         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


story for kids 2

In one village three brothers lived together with their father who was old and sick. The three brothers lived in harmony. But they had different qualities. The child Bugsu was very diligent and both of his siblings were very lazy.
Di suatu desa hidup tiga bersaudara bersaa ayahnya yang sudah tua dan sakit sakitan.Ketiga saudara itu hidup rukun.Namun mereka punya sifat yang berbeda.Anak bugsu sangat rajin dan kedua kakaknya sangat malas
One day his father was sick. He immediately gathered his brother to share the inheritance. "I don't have much property to share. This is all I have," said his father.
Suatu hari ayahnya sakit.Ia segera mengumpulkan saudaranya untuk membagi warisan."Aku tak memiliki banyak harta untukdi bagikan.Hanya ini yang aku miliki,"ucap ayahnya.
The first brother gets a plot of land. The second brother gets buffalo and plows. While the youngest brother gets a sack of rice. Not long after the inheritance distribution, his father dies.
Kakak pertama mendapatkan sebidang tanah.Kakak kedua mendapatkan kerbau dan bajak.Sementara adik bungsu mendapatkan sekarung padi.Tak lama setelah pembagian warisan itu ayahnya meninggal.
"What can be done with this little rice field," said the first brother. "He is right, why did I only get buffalo and plows?" Said the second brother. "Thank God for what we received," said the youngest brother.
"Apa yang bisa dilakukan dengan sebidang sawah kecil ini,"ucap kakak pertama."Ia benar,mengapa aku hanya mendapatkan kerbau dan bajak?"sahut kakak kedua."Syukuri saja apa yang kita terima,"kata adik bungsu.
Unfortunately, the two oldest brothers did not think wisely like their youngest brother, they chose to sell the inheritance, and bought rmah in the city. They wanted to live in the city. They thought, by living in the city, their lives would be better.
Sayangnya,kedua kakak tertua tak berpikiran bijak seperti adik bungsu,mereka justru memilih menjual warisan itu,dan membeli rmah di kota.Mereka ingin hidup di kota.Mereka berfikir,dengan tinggal di kota,hidup mereka akan menjadi lebih baik.
While the youngest brother survived in his father's inheritance house. He also bought a plot of land, buffalo, and a plow belonging to his brother. But now he was confused what would be the inheritance.
Sementara adik bungsu bertahan di rumah peninggalan ayahnya.Ia pula yang membeli sebidang tanah,kerbau,dan bajak milik kakak.Namun sekarang ia bingung akan di apakan warisan itu.
"Aha! I just planted these rice seeds. Now I have rice fields and buffaloes so I can hijack them, thought the youngest brother. The youngest brother began to work hard. He planted rice seeds alone, his plow alone, even harvested himself.
"Aha!aku tanam saja bibit padi ini.Sekarang aku memiliki sawah dan kerbau jadi aku bisa menbajaknya.,pikir adik bungsu.Adik bungsu pun mulai bekerja keras.Ia menanam bibit padi seorang diri,bajaknya seorang diri,bahkan memanennya pun seorang diri.
The following year, his harvest was very abundant. He sold it on the market and got a lot of money. Thanks to his diligence he was able to get a lot of money. He also no longer lived poor.
Tahun berikutnya,hasil panennya sangat melimpah.Ia menjualnya di pasar dan mendapatkan banyak uang.Berkat ketlatenannya ia bisa mendapatkan pundi-pundi uang yang banyak.Ia pun tak lagi hidup miskin.
One day, two young men came to the house. The youngest brother immediately recognized the two young men. They were his brothers. But they were still in trouble. Not as they were when they left home.
Suatu hari,dua pemuda datang ke rumah.Adik bungsu langsung mengenali dua pemuda itu.Mereka adalah kakak-kakaknya.Tapi mereka sekarang hidu susah.Tidak seperti dulu ketika mereka meninggalkan rumah.
Apparently their assets have run out in the city.They are not very good at managing their money.And just spend it for spree.
Rupanya harta mereka telah habis di kota.Mereka tak pandai mengelola uang mereka.Dan hanya menghabiskan untuk foya-foya.
The younger brother was happy, because his two brothers had gone home. They returned to live together in their father's inheritance. They also took care of their father's inheritance together.
Sang adik merasa senang,Karena kedua kakaknya telah pulang.Mereka pun kembali hidup bersama di rumah peninggalan ayahnya.Mereka juga mengurus warisan ayah mereka bersama-sama.

moral message
friends make the best use of what we have. Certainly it will be a blessing for us. And don't spend it in vain, huh.
kawan manfaatkan sebaik baiknya apa yan kita punya.pasti akan menjadi berkah bagi kita.dan jangan menghabiskan dengan sia-sia,ya.

Thanks for reding STORY FOR KIDS 2 in my blog.


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