         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


story for kids 2

Rabbits and turtles seem to be engrossed in harvesting the fruits that they have planted. There are lots of fruit in the same way as apples, water guava, watermelon bananas and many more.
Kelinci dan kura-kura terlihat sedang asyik memanen buah yang telah ia tanam.Ada banyak sekali buah di sama seperti apel,jambu air,pisang semangka dn masih banyak lagi.
"We are indeed collaborating to plant fruit." We will not be short of eating rabbits, "said the turtle." Yes, we can also rest now while watching our crops, "replied the rabbit.
Mereka memang bekerjasama untuk menanam buah."Kita tidak akan kekeurangan makanan lagi kelinci,"ucap kura-kura."ya kita pun bisa beristirahat sekarang sambil meniknati hasil panen kita,"balas kelinci
Without them knowing that monkeys lurked them from the top of the tree. The monkey is known as a lazy and greedy animal. "Wow, there's a lot of food here. But the food belongs to rabbits and turtles. How can I get it?" Thought the monkey.
Tanpa mereka sadari monyet mengintai mereka dari atas pohon.Monyet terkenl sebagai binatang yang malas dan serakah."Wah,ada banyak makanan disini.Tapi makanan itu milik kelinci dan kura-kura.Bagaimaba aku bisa mendapatkannya?"pikir monyet.
Aha! The monkey has an idea. He will [pretend to fall and be in pain. Definitely a turtle and a rabbit will be kind enough to give food.
Aha!Monyet mwmiliki ide.Ia akan ber[ura-pura jatuh dan kesakitan.Pasti kura-kura dan kelinci akan berbaik hati memberikan makanan.
Without wasting time. Monkey immediately pretended to fall in the bush, he shouted loudly.
Tanpa membuang waktu.Monyet langsung berpura-pura jatuh kesemak-semak,ia pun berteriak kencang.
"Ouch help me! Shout the oil. The detail and the turtle that hears the monkey's cry, go straight to the origin of the sound. From the bushes there is a monkey in pain.
"Aduh tolong aku!teriak minyet.Kelinci dan kura-kura yang nendengar teriakan monyet,langsung menuju asal suara.Dari semak-semak terlihat monyet yang kesakitan.
"Why are you monkeys?" Asked the rabbit in panic. "I was starving, making me accidentally fall," explained the monkey who pretended to be sick.
"Kamu kenapa monyet?"tanya kelinci panik."Aku kelaparan,hingga membuatku tak sengaja terjatuh,"jelas monyet yang berpura-pura sakit.
Without wasting time rabbits and turtles immediately invite monkeys to eat food that they have harvested together.
Tanpa membuang waktu kelinci dan kura-kura langsung mengajak monyet untuk makan makanan yang telah ia panen bersama.
"Hemm is very delicious with these fruits. I will pretend to be sick so I can continue to eat these fruits until I'm satisfied," thought the monkey.
"Hemm enak sekali buah-buahan ini.Aku akan berpura-puta sakit agar bisa terus memakan buah buahan ini sampai puas,"pikir monyet.
When eating fruits suddenly the monkey's eyes are fixed on the red fruit. The fruit looks very tempting.
Saat mmakan buah-buahan tiba-tiba mata monyet tertuju pada buah berwarna merah.Buah itu tampak sangat menggiurkan.
"I want to eat the fruit," begged the monkey. "Don't!" Forbid turtles and rabbits. The more greedy monkeys, the more prohibited he wanted to eat them. He didn't care about the prohibition of turtles and rabbits.
"Aku ingin memakan buah itu,"pinta monyet."jangan !"larang kura-kura dan kelinci.Dasar monyet serakah ,semakin dilarang semakin ia ingin memakannya.ia tak peduli dengan larangan kura-kura dan kelinci.
He actually thought that turtles and rabbits were very stingy. They would eat the delicious fruit themselves and would not share the fruit dendannya.
Ia justru berfikir bahwa kua-kura dan kelinci sangat pelit.Mereka akan memakan buah lezat itu sendir dan tak mau membagi buah itu dendannya.
The monkey chose the biggest fruit. Hap! With one bite of the red fruit it was immediately consumed. Olala immediately screamed the monkey very loudly. "Ah where is the water?" Shouted the monkey in pain.
Monyet pun memilih buah yang paling besar.Hap!dengan satu gigit buah merah itu langsung dilahap.Olala seketika monyet menjerit sangat kencang."Ah air mana air ?"teriak monyet kepedesan
Apparently the red fruit is chilli. Just keep the rabbit and the turtle forbid.
Rupanya buah yang berwarna merah itu adalah cabe.Pantas saja kelinci dan kura-kura melarangnya.

moral message
friends of our friends always tell good things and want good for us. there is no way they want to do evil to us, so listen to our friends advice.
kawan teman kita selalu memberitahukan hal yang baik dan menginginkan yang baik untuk kita.tidak mungkin mereka ingin berbuat jahat kepada kita,jadi dengarkan nasehat teman kita ya.

Thanks for reading STORY FOR KIDS 2 in my blog.


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