         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...



Bian he is a young man from the country of Chu. One day he found a jade that could not be chiseled and rubbed.
Bian he adalah seorang pemuda dari negara chu.Suatu hari ia menemukan sebuah batu giok yang belum dapat di pahat dan di gosok.
I will gladly take him home. "I will present this jade to King Li. King Li will definitely be happy with this gift."Said Bian He
Dengan senang hati ai membawanya pulang ke rumah."Aku akan menghadiahkan batu giok ini kepada Raja Li.Raja Li pasti akan senang dengan pemberianku ini."Ucap Bian He.
The next day Bian He went to the palace to meet the King. King was very happy with Bian He's arrival. Moreover, Bian He gave a gift of a large jade.
Keesokan harinya Bian He pergi ke istana untuk menemuai Raja.Raja sangat senang dengan kedatangan Bian He.Apalagi Bian He memberi hadiah sebuah batu giok yang besar.
“Is this jade original or fake?” Asked King Li when he saw the jade that Bian He had brought. Although Bian He had explained that the jade was genuine, King Li still did not believe it.
"Batu giok ini asli atau palsu?"tanya Raja Li saat melihat batu giok Yang di bawa Bian He.Meskipun Bian He sudah menjelaskan kalau btu giok itu asli,namun Raja Li masih tidak percaya.
He also summoned a jade expert and asked for his authenticity. "This is not jade, this is just an ordinary stone." Said the jade expert.
Ia pun memanggil seorang ahli batu giok dan menanyakan keasliannya."Ini bukan batu giok,ini hanya batu biasa."Ucap ahli batu giok.
Seeing this, King Li was very angry. He then told the guards to cut Bian He's legs. It was really sad for Bian He. He went home carrying the jade and one left leg.
Melihat hal itu Raja Li sangat marah.Ia lalu menyuruh pengawal untuk memotong kaki Bian He.Sungguh sedih hati Bian He.Ia pun pulang dengan membawa batu giok itu dan satu kaki kiri.
Likewise with King Wu, he also did not believe when Bian He brought the jade to him. He thought that jade was just ordinary jade. Bian He also lost one leg. But he did not want to give up. He still thought that the jade is original jade.
Begitu pula dengan Raja Wu,Ia juga tidak percaya saat Bian He membawa batu giok itu kepadanya.Ia mengira bahwa batu giok itu hanya batu giok biasa.Bian He pun kehilangan satu kakinya.Namun ia tak mau menyerah.Ia masih mengira bahwa batu giok itu adalah batu giok asli.
Bian He was very sad, not because of his legs but because no one believed him. He kept crying every night. It was known by King Wen. Wen felt sorry for Bian He.
Bian He sangat sedih,bukn karena kakinya tapi karena tak ada yang mempercayainya.Dia terus-menerus menangis tiap malam.Hal itu diketahui oleh Raja Wen.Raja Wen merasa iba dengan Bian He.
Why are you crying? Is it because you lost your leg? Asked King Wen.
"No, I cried because no one believed me, that the stone that I have is original jade," Bian He sobbed.
"Kenapa kau menangis?Apakah karena kau kehilangan kakimu?tanya Raja Wen.
"Bukan,aku menangis karena tak ada yang percaya denganku,bahwa batu yang aku milikiini adalah batu giok asli,"isak Bian He.
Feeling very sorry then King Wen ordered the chiselman to sculpt the stone. Olala, sure enough it was a very rare jade. After the results the shades looked very beautiful.
Karena merasa sangat iba lalu Raja Wen Memerintahkan tukang pahat istana untuk memahat batu itu.Olala,benar saja ternyata itu adalah batu giok yang sangat langka.Setelah di pshst hasilya kelihatan sangat indah.
"Forgive us who have not trusted you," said King Wen. Bian He was very happy. Finally he could prove the truth, even though he had to lose two legs.
"Maafkan kami yang selama ini tidak mempercayaimu,"Ujar Raja  Wen.Bian He sangat senang.Akhirnya ia bisa membuktikan kebenaran,meskipun ia harus kehilangan dua kakinya.

Moral message
Strive to tell the truth Like Bian He who does not know despair. Even though no one believes it, rest assured the truth will definitely win.
Berjuanglah untuk mengatakan kebenaran Seperti Bian He yang tak kenal putus asa.Meskipun tak ada yang mempercayainya,yakinlah kebenaran pasti akan menang.

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