         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...

A good wolf(serigala yang baik hati)

story for kids2
Wolves are the most feared animals in the forest. All animals will run away if they meet a wolf. But there is one good-hearted wolf.
 Serigala adalah binatang yang paling ditakuti di hutan.Semua binatang pasti akan lari jika bertemu dengan serigala.Namun ada satu serigala yang berhati baik.
 He wants to be friends with animals in the forest. Dear, all animals run away when they see a wolf. "I'm afraid of wolves, yesterday there was a wolf who hunted my friend," said one chicken, looking smart.
 Ia inginberteman dengan binatang-binatang di hutan.Sayang,semua binatang lari saat melihat serigala."Aku takut dengan serigala,kemaren ada serigala yang memburu temanku,"kata salah satu ayam,terlihat cerdas.
hear that ,animal friends feel scared. "Correct you said chicken I also saw it. Wolves are scary animals. He has sharp teeth and long nails.
mendengar itu teman-teman binatang merasa takut."Benar katamu ayam aku juga pernah melihatnya.Serigala adalah binatang yang menakutkan.Ia memiliki gigi yang tajam dan kuku yang panjang.
  "Hii ... scary," said the rabbit. "Not to mention screaming howls make the hairs goose bumps," said the deer, not to be outdone by his animal friends.
 "Hii...seram ,"sahut kelinci."Belum lagi saat berteriak lolongannya membuat bulu kudu merinding,"ucap rusa,tak mau kalah dengan teman-teman binatangnya.
Suddenly, a kind wolf came in. He smiled friendly to all the animals. "Hi friends," said the wolf. Seeing the arrival of the wolf, all the animals immediately ran hilariously.
 Tiba-tiba,serigala yang baik hati datang.Ia tersenyum ramah kepada semua binatang."Hai teman-teman,"sapa serigala.Melihat kedatangan serigala,semua binatang langsung lari kocar kacir.
 "Run away from the bad wolves later you are in the dark!" The chicken shouted very loudly. All the animals immediately ran away. It made the wolves sad. He wanted to have friends, but why did all the animals stay away from him?
  "Lari da serigala jahat nanti kalian di terkam!"teriak ayam dengan sangat kencang.Semua binatang pun langsung lari menjauh.Hal itu membuat serigala bersedih.Ia ingin memiliki teman,tapi mengapa semua binatang menjauhinya?
 One day the wolf is walking alone in the forest. Suddenly ... Please help a shout for help.
Seigala was looking for the origin of the sound. The chicken was caught by the hunter. His leg was tied. It seems he was ready to take home.

 Suatu hari serigala sedang berjalan-jalan sendirian di hutan.Tiba-tiba......Tolong-tolong terdengar sebuah teriakan minta tolong.
Serigala pun mencari asal suara.Rupanya ayam tertangkap oleh pemburu.Kakinya sudah diikat.Sepertinya ia sudah siap di bawa pulang.
 "Wolf! I have an idea," said the wolf. The wolf immediately blocked the hunter. He howled as fast as he could and showed his sharp teeth.
 Serigala langsung berfikir bagaimana bisa menolong ayam."Aha!aku punya ide,"ucap serigala.Serigala langsung mengadang pemburu itu.Ia melolong sekencang kencangnya dan memperlihatlan giginya yang tajam.
  "Auuuuuuwww!" Looking at the wilderness the hunter felt scared. He immediately ran back and forth. Unintentionally the chicken caught was released.
  "Auuuuuuwww!"Melihat srrigala itu pemburu pun merasa ketakutan.Ia langsung lari tunggang langgang.Tnpa sengaja ayam hasil tangkapannya pun lepas.
After the hunter left, the wolf approached the chicken and opened the bond. "Are you okay chicken?" Asked the wolf. Initially, the chicken was scared. But when he saw the friendliness of the wolf, fear of missing chickens.
Setelah pemburu itu pergi,serigala pun menghampiri ayam dan membuka ikatannya."Kau tak apa-apa ayam?"tanya serigala.Awalnya,ayam merasa takut.Tapi begitu melihat keramahan serigala,ketakutan ayam hilang.
  "I'm fine. Thank you, wolf, said the chicken. Since then all the animals in the forest realized there was a good wolf. The wolf finally became their friend. They also lived peacefully together.
 "Aku tak apa-apa.Terima kasih,serigala,ucap ayam.Sejak saat itu semua binatang di hutan sadar ternyata ada serigala yang baik.Serigala itu akhirnya menjadi teman mereka.Mereka pun hidup damai bersama-sama.

 moral message
comrades don't judge people only from their physical condition. we don't know how someone's heart doesn't know him.

 kawan jangan menilai orang hanya dari fisiknya.kita tidak tahu bagaimana hati seseorang bila tidak mengenalnya.

Thanks for reading STORY FOR KIDS in my blog.



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