         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...



Bidpai had been suffering for years. It was because he was lazy. Bidpai was actually a very smart young man.
Sudah bertahun-tahun Bidpai hidup menderita.Itu kukan karena ia malas.Bidpai justru adalah pemuda yang sangat pandai.
He was also very active and diligent at work. Even a few years ago. Life was very prosperous. The suffering began after King Debschelim became king. Not only did Bidpai suffer, but all the people suffered.
Ia juga sangat giat dan rajin bekerja.Bahkan beberapa tahun yang lalu.Bidpai hidup sangat berkecukupan.Penderitaaanya bermula setelah Raja Debschelim menjadi raja.Tak hanya Bidpai yang menderita,tapi seluruh rakyat menderita.
That's because King Debschelim never cared about the fate of his kingdom. Every day, he spent his time only to study stars.
Itu karena Raja Debschelim tidak pernah memperdulikan nasib kerajaannya.Setiap hari,ia menghabiskan waktunya hanya untuk mempelajari bintang-bintang.
He even didn't sleep just to see the stars in the sky. Yes, all the king's attention was only for stars. As a result, the people were not well cared for. Trade became very bad. The path was broken. Even the harvest failed every year.
Ia bahkan sampai tidak tidur hanya untuk melihat bintang di langit.Ya,semua perhatian raja hanya untuk bintang.Akibatnya,rakyat tidak terurus dengan baik.Perdagangan menjadi sangat buruk.Jalanan pun rusak.Bahkan panen gagal tiap taunnya.
Despite suffering, no one dared to express their complaints to the king.
Walaupun menderita,tapi tidak ada seorang pun yang berani menyampaikan keluh kesah mereka kepada raja.
They were very afraid because the king would imprison anyone who did not agree with the rules.
Mereka sangat takut karena raja akan memenjarakan siapapun yangtidak setuju dengan peraturannya.
I don't want to continue to live suffering like this. I have to do something, "Bidpai said.
ku tidak mau terus hidup menderita seperti ini.Aku harus melakukan sesuatu,"ucap Bidpai.
The next day Bidpai faced King Depschelin. Olala, had not had the chance to speak, the King had ordered the soldiers to arrest and imprison Bidpai. Bidpai felt very sad.
Keesokan harinya Bidpai menghadap raja Depschelin.Olala,belum sempat Bidpai berbicara,Raja sudah menyuruh prajurit untuk menangkap dan memenjarakan Bidpai.Bidpai pun merasa sangat sedih.   
Meanwhile the people who heard all of this became increasingly afraid of the king. Actually, they also wanted to calm down the king. But they did not want their fate to end up in a prison like Bidpai.
Sementara itu rakyat yang mendengar semua itu menjadi semakin takut terhadap raja.Sebenarnya,mereka juga sangat ingin menenang raja.Tapi mereka pun tidak mau nasibnya berakhir di penjara seperti Bidpai.
Until one night, the King could not sleep well. He opened the window of his room to see the stars. Not long after the king felt a little calm. He continued to sleep.
Hingga suatu malam,Raja tak bisa tidur dengan nyenyak.Ia pun membuka jendela kamarnya untuk melihat bintang-bintang.Tak lama kemudian raja merasa sudah agak tenang.Ia kembali melanjutkan tidurnya.
Olala, in her sleep, the king dreamed. The dream was very strange and made the king more nervous.
Olala,dalam tidurnya,raja bermimpi.Mimpi itu sangatlah aneh dan membuat raja semakin gelisah.
The next day, the king summoned several interpretations of dreams to the palace. But none of them could interpret the king's dream. Because he kept thinking about his dream, the king fell ill. Suddenly the king remembered a smart young man who was able to interpret all dreams.
Keesokan harinya,raja memanggil beberapa tafsir mimpi ke istana.Namun tak ada satupun yang bisa menafsirkan mimpi sang raja.Karena terus memikirkan mimpinya itu,raja pun jatuh sakit.Tiba-tiba raja teringat dengan pemuda cerdas yang mampu mengartikan semua mimpi.
The king made a contest to find the young man. The king was surprised when he learned that the young man he had been looking for was Bidpai. Bidpai was released from prison. He was even appointed as minister in the palace.
Raja pun membuat sayembara untuk menemukan pemuda tersebut.Alangkah terkejutnya raja ketika mengetahui pemuda yang selama ini ia cari adalah Bidpai.Bidpai pun dibebaskan dari penjara.Ia bahkan di angkat menjadi mentri di istana.
After Bidpai became a minister, he arranged the kingdom well. He also made the king aware of his actions. Finally the king returned to live happily.
Setelah Bidpai menjadi menteri,ia menata kerajaan dengan baik.Ia pun membuat raja sadar akan perbuatannya.Akhirnya raja kembali hidup bahagia.

Moral message

In life, we must have made a mistake. Only big-hearted people want to apologize and forgive.

Dalam hidup pasti kita pernah melakukan kesalahan.Hanya orang yang berhati besarlah yang mau meminta maaf dan memaafkan.

Thanks for reading story for kids 2 in my blog.


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