         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...

The son of a rebellious mouse(anak tikus durhaka)

A small family, consisting of a mother rat and her child, lives in a forest. The three rat children only know that they play, so that all the homework is done by the mother rat.
Sebuah keluarga kecil,yang terdiri dari induk tikus dan anaknya,tinggal di sebuah hutan.Ketiga anak tikus itu hanya tahu bermain,sehingga semua pekerjaan rumah dikerjakan oleh induk tikus.
Not only that the task of looking for food was carried out by the mother of the rat. One morning the mother rat seemed busy cleaning the house. She felt very tired. Meanwhile, her three children had just woken up.
Tidak hanya itu tugas mencari makan pun dilakukan oleh induk tikus.Suatu pagi induk tikus tampak sibuk membersihkan rumah.Ia merasa sangat kelah.Sementara itu ketiga anaknya baru saja bangun.
"My children go to find their own food. The mother is busy cleaning the house." Ordered the mother rat to the mother. The three children who had just woken up were upset.
"Anak-anakku pergilah cari makan sendiri.ibu sedang sibu membereskan rumah."perintah induk tikus kepada induknya.Ketiga anak tikus yang baru bangun itu punmerasa kesal.
"We don't want the mother to be the mother's duty," answered one of the children of the mouse. How sad the mother rat was when she heard the response of the mouse child.
"Kami tidak mau bu itu kan tugas ibu,"jawab salah satu anak tikus.Betapa sedihnya induk tikus ketika mendengar jawaban anak tikus.
"Can't you help your mother, son?" Persuaded the mother rat.
"Apa kamu tidak bisa membantu ibumu nak?"bujuk induk tikus.
"It can't be that our ma'am is going to go to play," said another mouse child. You don't want the mother rat to look for food outside, if she doesn't look for food then who will forage for her children.
"Tidak bisa bu kami hendak pergi bermain,"sahut anak tikus yang lain.Mau tak mau induk tikus pun mencari makan di luar,jika ia tidak mencari makanan lalu siapa yang akan mencari makan untuk anak-anaknya.
After searching for the mother's food, the rats go home. The children themselves have not returned home. Once home, the food is immediately consumed by the children. Every day the mother of rats takes care of the house and forages alone without the help of her children.
Setelah mencari makanan induk tikus pulang.Anak-anaknya sendiri belum pulang.Begitu pulang makanan itu langsung di makan habis oleh anak-anaknya.Setiap hari induk tikus membereskan rumah dan mencari makan sendiri tanpa bantuan anak-anaknya.
Until one day, the mother of the rat fell ill. Her body was weak and could not do anything. At that time her children just came home playing. "My children forgive my mother, you can't find you food. Mother is not feeling well. , huh? "asked the mother rat.
Hingga suatu ketika,induk tikus jatuh sakit.Badannya lemas tak bisa apa-apa.Saat itu anak-anaknya baru pulang bermain."Anak-anakku maafkan ibu,Ibu tidak bisa mencarikan kalian makanan.Ibu sedang tidak enak badan.Kalian cari makan sendiri,ya?"pinta induk tikus.
Seeing that his mother was sick, the three rats looked for their own food. But unfortunately they were only looking for food for themselves. The result of the mother of limp rats had to feed itselves.
Melihat ibunya sakit barulah ketiga tikus itu mencari makan sendiri.Tapi sayang mereka hanya mencari makan untuk diri mereka sendiri.Aljasil induk tikus yang lunglai itu harus mencari makan sendiri.
After searching for food, the mother of the rat felt thirsty, but her energy was up. She also ordered the three children to take water from the river.
Setelah mencari makan,induk tikus merasa kehausan,tapi tenaganya sudah habis.Ia punmenyuruh ketiga anaknya untuk mengambil air di sungasungai.
"Do not want the ma'am, you just take the water yourself. We want to play in the grassland. It's really fun there, refuse the three children of rats.
"Tidak mau bu,ibu ambil sendiri saja airnya.kami hendak main ke padang rumput.Bermai disana sungguh menyenangkan,tolak ketiga anak tikus.
How sad it was for the mother's heart. She did not expect her children to be setega with her. Finally the rat mother went alone to the river.
Sungguh alangkah sedihnya hati ibu tikus.Ia tidak menyangka anak-anaknya akan setega itu dengannya.Akhirnya induk tikus pergi sendiri ke sungai.
Meanwhile the children of mice play in the grasslands. Without the alleged eagle that has been lurking since them. When he got a chance, the eagle swooped and pounced on the rat children.
Sementara itu anak-anak tikus bermain di padang rumput.tanpa diduga ada elang yang sedari tadi mengintai mereka.Saat mendapat kesempatan,elang langsung menukik dan menerkam anak-anak tikus itu.
That is the result of lawlessness to the parents. If the child of the mouse obeys his mother's words, they will certainly not be torn to pieces by the eagle.
Itulah akibat durhaka kepada orang tua.Andai anak tikus itu menuruti kata-kata ibunya,mereka pasti tak diterkam oleh elang.

moral message
obey your mother's words. love and help your mother, don't be an ungodly child and disobey your parents.
patuhilah kata ibumu.sayangilah dan bantulah ibumu,jangan menjadi anak durhaka dan tidak patuh pada orang tua.

Thanks for reading STORY FOR KIDS 2 in my blog.


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