut mereka,tubuh kubis itu sangat lucu dan unik..Sering kali tubuh kubis membuat mereka tertawa. Broccoli, mustard greens and lettuce are engrossed in telling stories. They are talking about a rounded cabbage body. AccordAing to them, the cabbage body is very funny and unique. Often the cabbage body makes them laugh. "Kubis memang berbeda dari sayur biasanya.Dia memiliki tubuh yang aneh,"celetuk brokoli. "Iya,sayuran lain memiliki batang seperti kita,sementara ia bulat dan lucu,timpal sawi. Cabbage is different from vegetables usually. He has a strange body," chirped broccoli. "Yes, other vegetables have stems like ours, while it is round and cute, said mustard greens. "Tapi apakah kubis merasa bahwa dirinya bulat dan lucu?"sahut selada. "But does the cabbage feel that it is round and funny?" Said the lettuce. Olala,rupanya kubis...


One day,a mouse was sleeping in his house.Food supplies was enough for the next few weeks,so no needed to go out looking for foods.       Suddenly,his house shooked stongly.All thing in his house felt down.A mouse woke up from sleep and came out from his house.A mouse was sock and thought that there was earthquake.       In out of his house,there were many elephant  running. The elephant looked very happy stepping on a mouse's house.a mouse's house shattered in pieces.olala ,it turns out to be an elephant.      "Hei,elephant!If you want to play,be carefull!Look at this,you distroy my house!"shouted a mouse.        The elephant that heard the screams of mouse,didn't feel guilty.They just stepped on the stampede of a mouse's house.       "What are you doing?stop it!my house is more and more destroyed! said a mouse angrily.        "Ha ha ha !Who ordered to be a small an...


Once upon a time, there was a young man who lived alone.  Alkisah,ada seorang pemuda yang tinggal sendirian.   The young man was very lazy.  Pemuda itu sangat malas.   As a result he became poor. Akibatnya ia menjadi miskin. Unlike his friends who like to work hard, the young man would rather be a beggar.   Tidak seperti teman temannya yang suka bekerja keras,pemuda itu justru lebih suka menjadi pengemis.   According to him, begging iwas the easiest job. He just begged and people will give him.   moneyMenurutnya ,mengemis adalah pekerjaan yang paling mudah.Ia tinggal minta-minta lalu orang akan memberinya uang.   One day the young man begged in the market. Olala, the young man was lucky. There was a philanthropist who gave him a cup of milk.  Suatu hari pemmuda itu mengemis di pasar.Olala,pemuda itu sedang beruntung.Ada seorang dermawan yang memberinya sekendi susu. The young man was very happy and rushed home. Pemuda it...


ENGLISH SHORT STORY FOR KIDS DAN ARTINYA dibuat dengan versi yang berbeda sehingnga bisa menambah koleksi cerita dan memberi inspirasi dalam mengembangkan ide dan gagasan dalam membuat suatu cerita. One day,there were a happy duck family that lived in the bankriver.Mamy duck was hatching her eggs under the trees.By her patient,mamy duck warmed the eggs.soon after that,the eggs creck open one by one.Momy duck was so happy.she found out her children very cute and beautiful but one of the egg had not crecked open yet.Momy duck said to papa duck,"papa,what is going on with our big egg?why has our egg not crecked open yet?"Be patient momy,just continue warming your egg,it will be the most beautiful duck we have".said papa duck.And then momy duck continued to warm the egg.Soon after that,the big egg crecked open and a gray little duck appeared from the egg.Papa duck was sock,and said,"hai who are you?you are not my son!you are the ugly duckling !Momy ,why is our son ...


Disebuah bangunan tak berpenghuni,hiduplah seekor kucing dan kawanan tikus.Walaupun tinggal dalam satu bangunan,mereka tidak akur.Bahkan,mereka saling bermusuhan,karena kucing selalu memangsa para tikus. In an uninhabited building, there lived a cat and a herd of rats. Even though they lived in one building, they did not get along. In fact, they were hostile to one another, because cats always prey on rats. Suatu ketika,seekor tikus sedang berjalan-jalan.Alangkah kagetnya dia ketika melihat kucing tergantung dan kepalanya dibawah. One time, a mouse was walking. How surprised he was when he saw a cat hanging and his head down. Tikus itu pun segera memberitahukan teman-temannya,bahwa si kucing telah dihukum gantung.Dengan hati-hati,para tikus keluar dari sarang sambil mengendus-endus. The rat immediately told his friends, that the cat had been hanged. With caution, the mice came out of the nest while sniffing . Karena tidak terjadi apa-apa,mereka menari-nari dengan gembira.Mereka senang ...


Dahulu kala,zebra adalah hewan yang memiliki kulit putih bersih.Tidak belang seperti sekarang.Suatu hari.,zebra sedang duduk santai di bawah pohon mangga sambil memakan buah mangga yang berjatuhan. Once upon a time, zebras are animals that have clean white skin. They are not striped like they are now. Tak lama kemudian,angin bertiup dengan sepoi,membuat zebra tertidur. Beberapa kemudian,ia terbangun.Zebra kaget ketika di pangkuannya ada sebuah kotak berwarna hitam. Shortly thereafter, the wind blew softly, making zebras fall asleep. Some time later, he woke up. Zebra was surprised when in his lap there was a black box. "Milik siapa kotak ini?Hmm.....aku buka saja kotaknya.Setelah tahu isinya,mungkin aku bisa mengetahui siapa pemiliknya,"pikir si zebra. "Whose is this box? Hmm ..... I just open the box. After knowing the contents, maybe I can find out who the owner is," thought the zebra. Saat ia hendak membukanya,tiba-tiba muncul polisi didepannya.Dia adalah kuda po...


Burung kedari dan burung puyuh adalah sahabat karib. Kedari and quail are best friends. Mereka selalu menghabisk an waktu bersama. They always spend time together. Mulai dari be rmain sampai mencari makan,mereka selalu bersama-sama. From playing to finding food, they are always together. Suatu hari,mereka tengah makan bersama di bawah pohon. One day, they were eating together under a tree. "Panasnya hari ini.Paling enak berteduh di dalam sarangku yang nyam an,"keluh burung kenari. "The heat of the day. The most comfortable shelter in my comfortable bed," complained the canary. "Udara hari ini sangat cerah ,kok.Paling enak tiduran disarangku sambil menikmati hangatnya sinar matahari,"ucap burung puyuh,tak setuju dengan perkataan burung kenari. "Today's air is very sunny, really. The best lie is in my sleep while enjoying the warm sunlight," said the quail, disagreeing with the words of the canaries. "Mana mungkin sarangmu nyaman?Sarangmu ...