         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Suatu ketika,seorang kakek tua sedang mencari kayu bakar di hutan.Persediaan kayu bakar di rumahnya telah habis.Jika ia tak mempunyai kayu bakar,ia tak dapat memasak.
One time, an old man was looking for firewood in the forest. The supply of firewood in his house had run out. If he did not have firewood, he could not cook.
Hutan sangat sepi kala itu.Kakek tua pun bergegas mengumpulkan kayu bakar.Tiba-tiba ia melihat sebuah kayu kering di atas pohon.Ia ingin mengambil kayu itu,tapi ia bingung.
The forest was very quiet at that time. The old grandfather rushed to collect firewood. Suddenly he saw a dry wood in the tree. He wanted to take the wood, but he was confused.
"Apakah aku harus mengambil kayu itu?Tapi bagaimana caranya?"gumam kakek tua.Kakek tua itu terus berfikir.
"Do I have to take the wood? But how?" Murmured the old grandfather. The old grandfather kept thinking.
"Tapi pasti memerlukan waktu yang lama untuk naik ke atas pohon.Belum lagi kalau aku terpeleset dan jatuh,"lanjut kakek tua itu.
"But it certainly takes a long time to climb to the top of the tree. Not to mention if I slip and fall," continued the old man.
Kakek tua itu kembali berfikir keras.
"Tapi,kayu itu sangat lumayan untuk dijadikan kayu bakar.Aku bisa seminggu tak mencari kayu bakar,jika aku berhasil mendapatkannya.,"gumam kakek itu.
"But, the wood is very good to be used as firewood. I can not look for firewood for a week, if I manage to get it," murmured the old man.
Kakek itu berfikir cukup lama.Akhirnya,kakek tua memutuskan untuk tidak mengambil kayu kering itu.Ia takut terjatuh.
The grandfather thought for a long time. Finally, the old man decided not to take the dry wood. He was afraid of falling.
Kakek tua pun melanjutkan perjalanannya.Di tengah perjalanan,ia bertemu dengan seekor burung di atas pohon.Tampaknya burung itu sedang lemah.Kakek tua itu bahkan bisa dengan mudah menangkapnya.Sayangnya,si kakek tua masih saja berfikir.
The old grandfather continued his journey. In the middle of the trip, he met a bird in a tree. It seemed that the bird was weak. The old grandpa could even easily catch him. Unfortunately, the old grandfather was still thinking.
"Apakah aku harus menangkap burung itu?"pikir si kakek tua.
Kakek tua kembali berfikir.
"Do I have to catch the bird?" Thought the old man.
Old grandfather is thinking again.
"Tapi,burung itu sangat tinggi.Tidk usah sajalah.Aku takut terjatuh,"lanjut kakek tua.
Saat kakek tua hendak melanjutkan perjalanan,ia berubah pikiran.Ia jadi ingin menangkap burung itu.
But, the bird is very tall. Don't worry about it. I'm afraid of falling," continued the old man.
When the old grandfather was about to continue his journey, he changed his mind. So he wanted to catch the bird.
"Lebih baik aku menangkapnya saja.Aku bisa makan malam dengan daging burung itu,"pikir kakek tua itu.
"I'd better catch it. I can have dinner with the meat of the bird," thought the old man.
Kakek tua berniat memanjat pohon.Baru menyentuh batang pohon,ia kembali berfikir.
"Ah,aku takut jatuh.Kalau aku jatuh,aku tak bisa makan daging burung.Bisa-bisa malah aku yang menjadi makanan burun.
The old grandfather intends to climb the tree. Just touching the tree trunk, he thought again.
"Ah, I'm afraid to fall. If I fall, I can't eat bird meat. I might instead become the fugitive.
Berbagai macap pikiran muncul.Akhirnya si kakek tua memutuskan untuk tidak menangkap burung.
Kakek tua lalu pulang kerumah.Ia pun pulang dengan tangan kosong.Sambil berjalan pulag,ia terus berfikir.
Various thoughts arise. Finally, the old man decided not to catch birds.
The old grandfather then returned home. He went home empty-handed. While walking pulag, he kept thinking.
"Andai tadi aku mengambil kayu kering dan burung itu,pasti aku bisa memasak burung itu dengan kayu bakar,"sesal kakek tua.
"If I had just taken dry wood and the bird, surely I could have cooked the bird with firewood," regretted the old man.
Kakek tua pulang dengan perasaan menyesal.Ah,seharusnya ia tak usah banyak berfikir.Lakukan sajaapa yang ingin dilakukan,pasti akan mendapat hasil.
The old grandfather came home feeling sorry. Ah, he shouldn't have thought much. Just do whatever you want to do, it will definitely get results.


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