         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Once upon a time, there was a young man who lived alone.
 Alkisah,ada seorang pemuda yang tinggal sendirian.
 The young man was very lazy.
 Pemuda itu sangat malas.
 As a result he became poor.
Akibatnya ia menjadi miskin.
Unlike his friends who like to work hard, the young man would rather be a beggar. 
Tidak seperti teman temannya yang suka bekerja keras,pemuda itu justru lebih suka menjadi pengemis.
 According to him, begging iwas the easiest job. He just begged and people will give him.  
moneyMenurutnya ,mengemis adalah pekerjaan yang paling mudah.Ia tinggal minta-minta lalu orang akan memberinya uang.
 One day the young man begged in the market. Olala, the young man was lucky. There was a philanthropist who gave him a cup of milk.
 Suatu hari pemmuda itu mengemis di pasar.Olala,pemuda itu sedang beruntung.Ada seorang dermawan yang memberinya sekendi susu.
The young man was very happy and rushed home.
Pemuda itu sangat senang dan bergegas pulang kerumah.
 The young man's house cooked the milk he had just obtained.
 Dirumah pemuda itu memasak susu yang baru saja ia peroleh.
 "Hmmmmm, I just made butter," said the young man.
 "Hmmmm,stengahhnya aku jadikan mentega saja,"kata pemuda itu.
The young man intends to sell the butter to the market. Certainly there are many people who want to buy it.
Pemuda itu berniat menjual mentega-menteganya itu ke pasar.Pasti ada banyak oranng yang mau membelinya.
 "Wow, I will definitely be rich," said the young man.
"Wah aku pasti akan kaya,"ucap pemuda itu. 
 The young man began to fantasize. He would sell the butter at an expensive price, so he would get a lot of money.
Pemuda itu mula berkhayal.Ia akan menjual mentega itu dengan harga yang mahal,sehinnggga ia akan dapat banyak uang. 
After he has a lot of money, he will buy a pair of chickens. The chicken will be farmed. It will surely produce a lot of eggs and chicken meat.
Setelah punya banyak uang ia akan membeli sepasang ayam.Ayam itu nantinya akan ditternak.Nah pasti ayam itu nanti akan menghasilkan banyak telur dan daging ayam. 
 The young man continued to fantasize. He would get a lot of money from selling chicken eggs and chicken meat. After he collected a lot, he would buy a pair of goats. It would be more profitable to raise goats.
 Pemuda itu terus berkhayal.Ia akan mendapatkan banyak uang dari berjualan telur ayam dan daging ayam.Setelah uag terkumpul banyak ,ia akan membeli sepasang kambing.Pasti akan lebih menguntungkan bila beternak kambing.
 After raising a goat, he will buy a cow. From the cow he will produce milk and meat. Wah he will get richer.
Setelah beternak kambing ,ia akan membeli sapi.Dari sapi itu ia akan menghasilkan susu dan daging.Wah asti ia akan menjadi semakin kaya. 
 Furthermore, the young man will sell all of his cows to buy diamonds. He will become a diamond trader. By selling diamonds, there must be many noble daughters who will marry him. Initially beggars will turn into nobles.
Selanjutnya ,pemuda iitu akan menjual seua spi-sapinya untuk membelli berlian.Ia akkan menjadi pedagang berlian.Dengan menjual berlian pasti banyak putri bangsawan yang akan menikah dengannya.Yang awalnya pengemis akan berubah menjadi bangsawan.
By marrying a noble daughter he will have funny characters. If there is one child who is naughty, the young man will hit him.
Dengan menikah dengan putri bangsawan ia akan mempunyai anak lucu-lucu.Jika ada salah satu anak yang nakal,pemuda itu akan memukulnya.
The young man also took firewood. He pretended to beat his child in the fantasy. But suddenly ..Prag ... !!.olala, the firewood was precisely about milk, the milk jar broke all the milk in the jug spilled and not a trace was left.
 Pemuda itu pun mengambil kayu bakar.Ia pura-pura memukul anaknya dalam khayalan itu.Namun tiba-tiba....prag..!!Olala,kayu bakar justru mengenai kendi susu.Semua susu di dalam kendi tumpah dan tak tersisa sedikit pun.
 Instantly, the fantasy of the young man became dispersed. Not only did he lose his imagination, he also lost his milk.
Ah, he shouldn't have much imagination, and immediately do what he wants to do
Seketika,khayalan si pemudamenjadi buyar.Tk hhanya kehilangan khayalan,ia juga kehilangan susunya.
Ah,seharusnya ia tak banyak bberkhayal,dan segera mengerjakan apa yang ingin dikerjakan.

 Moral message:
 friends are not forbidden. However, it would be better if we immediately do what can be done, and we are busy fantasizing too high.
 Pesan moral:
kawan berkhayal tidak dilrang.Namun,alaangkah lebih bak apabila kita segera melakukan apa yang bisa dilakukan,ddripada sibuk berkhayal yang terlalu tinggi.

Thank for reading STORY FOR KIDS 2 ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.


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