         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...



In a forest, sheep and horses are talking very seriously. "I heard that wolves will eat meat. He will eat horse meat," said the sheep
di suatu hutan terlihat domba dan kuda sedang berbincang sangat serius.̈Kuda aku dengar serigala akan memakan daging.Ia akan memakan daging kuda,"ucap domba.
Hearing the words of the sheep, the horse was surprised. He did not believe because he, sheep, sheep and wolves were good friends. Was it possible that the wolf setega was against him?
Mendengar ucapan domba ,kuda terkejut.Ia tak percaya karena ia ,domba,domba dan serigala adalah sahabat baik.Apakah mungkin serigala setega itu terhadapnya?
"You better stay away from wolves. I will stay away from wolves. I am afraid of being eaten by him." Continued the sheep.
"Lebih baik kau jauhi serigala.Aku pun akan menjauhi serigala.Aku takut dimakan olehnya."lanjut domba.
Initially the horse did not believe. But because the sheep continued to incite it, after a long time the horse believed in sheep.
Awalnya kuda tak percaya.Namun karena domba terus menghasutnya,lama-lama kuda pun percaya 
The next day, Lamb met the wolves. Again they were seen very serious conversations. "Take care of the wolves, badly! Said the sheep with panting breath.
 Hari berikutnya,Domba menemui serigala.Lagi-lagi mereka terlihat perbincangan yang amat serius."Gawat serigala,gawat!kata domba dengan nafas tersengal-sengal.
"What's wrong, sheep?" Asked the wolf curiously. "He said the horse wanted to train the strength of his legs. He wanted to kick you," continued the sheep. Serigla was no less surprised. But he was not so trusting. it is impossible for a horse to do that.
"Gawat kenapa,domba?"tanya serigala penasaran."Katanya kuda ingin melatih kekuatan kakinya.Ia ingin menendangmu,"lanjut domba.Serigla pun tak kalah terkejutnya.Tapi ia tak begitusaja percaya.Kuda adalah sahabat yang setia,baik dan suka menolong.tidak mungkin kuda bisa berbuat setega itu.
"you better stay away from the horse, than you get hurt. I will also stay away from him. I am afraid to be kicked by him," said the sheep when it looked like a wolf didn't believe it.
"Lebih baik ku jauhi kuda,dari pada kau celaka.Aku juga akan menjauhinya.Aku takut ditendang olehnya,"ucap domba saat terlihat serigala tak percaya.
The sheep continued to incite the wolf. His efforts were successful, the wolf also believed him. Wolve would eat a horse if he kicked him. The sheep smiled happily.
Domba terus menghasut serigala.Usahanya pun berhasil,serigala pun percaya padanya.Serigal akan memakan kuda jika ia menendangnya.Domba tersenyum senang.
One day the horses and sheep met. They seemed to be cautious with each other. Kuda was afraid of being buried by wolves. Likewise with wolves, Iatakut was kicked by horses. Olala, the wolf immediately ran away from the horse.
Suatu hari kuda dan domba bertemu.Mereka tampak saling berhati-hati.Kuda takut di terkam oleh serigala.Begitu pula dengan serigala,Iatakut ditendang oleh kuda.Olala,serigala langsung berlari meninggalkan kuda.
Seeing that the horse was surprised. Didn't the wolf want to eat it? But why did the horse run back and forth? Out of curiosity, the horse chased the wolf and called out to him.
Melihat hal itu kuda merasa heran.
Bukankah serigala ingin memakannya?Tapi mengapa justru kuda berlari tunggang-langgang?Karena penasaran,kuda mengejar serigala dan memanggilnya.
"Wait for the wolf! Why are you running to see me?" Shouted the horse. Hearing the horse call him a wolf stopped. "I'm afraid of being kicked by you," replied the wolf. "I can't kick you. want to be outdone by wolves.
"Tunggu serigala !Knapa kau berlri melihatku?"teriak kuda.Mendengar kuda memanggilnya serigala pun berhenti."Aku takut ditendang olehmu,"jawab serigala."Aku tak mungkinmenendangmu kau adalah sahabatkku.Justru domba mengatakan kalu kau akan memangsaku,"ucap kuda tak mau kalah dengan serigala.
"I can't possibly eat you, you are my best friend," said the wolf. After thinking for a while, then they both realized. Yes, they had been fought. The physical blow was sick but it hurts more if the heart is hurt.
"Aku tak mungkin memangsamu kau adalah sahabatku,"kata serigala.Setelah berfikir sejenak,barulah mereka berdua sadar.Ya,mereka telah di adu domba.Pukulan fisik memang sakit tapi lebih sakit bila hati disakiti.

moral message

comrades don't like to puss friends, sheep fighting will make our friends feel very hurt and stay away from us.
kawan jangan suka mengadu domba teman ya,adu domba akan membuat teman kita merasa dangat sakit hati dan menjauhi kita.

Thanks for reading story for kids 2 in my blog.


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