         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Alkisah,ada seorang lelaki yang hidup sederhana besama dengan istrinyaMeskipun demikian,lelaki itu tak pernah mengeluh.
Once upon a time, there was a man who lived simply with his wife. Even so, he never complained.
Ia sangat baik.Ia bahkan kerap membantu orang yang membutuhkannya.Laki-laki itu bekerja sebagai pembuat sepatu.Setiap malam,ia membuat sepatu,paginya ia menjual sepatunya ke pasar.
He is very kind. He even often helps people who need it. The man works as a shoe maker. Every night, he makes shoes, in the morning he sells his shoes to the market.
Suatu hari,lelaki itu baru pulang saat hari sudah petang.Ia tampak kelelahan.Rupanya siang tadi,ia menolong orang yang membutuhkan bantuan.Hal tersebut membuat lelaki itu kelelahan.
One day, the man just returned when it was already evening. He looked tired. Apparently this afternoon, he helped people who needed help. It made him tired.
"Aku harus membuat sepatu agar besok bisa kujual,"ucap lelaki itu.
Malam pun tiba,lelaki itu harus membuat sepatu untuk dijual,nmun badannya yang sangat lelah,membuat ia mengantuk.
"I have to make shoes so I can sell tomorrow," the man said.
Night fell, the man had to make shoes to sell, but his body was very tired, making him sleepy.
Saat sedang membuat sepatu,lelaki itu pu tertidur.Olala,tiba-tiba sekelompok kurcaci datang.Merekatahu bahwa lelaki itu adalah orang yang sangat baik.Para kurcaci ingin menolong lelaki itu.Mereka bekerjasama membuat sepatu untuk lelaki itu.
While making shoes, the man was sleeping. Oala, suddenly a group of dwarves came. Know that the man is a very good person. The dwarves want to help the man. They work together to make shoes for him.
Pagi pun tiba,Saat lelaki itu bangun,ia sangat terkejut.Bagaimana tidak?semua sepatunya sudah jadi,bahkan lebih bagus dari yang ia buat.Karena penasaran ia bertanya kepada istrinya.
Morning arrived, When the man woke up, he was very surprised. How not? All the shoes are ready, even better than what he made. Because of being curious he asked his wife.
"Apakah kau yang menyelesaikan pekerjaanku?"tanya lelaki itu.
"Mana mungkin aku membuatnya.Kau tahu kan aku tak bisa membuat sepatu,"jawab sang istri.
Lelaki itu pun mengabaikan rasa penasarannya .
Did you finish my work?" The man asked.
"How could I make it. You know I can't make shoes," answered his wife.
The man ignored his curiosity.
Ia segera pergi kepasar untuk menjual sepatunya.Karena sangat bagus sepatu itu laku dengan harga yang mahal.Kejadian itu berlangsung setiap malam.Alhasil kehidupan lelaki itu menjadi lebih baik.
He immediately went to the market to sell his shoes. Because very good shoes that sell well at a high price. That event took place every night. As a result the man's life became better
Lama-kelamaan rasa penasaran rasa penasaran lelali itu timbul kembali.Ia kemudian mengajak istrinya untuk melihat siapa yang membuat sepatu itu.Saat malam datang,lelaki itu dan istrinya pura-pura tidur.Namun,ketika tengah malam,mereka bangun.
Over time the curiosity of the curiosity emerged again. He then invited his wife to see who made the shoes. When night came, the man and his wife pretended to be asleep. However, when it was midnight, they woke up.
Betapa terkejutnya mereka saat melihat sekelompok kucaci membuat sepatu.Tapi,mereka tak mau mengejutkan kurcaci kurcaci itu.Mereka pun melanjutkan tidur.Esok harinya,lelaki itu ingin mengucapkan terimakasih kepada kurcaci.
How surprised they were when they saw a group of kucaci making shoes. But, they did not want to surprise the dwarf dwarf. They continued to sleep. The next day, the man wanted to thank the dwarf.
"Istriku bagaimana kalau kita membuatkan mereka baju.?Bukankah mereka tidak menggunakan baju?"usul lelaki itu kepada istrinya.Iatrinya pun setuju.Dengan senang hati istri lelaki itu membuat baju untuk kurcaci.
"My wife, how about we make them clothes.? Aren't they not wearing clothes?" The man suggested to his wife. His wife agreed. With pleasure the man's wife made clothes for the dwarves.
Setelah baju itu jadi,lelaki itu meletakkannya di tempat siasa kurcaci bekerja.Saat malam datang,para kurcaci kaget.
After the clothes were made, the man put them in the place where the dwarves work. When night came, the dwarf kage
Ditempat mereka bekerja,sudah ada baju yang sangat indah,ternyata para kurcaci sangat menyukainya.Mereka pun langsung memakai baju itu.Lelaki si pembuat sepatu sangat senang melihat para kurcaci  menerima hadiahnya.
At the place they work, there are already very beautiful clothes, apparently the dwarves really like it. They immediately put on the clothes. The shoemaker man was very happy to see the dwarves receive his prize.
Sejak saat itu,para kurcaci tak lagi datang ke rumah lelaki si pembuat sepatu.Mungkin mereka sudah kembali ke hutan.Namun berkat para kurcaci itu.kehidupan lelaki si pembuat sepatu menjadi semakin baik.
Since then, the dwarves no longer come to the shoemaker's house. Maybe they have returned to the forest. But thanks to the dwarves. The shoemaker's men have become better off.

pesan moral
Kawan,jika sudah dibantu,jangan lupa untuk berterimakasih,ya.
Friend, if you have been helped, don't forget to be thankful, yes.


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