         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


story for kids 2

"Hemmm, it looks like horse meat is very delicious," said the wolf. When he was watching the horse in the fields rimput.
"Hemmm,sepertinya daging kuda itu sangat lezat,"ucap serigala.saat ia sedang memperhatikan kuda di padang rimput.
The wolf has long wanted to taste horse meat. But, he doesn't have the right way. The horse has a bigger body than him.
Sudah lama serigala ingin mencicipi daging kuda.Tapi,ia belum memiliki cara yang tepat.Kuda memiliki tubuh yang lebih besar darinya.
So it will be difficult to prey on horses. Unlike other animals that he normally eats.
Sehingga akan sulit untuk memangsa kuda.Tidak seperti binatang lain yang seperti biasa ia makan.
"Ah I have an idea. I just disguised myself as a doctor. When he was gone I would eat him," murmured the wolf.
"Ah aku punya ide.Adu menyamar saja menjadi dokter.Saat ia lngah aku akan memangsanya,"gumam serigala.
Without wasting time, the wolf immediately approached the horse. "Hey horse, it seems you are sluggish, your face is pale and your chest is a mess," said the wolf.
Tanpa membuang waktu serigala langsung menghampiri kuda."Hai kuda,Tampaknya engkau sedang lesu,wajahmu pucat dan ponimu berantakan,"sapa serigala.
Seeing the wolf greeting the horse looked surprised. Not usually the wolf greeted. "Are you sick?" Continued the wolf. When the horse kissed the bad signal from the wolf. Certainly the wolf had bad intentions to him.
Melihat serigala menyapa kuda tampak heran.Tidak biasanya serigala menyapa."Apa engkau sedang sakit?"lanjut serigala.Seketika kuda mencium gelagat buruk dari serigala.Pasti serigala memiliki niat jahat kepadanya.
"It's really a wolf, my legs are sore, because yesterday I just climbed the hill," said the horse. He deliberately lied to cheat the tiger.
"Benar sekali serigala,kakiku pegal-pegal,karena kemarin aku baru mendaki bukit,"ucap kuda.Ia sengaja berbohong untuk menipu harimau.
"What a coincidence, I can cure illness, said the wolf. He also joined in lying to be able to cheat the horse.
"Kebetulan sekali,aku bisa menyembuhkan penyakit,ujar serigala.Ia pun juga ikut berbohong untuk bisa menipu kuda.
"Then check my legs, ask for a horse. The wolf was thrilled, because the plan went smoothly. He walked to the back of the horse. He wanted to intend to bite the horse's feet while checking the horse.
"Kalau begitu periksalah kakiku,pinta kuda.Serigala pun tersenyup senang,karena rencananya berjalan lancar.Ia berjalan ke belakang kuda.Ia ingin berniat menggigitn kaki kuda saat sedang memeriksa kuda.
Olala, when the new wolf holds the horse's leg, suddenly the horse kicks everything. The result is also bounced away. He roared in pain.
Olala,ketika serigala baru memegang kaki kuda,tiba-tiba kuda menendang segala.Al hasil kudapun terpental jauh.Ia meraung kesakitan.
"why are you kicking me?" asked the wolf angrily. "Don't think I don't know how to plant wolves! You want to devour me, right? Now go from my presence, before I call my friend to kick you! Exclamation horse, scare the wolves.
"kenapa kau menendangku?"tanya serigala marah."Jangan kira aku tidak tahu rencanam serigala!Kamu ingin memangsaku bukan?Sekarang pergilah dari hadapanku,sebelum aku memanggil temanku untuk menendangmu!seru kuda,menakuti serigala.
Wolves are really scared. Just a kick from one horse is very painful, what if a lot of horses kick it. "He immediately ran back and forth.
Serigala sungguh ketakutan.tendangan dari satu kuda saja sudah sangat kesakitan,bagaimana jika banyak kuda yang memendangnya.?Ia pun langsung berlari tunggang-langgang.
Finally the wolf no longer intends to prey on horses. He realized, it would make him worse. Better he prey on smaller animals. Meanwhile, horses can live quietly without interference from wolves. He again ate green grass in the grasslands.
Akhirnya serigala tak berniat lagi memangsa kuda.Ia sadar,itu akan membuatnya celaka.Lebih baik ia memangsa hewan yang lebih kecil saja.Sementara itu,kuda bisa hidup tenang tanpa gangguan serigala.Ia pun kembali memakan rumput hijau di padang rumput.

moral message
friends of evil will only bring harm. Make good so that you get good too.
kawan niat jahat hanya akan mendatangkan celaka.Berbuatlah kebaikan agar kamu mendapatkan kebaikan pula.

Thank for reading story for kids 2 in my blog.


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