         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...

Workers and lazy bees(lebah pekerja dan lebah pemalas)

story for kids 2

Yesterday the rain was very heavy making the worker bee want to make a house again.
kemarin hujan sangat lebat membuat lebah pekerja ingin membuat rumah lagi.
Yes, the old house was almost damaged by rain. The workers were ready to make a new house on a branch of a branch. He started to build his house.
Ya,rumah nya yang lama hampir rusak karena hujan.Lebah pekerja siap membuat rumah baru di sebuah dahan ranting.Ia mulai membangun rumahnya.
When the afternoon went on the bee house was finished. "Huh ... my house is finished. Finally I can build a comfortable house. Hope it can withstand rain."said workers bees.
Saat hari beranjak sore rumah lebah sudah selesai."Huh....selesai juga rumahku.Akhirnya rumah yang nyaman bisa kubangun.Semoga bisa tahan dengan hujan."kata lenah pekerja.
The worker rushed back to his old house. He took all his belongings. But when he returned to the new house, the worker bee was shocked. In his house there were male bees.
Kebah pekerja bergegas kembali ke rumah lamanya.Ia mengambil seluruh barang-barangnya.Namun ketika kembali ke rumah baru,lebah pekerja kaget.Dalam rumahnya sudah ada lebah jantan.
"This is not your home, this is my house!" Maybe you were wrong at home, said the male bee, insisting that it was his home.
"Ini bukan rumahmu,ini rumahku!"Mungkin kamu salah rumah,kata lebah jantan,bersikeras mengakui bahwa itu adalah rumahnya.
But worker bees are very confident that it is a newly built house. They are also arguing for a long time. Each one admits that it is his home.
Tapi lebah pekerja sangat yakin bahwa itu adalah rumah yang baru dibangunnya.Mereka pun berdebat lama.Masing-masing mengakui bahwa itu adalah rumahnya.
"Alright, we just ask for help, bee. Let him decide who this house is," suggested the worker bee, giving way out.
"Baiklah,kita minta bantuan hakin lebah saja.Biar ia yang menentukan ini rumah siapa,"usul lebah pekerja,memberi jalan keluar.
"Who is afraid?" Said the male bee, agreeing to the proposal of the worker bee. They then flew towards the house of the bee judge. When he arrived there, the two were still arguing over the house.
"Siapa takut?"ucap lebah jantan,menyetujui usulan lebah pekerja.Mereka lalu terbang menuju rumah hakim lebah.Sesampainya disana pun,keduanya masih berdebat memperebutkan rumah.
This made the judge bee upset. "Take me to the house you are fighting over," said the bee judge. The bee judge and the two bees headed for the house being debated.
Hal ini membuat hakim lebah kesal."Antar aku ke rumah yang kalian perebutkan,"ucap hakim lebah.Hakim lebah dan kedua lebah itu punmenuju rumah yang di perdebatkan.
The bee judge examined the sum'ah, while looking for ways to solve the problem.
Hakim lebah memeriksa sumah itu,sambil mencari cara untuk memyelesaikan masalah itu.
Aha, Hakim bee has an idea. He made the two bees to make the same house. The workers agreed to what the bee judge ordered, while the male bee refused it. When the bee judge knew that the male was lying.
Aha,Hakim lebah mempunyai ide.Ia membuat kedua lebah itu untuk membuat rumah yang sama.Lebah pekerja menyetujui apa yang di perintah hakim lebah,sedangkan lebah jantan menolaknya.Seketika hakim lebah tahu bahwa lebah jantan telah berbohong.
"The worker bee, that is your home. Stay in this house comfortably, and the male bee makes your own house. Don't admit what is not yours, said the bee judge.
"Lebah pekerja,itu adalah rumahmu.Tinggalah di rumah ini dengan nyaman,dan lebah jantan buatlah rumahmu sendiri.Jangan mengakui apa yang bukan milikmu,ucap hakim lebah.
Hearing that decision the male bee became very embarrassed. He also claimed that he had been lying. The male fat then apologized. I promised not to repeat his actions again. He would also build his own comfortable and safe house.
 Mendengar keputusan itu lebah jantan menjadi sangat malu.Ia pun mengaku bahwa ia telah bohong.Lebah jantan lalu minta maaf.I berjanji tidak akan mengilangi perbuatannya lagi.Ia juga akan membangun rumahnya sendiri yang nyaman Mendengar keputusan aman.

moral message
Do not acknowledge something that is not yours. It is truly an act that is not good.
Janganlah mengakui sesuatu yang bukan miliknmu.itu sungguh perbuatan yang tidak baik.

Thanks for reading story for kids 2 in my blog.


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