         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


A little girl wants to buy a special gift. Tomorrow is her grandmother's birthday. "What will I give to grandma? Said the girl alone. The girl did only live with her grandmother.
Seorang gadis kecil ingin membeli kado spesial.Besok adalah hari ulang tahun neneknya."Apa yang akan kuberikan kepada nenek?ucap gadis itu seorang diri.Gadis itu memang hanya tinggal bersama neneknya.
He has no one else. His grandmother took care of him since he was a baby. And he loved him with all his heart. Because of that the girl also loved her grandmother.
Ia tak punya siapa-siapa lagi.Neneknya mengurusnya sejak ia masih bayi.dan menyayanginya dengan sepenuh hati.Karena itulah gadis itu juga sangat menyayangi neneknya.
"I have to work to get money." Said the girl seemed happy. Yes she had an idea. Without wasting time. The girl went straight to the forest. She would look for firewood for sale in the forest.
"Aku harus bekerja untuk mendapatkan uang."cetus gadis itu tampak senang.Ya ia telah mendapatkan ide.Tanpa membuang waktu.Gadis itu langsung pergi ke hutan.Ia akan mencari kayu bakar untuk dijual di hutan.
In the forest he met a hungry wolf. The wolf's wolf intended to prey on the girl. "Where do you want the sweet girl to go?" Asked the wolf.
Di hutan ia bertemu dengan seekor serigala yang kelaparan.Olala serigala itu berniat untuk memangsa gadis itu."Mau pergi kemana gadis manis,?tanya serigala.
"I want to look for firewood for sale. By getting money from firewood, I can buy a gift for my grandmother," the girl answered. She has an idea. She will take her to his house. That way she doesn't need to bother to catch her.
"Aku hendak mencari kayu bakar untuk dijual.Dengan mendapatkan uang dari kayu bakar,aku bisa membeli hadiah untuk nenekku,"jawab gadis itu.Aha!Serigala mempunyai ide.Ia akan mengajak gadis itu kerumahnya.Dengan begitu ia tidak perlu susah payah untuk menangkapnya.
 know the place where there is firewood. It's in the cave there," said the wolf, pointing towards the cave. The other is his house. The girl also believed in the wolf. He happily ran towards the cave. But when he arrived in the cave, it didn't there was nothing. Only the darkness enveloped the cave.
"Aku tahu tempat yang ada kayu bakarnya.Letaknya di gua sana,"kata serigala sambil menunjuk ke arah gua.yang tak lain adalah rumahnya.Gadis itu pun percaya kepada serigala.Dengan riang ia lari menuju gua.Namun sesampainya di gua,ternyata tidak ada apa-apa.Hanya kegelapan yang menyelimuti gua itu.
"You have arrived, sweet girl?" A voice roared as the girl arrived in the cave. From the darkness, came out the wolf. "Where do you say firewood, wolf?" Asked the girl.
"Kau saudah sampai rupanya,gadis manis?"terdegar sebuah suara saat gadis itu sampai di gua.Dari kegelapan ,keluarlah serigala."Mana kayu bakar yang kau katakan,serigala?"tanya gadis itu.
"There is no firewood in this cave. There is only you who will be my food," said the wolf, who turned very violent.
"Tak ada kayu bakar di gua ini.yang ada hanya engkau yang akan menjadi makananku,"ujar serigala yang berubah menjadi sangat ganas.
The wolf was about to pounce on the little girl. But quickly the girl managed to dodge. The wolf's head hit the cave wall and made her unconscious.
Serigala itu hendak menerkam gadis kecil itu.Tpi dengan cepat gadis itu berhasil menghindar.Kepala serigala itu menghantam dinding gua dan membuatnya tak sadarkan diri.
The little girl felt sorry for her and approached the wolf. She held a wolf's fur. It turned out to be very soft. The girl also had an idea. She brought home a wolf's skin and would be made a blanket for her grandmother.
Gadis kecil itu merasa kasihan dan mendekat ke serigala.Ia memegang bulu serigala.Wah,ternyata sangat lembut.Gadis itu pun mempunyai ide.Ia membawa pulang kulit serigala dan akan dijadikan selimut untuk neneknya.
The girl came home very happily. Eventually she could get a present for her grandmother. Her grandmother was no less happy. Not because of the prize, but the effort her grandson had made to give a gift.
Gadis itu pulang dengan sangat gembira.Akhirnya ia bisa mendapatkan hadiah untuk neneknya.Neneknya pun tak kalah senang.Bukan karena hadiahnya,melainkan usaha untuk yang dilakukan cucunya itu untuk memberi hadiah.

Moral message
Friend gifts for our loved ones do not have to be fancy things. The most important thing is our sincerity when giving them
kawan hadiah untuk orang yang kita sayangi tidak harus benda yang mewah.Yang terpenting adalah ketulusan hati kita saat memberikannya

Thanks for reading story for kids 2 in my blog.


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