         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


story for kids 2

In a village, there is only a lazy boy. Every day he does just sleep ... In fact, his neighbors are always working hard. During the dry season, the villagers have to find water in a very far river.
Disebuah desa,tinggal seorang anak laki-kali yang malas.Setiap hari yang ia lakukan hanya tidur..Padahal,tetangganya selalu giat bekerja.Saat musim kemarau,penduduk desa harus mencari air disungai yang amat jauh.
But the lazy man did not want to look for water. Instead he was lying in bed at home. Over time he felt thirsty "I will find the villagers and ask for water," said the boy.
Tapi lelaki pemalas itu tak mau mencari air.Ia malah asyik tiduran di rumah.Lama-kelamaan ia merasa kehausan"Aku akan menemukan penduduk desa dan meminta air kepadanya.,"ujar anak lelaki itu.
The villagers felt sorry for the man. Some residents gave him water. Some even gave food.
Penduduk desa merasa ksihan dengan lelaki itu.Beberapa penduduk memberi air kepadanya.Bahkan ada juga yang memberi makanan.
"Tomorrow take your own water in the river, so you don't need to ask us anymore," said one resident. But the lazy man did not heed the words of the inhabitants.
"Besok ambilah sendiri air di sungai,sehingga kau tidak perlu meminta lagi kepada kami,"ujar salah satu penduduk.Namun lelaki malas itu tak mengindahkan perkataan penduduk itu.
The following days were the same, he kept asking the people for water. The villagers who knew the young man's laziness, gradually became angry.
Hari-hari berikutnya pun sama,ia terus saja meminta air kepada penduduk.Penduduk desa yang mengetahui kemalasan pemuda itu,lambat laun menjadi marah.
"You look for your own water. Don't keep asking for us," exclaimed one resident. The lazy man was just silent. He then returned home. He was annoyed with residents who did not want to give drink and eat.
"Kau carilah air sendiri.jangan terus menerus meminta kepada kami,"seru salah seorang penduduk.Lelaki pemalas hanya diam.Ia lalu kembali kerumahnya.Ia kesal dengan penduduk yang tak mau memberi minum dan makan.
"Watch out, I'll steal the water in your house," snorted the lazy man. Just when all the residents went to look for water, the lazy man took all the water supplies belonging to the population.
"Awas,akan ku curi air yang ada di rumah kalian,"dengus lelaki pemalas.Benar saja saat semua penduduk pergi mencari air,lelaki pemalas itu mengambil semua persediaan air milik penduduk.
He drank the water to his heart's content. "Ah, this water is so fresh. Now I will give lessons to all residents. I will bring all this water supply, so they cannot drink," he exclaimed.
Ia minum air itu sepuasnya."Ah,segar sekali air ini.sekarang aku akan memberi pelajaran kepada semua penduduk.Akan aku bawa semua persediaan air ini,sehingga mereka tak bisa minum,"serunya.
The lazy boy then hid the water on the branch of a tree. Olala, the tree that had been short then turned into a tall, taller tree.
Anak pemalas itu lalu menyembunyikan air itu di dahan sebuah pohon.Olala,pohon yang tadinya pendek lalu berubah menjadi tinggi,dan semakin tinggi.
The lazy boy is right on top of the tree. Together with the water stolen from the population. When the people go home, they look for the water they have. They are confused because their water is gone. They believe that the lazy child is the one who stole the water.
Anak pemalas itu tepat berada di atas pohon itu.bersama dengan air yang dicuri dari penduduk.Saat pendududk pulang,mereka mencari air yang mereka miliki.Mereka pun bingung karena air mereka hilang.Merka yakin bahwa anak pemalas itulah yang mencuri air.
Suddenly the residents saw a towering tree. They also saw the lazy child in the tree. "Beware of you!" Exclaimed a resident then climbed the tree.
Tiba-tiba penduduk melihat pohon yang menjulang tinggi.Mereka punmelihat anak malas itu berada di atas pohon."Awas kau!"seru seorang penduduk lalu memanjat pohon itu.
The lazy boy was very scared. He tried to dodge. But suddenly ... Bruk, the lazy boy fell, he immediately got up and climbed the tree to avoid the pursuit of the population.
Anak pemalas itu sangat ketakutan.Dia berusaha menghindar .namun tiba-tiba.....Bruk,anak pemalas itu jatuh,ia segera bangkit dan memanjat pohon untuk menghindari kejaran penduduk.
But something strange happened. When the lazy boy climbed a tree, suddenly his body was filled with feathers. People who saw him became surprised. Yes! The lazy child turned into a koala. That was the first koala they saw.
Namun ada hal aneh yang terjadi.Saat anak pemalas itu memanjat pohon,tiba-tiba tubuhnya dipenuhi dengan bulu.Penduduk yang melihat menjadi heran.Ya!anak pemalas itu berubah menjadi seekor koala.Itulah koala pertama yang mereka lihat.

moral message

laziness will only hurt yourself. so don't be lazy.
malas hanya akan merugikan diri sendiri.jadi jangan malas.

Thanks for reading Story for kids 2 in my blog.


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