         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Burung kedari dan burung puyuh adalah sahabat karib.
Kedari and quail are best friends.
Mereka selalu menghabiskan waktu bersama.
They always spend time together.
Mulai dari bermain sampai mencari makan,mereka selalu bersama-sama.
From playing to finding food, they are always together.
Suatu hari,mereka tengah makan bersama di bawah pohon.
One day, they were eating together under a tree.
"Panasnya hari ini.Paling enak berteduh di dalam sarangku yang nyaman,"keluh burung kenari.
"The heat of the day. The most comfortable shelter in my comfortable bed," complained the canary.
"Udara hari ini sangat cerah ,kok.Paling enak tiduran disarangku sambil menikmati hangatnya sinar matahari,"ucap burung puyuh,tak setuju dengan perkataan burung kenari.
"Today's air is very sunny, really. The best lie is in my sleep while enjoying the warm sunlight," said the quail, disagreeing with the words of the canaries.
"Mana mungkin sarangmu nyaman?Sarangmu kan ada di sawah,tak ada pelindungnya pula.Lebih nyaman sarangku,"bantah burung kenari.
"How can your nest be comfortable? Your nest is in the rice field, there is no protection anyway. It's more comfortable my nest," said the canary.
"Itu tidak benar!Sarangkulah yang paling nyaman!"Seru burung puyuh tak mau kalah.
"That's not true! It's the most comfortable!" Exclaimed quail did not want to lose.
Kedua sahabat itu pun saling adu mulut.Mereka menganggap bahwa sarang masing-masinglah yang paling nyaman.
The two friends quarrel with each other. They think that each nest is the most comfortable.
Tak lama kemudian,burung perkutut datang.Ia menghampiri keduanya,dan menanyakan apa yang terjadi.Keduanya pun menjelaskan kepada burung perkutut.
Not long after, the turtledove came. He approached the two of them, and asked what had happened. Both of them explained to the turtledove.
"Oh,begitu rupanya.Mengapa kalian tak coba menginap semalam di sarang masing-masing?Semalam disarang kenari,malam berikutnya di sarang puyuh,"Kata burung perkutut yang bijaksana.
"Oh, I see. Why don't you guys try to stay overnight in each other's nests? Last night in a walnut nest, the next night in a quail nest," said the wise turtledove.
"Benar juga.Kita bisa tahu sarang siapa yang paling nyaman."Kedua sahabat itu pun setuju.
"That's right. We can know whose nest is most comfortable." The two friends agreed.
Malam harinya,puyuh menginap di sarang kenari.Letakknya di atas pohon yang tinggi.Puyuh pun harus bersusah payah naik ke atas.
At night, the quail stays in a walnut nest. It sits in a tall tree. The quail also has to struggle to get up.
Saat malam,tiba-tiba turun hujan.Untunglah,mereka tidak kehujanan karena sarang kenari yang tertutup.
At night, it suddenly rained. Fortunately, they did not get rained on because of a closed walnut nest.
Malam berikutnya,giliran kenari yang menginp di rumah puyuh yang ada di tanah.
The following night, it was the turn of the walnuts that had invaded in the quail on the ground.
Olala,dari sarang puyuh,kenari bisa melihat langit malam yang dipenuhi bintang.Sungguh,pemandangan yang sangat indah.Saat udara panas pun,mereka tak kepanasan.
Olala, from a quail nest, canaries can see the night sky filled with stars. Really, a very beautiful view. Even when the air is hot, they are not hot.
Esok harinya,mereka menyadari sesuatu.Ya!Sarang mereka mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing.
The next day, they realized something. Yes! Their nests had their own strengths and weaknesses.
Tidak seharusnya mereka sombong dan saling membanggakan sarang mereka.Burung kenari dan burung puyuh pun kembali menjadi sahabat karib.
They shouldn't be arrogant and boast of each other's nests. Canaries and quails go back to being close friends.

Pesan moral/Moral message
Kawan,kita memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing.Kita tidak boleh membanggakan apa yang kita mikiki,karena itu berarti sombong.Dan sombong adalah perbuatan yang tidak baik.
Friends, we have advantages and disadvantages of each of us. We must not boast of what we mikiki, because it means arrogant. And arrogant is a bad deed.
Thank for reading STORY KIDS 2  ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.


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