         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


In a forest lived a crow and partridge. They lived in the same tree.
Disebuah hutan hiduplah seekor burung gagak dan ayam hutan.Mereka tinggal di pohon yanh sama.
Brands also become close friends and often spend time together.
Merek pun menjadi teman akrab dan sering menghabiskan wktu bersama-sama.
 One day, jungle chickens went to party in a paddy field. The day was getting late, but the jungle chickens had not returned home. The crows became restless.
 Suatu hari,Ayam hutanpergi untuk berpesta di sebuah sawah.Hari sudah semakin larut,tapi Ayam hutan belum juga pulang.Burung gagak menjadi gelisah.
 Day after day passed, crows increasingly worried, because jungle fowls had not yet returned to their trees.
 Hari demi hari berlalu,Burung gagak semakin khawatir,karena ayam hutan belum juga kembali ke pohon mereka.
 The crow felt sad when he saw a long rabbit in a tree hole belonging to a partridge.
 Burung gagak merasa sedih ketika melihat seekor kelinci tingal di lubang pohon milik ayam hutan.
 But the crow also can't bear to drive the rabbit. What's more, there is no sign that the Jungle Chicken will return.
 Namun burung gagak juga tidak tega mengusir kelinci.Apalagi,tidak ada tanda-tanda Ayam hutan akan kembali.
 The crows also thought that partridges would not return.
 Burung gagak pun berfikirbahwa ayam hutan tidak akan kembali
 Suddenly one day, partridge came home. How happy the crow saw his friend. He also asked many questions to partridge.
Tiba- tiba pada suatu hari,ayam hutan pulang.Betapa senangnya burung gagak melihat temannya itu.Ia pun mengajukan banyak pertanyaan kepada ayam hutan.
 But instead of answering the question of crows, jungle chickens stared sharply at the rabbit.
 Namun bukannya menjawab pertanyaan burung gagak,ayam hutan justru menatap kelinci dengan tajam.
 The jungle chicken was very annoyed to see a rabbit living in his house. He also asked the rabbit to go. But the rabbit rejected it.
 Ayam hutan sangat kesal melihat ada seekor kelinci yang tinggal di rumahnya.Ia pun meminta si kelinci untuk pergi.Tapi si kelinci menolaknya.
  "As long as you know, I've lived here for years. If you don't believe, just ask my neighbors. They know about that!" Exclaimed the jungle rooster furiously.
  "Asal kamu tahu,aku sudah tinggal disini selama bertahun-tahun.Kalau kau tidak percaya,tanyakan saja pada tetanggaku.Mereka tahu akan hal itu!"Seru ayam hutan geram.
"But now this place is my place. I occupied it because this place is empty," replied the rabbit.
 "Tapi sekarang tempat ini adalah tempatku.Aku menempatinya karena tempat ini kosong,"balas kelinci.
 The crow was confused. He doesn't know who to defend. The forest and the rabbit were his friends.
  Burung gagak pun bingung.Ia tidak tahu harus membela siapa.Ayam hutan dan kelinci adalah temannya.
 The crow tried to advise jungle fowl, but jungle chickens said they didn't want to be friends with him anymore.
Burung gagak berusaha menasehati ayam hutan,tapi ayam hutan justru berkata tidak mau berteman lagi dengannya.
 Similarly, when he advised the rabbit. Kelinci was angry and considered him a traitor.
 Begitu pula saat ia menasehati kelinci.Kelinci marah dan menganggapnya penghianat.
 Because the fight never finished, the crow relented.
 Karena pertengkaran tersebut tak kunjung selesai,burung gagak mengalah.
He left the tree and gave his house to partridge.
 Ia pergi dari pohon tersebut dan menyerahkan rumahnya kepada ayam hutan.
  After the departure of crows, partridges and rabbits feel guilty. They then agree to make friends and look for crows.
Setelah kepergian burung gagak,ayam hutan dan kelinci merasa bersalah.Mereka kemudian sepakat untuk berteman dan mencari burung gagak. 
 Unfortunately, crows no longer want to live on the tree. The details and jungle chickens are very sorry for their actions. As a result of their selfishness, they lose their best friend, the crow.
 Sayangnya,burung gagak tidak mau lagi tinggal di pohon tersebut.Kelinci dan ayam hutan pun sangat menyesali perbuatan mereka.Akibat keegoisan mereka,mereka kehilangan sahabat mereka yaitu gagak.

Moral message:
Don't like to fight with your friends. Apologize when you make a mistake.
 Jangan suka bertengkar dengan temanmu.Minta maaflah ketika kamu berbuat salah.

Terimakasih telah membaca story for kids 2 di blog saya.


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