


         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a herd of elephants didn't care.The think the ants were small animals.A herd of elephants were continuing their eating.They were not even reluctant to destroy the


  " S atu......dua......tiga!Lariii......,"teriak ketua rusa. "One ...... two ...... three! Run ......," shouted the head deer. Dia menyemangati rusa lain yang sedang lomba lari melawan kelinci."Ayo,kalau kita menang,kita ambil rumah si kelinci!"teriak rusa lagi. He encouraged another deer who was running against the rabbit. "Come on, if we win, we'll take the rabbit's house!" Shouted the deer again. Rusa akhirnya memenangkan perlombaan.Kelinci,mau tak mau harus menyerahkan rumahnya pada kelompok rusa."Tuh kan,aky;o bilang apa?Kami ini,kelompok hewan terhebat!"kata para rusa pongah.Kelompok rusa memang selalu begitu. Deer finally won the race. Rabbit, like it or not they have to give up their house to the deer group. "Oh right, what do you say? We are the greatest animal group!" Said the deer proudly. Deer groups always do. Mereka selalu menantang hewan lain untuk lomba lari.Mereka merasa paling cepat larinya.Awalnya h


  A da seorang pemuda yang bekerja di istana sebagai perawat kuda kerajaan.Ia adalah pekerja yang sangat rajin. There was a young man who worked in the palace as a royal horse nurse. He was a very diligent worker. Pemuda itu juga ahli melukis.Sudah bayak hasil lukisan yang dibuatnyaLukisan-lukisan pemuda itu terlihat sangat nyata. The young man was also an expert at painting. The paintings of this young man looked very real. Salah satulukisan pemuda itu adalah lukisan adik perempuannya.Pemuda itu memiliki kebiasaan unik,yaitu berbicara dengan lukisan adiknya,yang ia letakkan di pondoknya. One of the paintings of the young man is that of his younger sister. The young man has a unique habit of talking to his sister's painting, which he places in his hut. Semua itu ia lakukan,semata-mata untuk mengobati rindu kepada adik tercintanya.Maklum pemuda itu tak tentu kapan bisa pulang kerumah. All that he did, solely to treat the longing for his beloved sister. Understandably the young man w


  S etelah acara pesta dansa itu,pangeran menjadi pemurung. After the ball, the prince became gloomy. Ia sedih karena tak bisa menemukan gadis yang dicintainya,yang tak lain adalah Cinderella. He is sad because he cannot find the girl he loves, who is none other than Cinderella Mengetahui kesedihan pangeran,raja pun membuat sayembara.Barang siapa yang ukuran kakinya pas dengan sepatu kaca,dialah gadis yang ia cari. Knowing the prince's sadness, the king made a contest. Anything whose feet fit the glass slipper is the girl he is looking for. Pangeran ditemani para pengawal,datang kerumah-rumah penduduk yang memiliki anak gadis. The prince, accompanied by his guards, came to the houses of residents who had girls. Tapi,dari sekian banyak gadis yang mencoba sepatu kaca,tak ada satu pun gadis yang memiliki ukuran kaki pas.Pangeran hampir putus asa. But, of the many girls who try glass shoes, not one girl has the right foot size. The prince almost gave up. Pangeran memasuki rumah terakhi


The snail looked sad in her house.What is going on?apparently,she was contemplating his fate as a slowly snail.while thinking,accidentally a snail see the there were many birds fly wriggle there.The bird as like fly to the ocean.         If I were a bird ,I  can fly on the sky, at once can see the beauty of the vast ocean.said snail.All day,the snail just bemoans his fate.She wanted to do manything.But,the slow path made her difficult to do something very fast.A snail was known to be a slo-moving animals.         "I want to go to ocean,it is certainly very beautiful there.But how many days to reach there?to just visit my neighbor's house,i need long time,moreover to ocean,"said snail sadly.           suddenly,A snail looked at monkey that can easy to up and down the mountain. the monkey looked very happy because could go everywhere easily.           "If I were a monkey, I can go up and down at will,"said a sail.yah a snail was busy complaining of hi


D ahulu kala,hidup seorang gadis cantik bernama Cinderella. Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful girl named Cinderella. Ia tinggal bersama kedua saudara tirinya dan seorang ibu tiri. He lives with his two half brothers and a stepmother. Mereka sama sekali tida menyukai Cinderella. They don't like Cinderella at all. Cinderella selalu disuruh untuk melakukan banyak hal.Mulai dari memasak,mencuci,mengepel,dan semua pekerjaan rumah lainnya dilakukan oleh Cinderella seorang diri. Cinderella is always told to do many things, from cooking, washing, mopping, and all other household chores done by Cinderella alone. Karena terus bekerja,Cinderella hanya bisa berteman dengan tikus-tikus yang bersembunyai di rumahnya. Because she continues to work, Cinderella can only be friends with rats who live in her house. Tikus-tikus itu takut akan diburu oleh kucing peliharaan sang ibu tiri. The rats were afraid that the cat's pet stepmother would hunt them. Satu hari,seorang pengawal dari kera


A da seorang anak laki-laki yang hidup berdua bersama ibunya.Mereka tak pernah kekurangan.Namun sayangnya,anak laki-laki itu sering membuat ibunya jengkel. There is a boy who lives alone with his mother. They are never short, but unfortunately, this boy often irritates his mother. Anak laki-laki itu sangat suka bermain di luar.Ia pulang hanya untuk makan.Ia pun tak pernah mau membantu ibunya.Malah,tak jarang ia membuat ibunya panik. This boy really likes to play outside. He comes home only to eat. He never wants to help his mother. In fact, he often makes her panic. Seperti hari ini.Sekarang sedang turun salju,membuat udara sangat dingin.Namun,anak laki-laki itu tak peduli.Ia bermain sejak pagi,dan sampai sore hari ia belum juga pulang. Like today. Now it is snowing, making the air very cold. However, the boy does not care. He has been playing since morning, and until evening he hasn't come home. "Kemana perginya anakku?tanya sang ibu,panik karena anaknya tak kunjung pulang. &


Ombak di laut sedang besar.Warnanya putih dan akan menggulung siapa saja yang ada di pantai.Suaranya pun  sanat kencang. The waves in the sea are large. The color is white and will roll anyone who is on the beach. The sound is very loud. Hal ini membuat para kepiting yang hidup di tepi pantai merasa terganggu. Suatu hari,kawanan kepiting berkumpul. This makes the crabs that live by the beach feel disturbed. One day, a herd of crabs gathered. "Sungguh,ombak membuatku kesal.Suara gemuruhnya membuatku tak bisa tidur beberapa hari ini.Baru bisa memejamkan mata,gemuruh ombak malah datang dan menghancurkan semuanya,"keluh salah satu kepiting dengan marah. "Really, the waves make me upset. The sound of his roar has made me unable to sleep for a few days. New can close my eyes, the r umble of the waves came and destroyed everything," complained one of the crabs angrily. "Benar sekali teman.Gara-gara onbak,pekerjaanku menjadi berantakan,"sahut kepiting lain.Sama se