         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Persahabatan ikan gabus dan tupai sangatlah erat.Mereka saling membantu satu sama lain.Bila tupai kesusahanikan gabus akan membantunya.
Friendship fish cork and squirrels are very close. They help each other. When the squirrel cork trouble, it will help.
Begitupun sebaliknya.Suatu hari,ikan gabus jatuh sakit.Ia tak mau makan apapun.Tupai yang sangat dekat dengannya pun menjadi khawatir.
And vice versa. One day, cork fish fell ill. He did not want to eat anything. Squirrel who is very close to him also became worried.
"Kau ingin makan apa,ikan gabus?Aku akan mencarikannya untukmu,tanya tupai.
"Aku ingin makan hati ikan yu,tupai,"jawab ikan gabus.Mendengar jawaban ikan gabus,tupai menjadi bingung.
"What do you want to eat, cork fish? I'll find it for you, ask the squirrel.
"I want to eat yu's liver, squirrel," cork fish replied. Hearing the cork fish's answer, squirrel became confused.
Ikan yu adalah ikan yang sangat besar.,ganas dan kuat.ia tinggal di laut.Jangankan minta hatinya,mendekat saja pasti dilahap.Berhari-hari tupai berfikir,bagaimana caranya mengambil hati ikan yu.
Yu fish is a very big fish., Ferocious and strong. He lives in the sea. Don't ask for his heart, just approach it must be devoured. Every day the squirrel thinks, how to take yu's liver.
Namun semakin lama tupai berfikir,sakit ikan gabus juga semakin parah."Aku harus cepat bertindak,ucap tupai.Tupai pun pergi ke laut.Ia memanjat pohon,melompat dari satu pohon ke pohon lain.
But the longer the squirrel thinks, the sick cork fish is also getting worse. "I had to act quickly, said the squirrel. The squirrel went to sea. He climbed a tree, jumped from one tree to another.
Bukan perjalanan mudah untuk sampai ke laut.Tapi, akhirnya ia sampai pula ke laut.Di tepi laut ada banyak pohon kelapa.Tupai duduk termenung di salah satu pelepah daun kelapa,sambil menyaksikan ikan yu yang berenang di tengah laut.
Not an easy trip to get to the sea. But, finally he arrived at the sea. At the edge of the sea there are many coconut trees. Squirrels sit pensively on one of the fronds of coconut leaves, while watching yu fish swimming in the middle of the sea.
"Apa yang harus aku lakukan?"ucap tupai.Aha!Tupai mempunyai ide.Ia mengambil salah satu buah kelapa,melubangi dan memasukinya,kepapa itu ia bawa ke tepi pantai agar terbawa ombak.
"What should I do?" Said the squirrel. Ha! The squirrel had an idea. He took one of the coconuts, pierced it and entered it, to whom he brought it to the shore so that the waves carried.
Ombak besar un seketika membawa kelapa berisi tupai itu ke tengah laut tempat ikan yu berenang.Ikan yu langsung melahap buah kelapa yang didalamnya ada tupai.
Un big waves immediately bring the coconut containing the squirrel to the middle of the sea where the fish swim. Fish directly devouring the coconut fruit in which there is a squirrel.
Begitu kelapa itu masuk kedalam perut,tupai keluar dari dalam kelapa.Ia bergegas mengambil hati ikan yu.Ikan yu pun kesakitan,Ia terdampar ke pantai.
As soon as the coconut enters the stomach, the squirrel comes out of the coconut. He hurriedly grabs the liver of the fish. Fish are in pain, he is stranded to the beach
Saat itulah ia keluar dari perut ikan yu.Tupai pulang dengan riang.Ia langsung memberikan hati ikan yu kepada ikan gabus.Ikan gabus pun ikut senang.
That's when he came out of the stomach of the fish yu. The squirrel came home cheerfully. He immediately gave the fish yu's heart to the cork fish. The cork fish was also happy.
"Terimakasih kasih tupai,kau telah menolongku,"ucap ikan gabus.Beberapa hari setelah itu,ikan gabus sembuh.Ia dan tupai pun bisa bermain kembali.Ya!Hidup mereka sangat bahagia,karena mereka saling melengkapi dan membantu satu saa lain.
"Thank you squirrel, you helped me," said cork fish. A few days after that, cork fish recovered. He and the squirrels can play again. Yes! Their lives are very happy, because they complement each other and help one another.

Pesan moral
Kawan,kita harus tolong menolong dengan teman kita.Dengan begitu,hidup kita akan selalu bahagia.
Friends, we must help with our friends. That way, our lives will always be happy.


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