         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...



One night there was a man who was walking in the middle of the forest. He wanted to go to his house after a day's work. The man always carried a bow and arrow to protect himself from danger.
Suatu malam ada seorang pria yag sedang berjalan di tengah hutan.ia hendak pergi ke rumahnya setelah seharian bekerja.Pria itu selalu membawa busur dan anak panah untuk melindungi dirinya dari bahaya.
When he was walking quietly, suddenly a voice came from bushes. "What is that sound?" The man exclaimed.
Saat ia sedang berjalan dengan tenang,tiba-tiba terdengar suara dari seak-semak."Suara apa itu?"seru pria itu.
He scanned the bushes sharply. There was something moving in the bushes. He then took his bow and arrow, then pointed his arrow at the bushes.
Ia mengamati semak-semak itu dengan tajam.Ada suatu yang bergerak-gerak di semak-semak itu.Ia lalu mengambil busur dan anak panahnya,kemudian mengarahkan anak panahnya ke semak-semak itu.
"It seems like it's a tiger, he thought." I have to pull this arrow. I don't want the animal to pounce on me first, the man exits. Then he pulls his arrow and ...
"Sepertinya itu adalah harimau,pikirnya."Aku harus menarik anak panah ini.Aku tak mau binatang itu menerkamku trlebih dahulu,uar pria itu.Lalu ia menarik anak panahnya dan...
Right about the bushes that ducked. "He hasn't moved. Is the tiger dead?" Said the man. The man approached the bush slowly.
Tepat mengenai semak-semak yang menggunduk."Dia sudah tak bergerak.Apakah harimau itu mati?"ucap pria itu.pria itu mendekati semak-semak secara perlahan-lahan.
Carefully, his hand opened the plants in front of him. He was shocked. Apparently it was a rock and his arrow turned through the rock.
Dengan hati-hati tangannya menyibak tanaman yang ada di depannya.Alangkah kagetnya ia,Rupanya itu adalah sebuah batu dan panahnya ternyata menembus batu.
"My arrow pierced the rock. Am I that great?" Said the man, astonished. The man then took his arrow. He immediately pulled his arrow into the same stone.
"Anak panahku menembus batu.Apakah aku sehebat itu?"ujar pria itu,keheranan.Pria itu lalu mengambil anak panahnya.Ia langsung menarik anak panahnya ke batu yang sama.
Plaque, the arrow was broken into two. The man was even more astonished. Why did the first arrow penetrate the stone, while the second arrow was broken. "Is there something strange about this arrow?" Murmured the man
Plak,anak panah itu malah patah menjadi dua.Pria itu semakin keheranan.Kenapa anak panah yang pertama bisa menembus batu,sedangkan anak panah yang kedua malah patah."Apakah ada yang aneh dengan anak panah ini?"gumam pria itu.
The man then returned to his house, with a heart still filled with questions. Did you know why the first arrow could penetrate the rock? That was because the man arched with a sincere heart, so that the stone could be pierced by his arrow. and do not believe, so that the arrow does not penetrate the stone again.
Pria itu lalu pulang ke rumahnya,dengan hati yang masih diliputi pertanyaan.Tahukah kalian kenapa anak panah pertama bisa menembus batu?Itu karena pria itu memanah dengan hati yang tulus,sehingga batu bisa di tembus oleh anak panahnya.Sedangkan pada panah ke duaIa merasa ragu dan tidak percaya,sehingga panah tidak menembus batu lagi.

Moral message

If you do a job sincerely, it will definitely work. But if you do it with a lack of sincerity, it will be useless.
Jika melakukan pekerjaan dengan iklas,pasti akan berhasil.Namun jika melakukannya dengan tak iklas,maka akan sia-sia saja.

Thanks for reading story for kids 2 in my blog.


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