         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a herd of elephants didn't care.The think the ants were small animals.A herd of elephants were continuing their eating.They were not even reluctant to destroy the


Di sebuah desa,hidupkah sepasang suami istri.Mereka bekerja sebagai petani.Mereka memiliki dua orang putri.
In a village, there lived a married couple. They worked as farmers. They had two daughters.
Putri yang pertama bernama bawang ,sedangkan adiknya bernama kesuna.Namun,dua saudara itu memiliki watak yang berbeda.Bawang sangat rajin membantu ibunya,sedangkan kesuma sangat malas.
The first daughter was named onion, while her sister was called kesuna. However, the two siblings had different characters. Onions were very diligent in helping their mothers, while kesuma was very lazy.
Suatu pagi,sebelum pergi ke pasar,sang ibu menyuruh bawang dan kesuna untuk menumbuk padi.Padi itu sudah harus menjadi nasi saat ia pulang.
One morning, before going to the market, the mother told the onions and kesuna to pound rice. The rice had to become rice when he returned
"Bantu kakakmu,Kesuna,"pinta ibunya.
Kesuna mengangguk,pura-pura mengiyakan perintah ibunya.Saat ibunya pergi,Bawang meminta kesuma mengambil padi di lumbung.
Kesuna nodded, pretending to say yes to her mother's orders. When her mother left, Bawang asked kesuma to take rice in the barn.
"Kesuna,ayo kita keluarkan padi dari lumbung,"ajak Bawang.
"Kakak saja.Nanti aku yang memotong tangkainya,"balas Kesuna.
Kesuna, let's get the rice out of the barn," Bawang said.
"Brother, I'll cut the stems later," replied Kesuna.
Bawang lalu mengeluarkan paDi itu sendiri.Untunglah,Bawang terbiasa bekerja keras.
"Kesuna,padi sudah aku keluarkan dari lumbung.Sekarang giliranmu memotong tangkainya,"kata Bawang.
Bawang then takes out the Pan itself. Fortunately, Bawang is accustomed to working hard.
"Kesuna, I have removed the rice from the granary. Now it is your turn to cut the stem," said Bawang.
"Kakak saja sekalian,nanti aku yang akan menjemur padi itu,"balas Kesuma sambil duduk malas.
Bawang pun memotong tangkai padi itu.Bawang kembali meminta kesuma untuk menjemur padi,namun lagi-lagi Kesuma menolaknya.Ya!Kesuma terus menolak setiap Bawang memintanya untuk membantu.Alhasil,Bawang bekerja sendirian hingga padi itu menjadi beras.
Sis, guys, I'll dry the rice later," Kesuma replied while sitting lazily.
Onions cut the rice stalk. Onions again asked kesuma to dry the rice, but again Kesuma refused it. Yes! Kesuma continued to refuse every Onion to ask him to help. As a result, Bawang worked alone until the rice became rice.
Saat sore hari,barulah padi itu menjadi nasi.Tubuh bawang sudah sangat kotor.Ia pun
pamit kepada Kesuna untuk mandi di sungai.
in the afternoon, then the rice becomes rice. The body of the onion is very dirty
say goodbye to Kesuna to take a bath in the river.
Tak selang berapa lama,ibu pulang dari pasar.Kesuna cepat-cepat melumuri tubuhnya dengan dedak.
"Tahukah ibu?Seharian aku bekerja keras sendirian,menumbuk padi hingga menjadi nasi.
Not long after, the mother returned from the market. Kesuna quickly covered her body with bran.
"Do you know, mother? I worked hard all day alone, pounding rice into rice.
Aku sungguh lelah,ibu,"ujar Kesuna kepada ibunya,sambil berpura-pura kelelahan.
"Memangnya kemana Bawang?"tanya sang ibu dengan marah.
I'm really tired, mother, "Kesuna said to her mother, while pretending to be tired.
"Where is Bawang?" Asked the mother angrily.
"Bawang kerjanya hanya bersolek.Sekarang,dia sedang mandi disungai,"jawab Kesuma.
Saat Bawang pulang kerumah,sang ibu langsung memarahi Bawang.Ia juga mengusir Bawang dari rumah.
Bawang works only preening. Now, he is bathing in the river," Kesuma answered.
When Bawang returned home, the mother immediately scolded Bawang. He also expelled Bawang from home
Sang ibu sama sekali tak memberikan kesempatan kepada Bawang untuk menceritakan yang sesungguhnya.
The mother did not give Bawang the chance to tell the truth.

pesan moral
Jangan berlaku curang,itu sungguh tak baik.
Don't cheat, it's really not good.


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