         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


A burug crow was seen perched on the top of a tree.
Seekor burug gagak terlihat sedang hinggap di pucuk sebuah pohon.
 Looking down, he saw a hunter who was quietly carrying a net.
 Saat memandang ke bawah,ia melihat seorang pemburu yang diam-diam membawa jaring.
 The crow immediately flew to warn his friends.
 Burung gagak pun segera terbang untuk memperingatkan teman-temannya.
 "There are hunters carrying nets! There are hunters carrying nets!" Cried the crow.
 "Ada pemburu yang membawa jaring!Ada pemburu yang membawa  jaring!"seru burung gagak.
 Hearing the scream of crows, other birds immediately flew in indeterminate directions. They looked very panicked.
 Mendengar teriakan burung gagak,burung-burubg lain langsung terbang lalu lalang tak tentu arah.Mereka terlihat sangat panik.
 However, a flock of pigeons did not hear the warning from the crow. They were only confused when they saw many birds flying in various directions.
Namun,kawanan burung merpati tidak mendengar peringatan dari burung gagak.Mereka pun hanya kebingungan ketika melihat banyak burung yang beterbangan ke berbagai arah.
 Suddenly, the leader of the flock of pigeons saw grains scattered on the ground. Without wasting time, he immediately swooped down, followed by other pigeons. They also feasted on enjoying the corn kernels.
 Tiba-tiba,pemimpin kawanan burung merpati itu melihat biji-bijian bertebaran di tanah.Tanpa membuang waktu,ia langsung menukik ke bawah,diikuti oleh burung merpati lainnya.Mereka pun berpesta menikmati biji jagung tersebut.
 Olala, it turns out that the corn kernels are the hunter's trap. The corn seed is placed around the hunter's net.
 Olala,ternyata biji-biji jagung itu adalah perangkap si pemburu.Biji jagung itu diletakkan di sekeliling jaring pemburu.
When the herd of pigeons were busy enjoying the seeds, the hunter immediately pulled the rope of the net. As a result, the doves were caught.
Saat kawanan burung merpati sibuk menikmati biji-bijian tersebut,si pemburu langsung menarik tali jaringnya.Alhasil,burung-burung merpati pun tertangkap.
Seeing the incident, the leader of the herd of pigeons immediately arranged the plan.
Melihat kejadian itu,pemimpin kawanan merpati segera mengatur rencana.
  "We have to work together so we can get out of this net. I will count one to three. When I shout three you have to flap your wings together, and we will fly this net into the sky," the pigeon leader exclaimed.
 "Kita harus bekerja sama agar kita bisa keluar dari jaring ini.Aku akan berhitung satu sampai tiga.Saat aku berteriak tiga kalian harus mengepakkan sayap kalian bersama-sama,dan kita akan terbangkan jaring ini ke langit,"seru pemimpin merpati.
The flock of pigeons obeyed their leaders. They flew together. Luckily, they managed to fly soaring.
 Kawanan burung merpati itu pun menuruti pemimpin mereka.Mereka terbang bersama-sama.Untunglah,mereka berhasil terbang membubung tinggi.
Moments later, the flock of pigeons landed in the land of mice. It turned out that the mice were very good.
Beberapa saat kemudian,kawanan burung merpati itu mendarat di negeri tikus.Ternyata tikus-tikus itusangat baik.
They help the flock of pigeons by gnawing on the net that catches pigeons. Finally, the herd of pigeons can return to fly freely.
 Mereka menolong kawanan merpati dengan menggerogoti jaring yang menangkap merpati.Akhirnya,kawanan merpati pun bisa kembali terbang dengan bebas.

 moral message:
  Evil intentions will not bring happiness. So, always be nice to anyone, huh.
 Niat jahat tak akan membawa kebahagiaan.Jadi,selalu bersikap baik kepada siapapun,ya.

Terimakasih telah membaca story for kids 2 di blok saya.


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