         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...

The story of the ice queen(Kisah ratu es)

In ancient times, there lived a very beautiful ice queen. She lived alone in the Himalayas. The remembrance of the ice queen was so cold and cruel that no one would approach her.
Pada zaman dahulu,hiduplah ratu es yng sangat cantik.Ia hidup seorang diri di pegunungan himalaya.Rupanya ratu es sangat dingin dan kejamsehingga tak ada seorang pun yang mau mendekatinya.
If, there are people who set foot on the mountain, then that person will definitely not be able to go home safely. How terrible is that? Maybe the person was buried in a snowstorm.
Jika,ada orang yang menginjakkan kakinya di gunung itu,maka orang itu pasti tidak bisa pulang dengan selamat.Sungguh mengerikan bukan?Mungkin orang tersebut terkubur dalam badai salju.
But actually the queen feels sad. She feels very lonely. She wants to have friends. Actually there is an ice king who lives on the clouds. But, the king of ice never cares about the ice queen.
Namun sebenarnya sang ratu merasa sedih.Ia merasa sangat kesepian.Ia ingin memiliki teman.Sebenarnya ada raja es yang tinggal di atas awan.Tapi,raja es tidak pernah peduli dengan ratu es.
"Why do you never glance at the ice king and pay attention to the earth?" Asked the ice queen loudly.
"Why do I have to pay attention to the earth that looks like that ant? Didn't the one who looks handsome look more like the stars in the beautiful sky?" Said the ice king arrogantly.
"Raja es mengapa kamu tidak pernah melirik dan memperhatikan bumi?"tanya ratu es dengan kerasnya.
"Mengapa aku harus memperhatikan bumi yang terlihat seperti semut itu?Bukankah aku yang terlihat gagah ini lebih pantas memperhatikan bintang-bintang di langit yang indah?sahut raja es dengan sombong.
The ice king's answer turned out to make the mountains hurt. They grumbled, thundered and threw rocks. Seeing angry mountains, the ice queen had an idea.
Jawaban raja es itu ternyata membuat gunung-gunung sakit hati.Mereka pun menggerutu,bergemuruh dan melempar benatuan.Melihat gunung-gunung yang marah,ratu es mempunyai ide.
 "For the mountains there is no point in you grumbling and removing rocks. That will only hurt you. Listen to me. I have a plan to teach the king of ice," said the ice queen.
"Wahai gunung-gunung tidak ada gunanya kau terus menggerutu danmengeluarkan bebatuan.Itu hanya akan menyakiti kalian.Dengarkan aku.Aku mempunyai rencana untuk memberi pelajaran kepada raja es,"Kata Ratu es.
Olala, the mountains actually laughed out loud hearing the words of the ice queen. But that did not make the ice queen discouraged. The ice queen will be determined to continue to do that plan.
 Olala,gunung -gunung malah tertawa terbahak-bahak mendengar perkataan ratu es.Namun hal itu tidak membuat ratu es patah semangat.Ratu es akan bertekat untuk terus melakukan rencana itu.
  the evening the sunset was so beautiful. The sun's rays illuminated the body of the ice queen. The ice sheet looked very beautiful. At that moment, the King of Ice saw the beauty of the glowing ice queen. The ice king fell in love with the ice queen.
 suatu sore matahari terbenam dengan begitu indahnya.Pancaran sinar matahari menerangi tubuh ratu es.Ratu es menjadi terlihat sangat cantik.Saat itulah,Raja es melihat kecantikan ratu es yang bersinar.Raja es pun jatuh cinta kepada ratu es.
 The ice king then bent down to see the ice queen more carefully. But what happened? Olala, the king of ice even fell to the earth. When he reached the earth, the king's body suddenly melted and scattered in the valley. The ice queen smiled proudly, because the plan had succeeded
  Raja es lalu membungkuk untuk melihat ratu es lebih seksama.Namun apa yang terjadi?Olala,raja es malah terjatuh ke bumi.Ketika sampai di bumi,seketika tubuh raja es meleleh dan berserakan di lembah.Ratu es pun tersenyum bangga,karena rencananya telah berhasil.

moral message
be a humble child, to always be liked by friends.
 jadilah anak yang rendah hati,agar selalu disukai teman.

Thanks for reading STORY FOR KIDS 2 in my blog.


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