         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Today, the King will go around the forest. He wants to see the condition of the people, whether they are safe or not.
Hari ini,Raja akan berkeliling hutan.Ia ingin melihat keadaan rakyatnya,apakah mereka aman atau tidak.
Suddenly, the lion king heard a groan. Apparently it was the voice of the Lamb whose feet were sick.
Tiba-tiba,Raja singa mendengar suara rintihan.Ternyata itu adalah suara si Domba yang kakinya sedang sakit.
Olala, a sheep is planted with a tree. With all its might, the lion's king also helps the sheep. He lifts the tree trunk.
Olala,Domba tertima sebuah pohon.Dengan sekuat tenaga,Raja singa pun menolong si domba.Ia mengangkat batang pohon tersebut.
Thank you, sir, for helping me," said the sheep.
The Lion King smiled. But, the condition of the sheep was very alarming.
"Terima kasih baginda,engkau telah menolongku,"ujar domba.

Raja Singa tersenyum.Tapi,keadaan si domba sangat memprihatinkan.
The lion king rushed to bring the sheep to his palace. How happy the sheep were, because this was the first time he set foot in the palace.
Raja singa pun bergegas membawa si domba ke istananya.Betapa senangnya si domba,karena baru kali ini ia menginjakkan kakinya di istana.
"Think of it like your own home. I will call a cat doctor to treat your wound," said the Lion King wisely.
"Anggap saja seperti rumahmu sendiri.Aku akan memanggil dokter kucing untuk mengobati lukamu,"kata Raja Singa dengan bijak.
Good, king," said the sheep respectfully.

Shortly thereafter, came the cat doctor complete with his equipment. He also immediately treated the wound on the leg of the sheep. Instantly, the sheep groaned in pain when his feet were dripped with several drugs.
"Baik,baginda,"ucap domba dengan penuh hormat.

Tak lama kemudian,datanglah dokter kucing lengkap dengan peralatannya.Ia pun segera mengobati luka di kaki si domba.Seketika,domba mengerang kesakitan saat kakinya ditetesi beberapa obat.
However, a few minutes later, he felt much better. "Thank you, cat doctor. You are a reliable doctor," said the sheep.
Namun,beberapa menit kemudian,ia sudah merasa jauh lebih baik."Terimakasih,dokter kucing.Kau memang dokter yang handal,"kata domba.
"Sure," replied the cat doctor. Not felt, the sheep had lived in the lion's king's palace for a month. He got fatter because the lion king fed him lush green grass.
"Tentu,"jawab dokter kucing.Tak terasa,sudah satu bulan si domba tinggal di istana Raja singa.Ia menjadi semakin gemuk karena Raja singa memberinya makan rumput hijau yang subur.
"I'm in need of help. Are you willing to help me?" Asked the Lion King suddenly to the sheep.
"Aku sedang membutuhkan bantuan.Apakah kau bersedia membantuku?"Tanya Raja singa tiba-tiba kepada si domba.
"I will gladly help you, king. You have helped me and fed me every day.
"Dengan senang hati aku akan memantu engkau,baginda.Engkau telah menolongku dan memberiku makan setiap hari.
Whatever you want, I will obey, "replied the sheep with respect.
Apapun yang kau mau,akan aku turuti,"jawab domba dengan rasa hormat.
"I want aging of sheep, it's been a long time since I stabbed him," said the Lion King.
"Aku menginginkan aging domba,sudah lama sekali aku tidak menikamnya,"kata Raja singa.
Hearing the words of the King of the lions, the sheep immediately ran as fast as possible. He was very disappointed and hurt at the lion king.
Mendengar perkataan Raja singa,domba langsung berlari secepat mungkin.Ia sangat kecewa dan sakit hati kepada Raja singa.
Apparently all this time, the lion king helped him because he had been mean to him. The lion king was angry because the sheep had escaped.
Rupanya selama ini Raja singa menolongnya karena telah erniat jahat terhadap dirinya.Raja singa pun marah karena si domba berhasil lolos.

Moral message:
Evil intentions will not bring happiness. So, always be nice to anyone, yes.
Niat jahat tak akan membawa kebahagiaan.Jadi,selalu bersikap baik kepada siapa pun,ya.

Terimakasih telah membaca story for kids 2 di blog saya.


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