         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Zaman dahulu di dekat sungai Gangga,ada sepasang suami istri yang hidup sederhana.Meskipun begitu,mereka sangat bahagia.
In ancient times near the river Ganges, there was a husband and wife who lived modestly. Even so, they were very happy.
Raj,sang suami,adalah seekor pawang ular.Setiap hari,Raj, pergi ke alun-alun desa sambil membawa guci berisi ular berbisa.Saat ia meniupkan serulingnya ular berbisa itu akan keluar dan menari-nari.Orang yang melihatnya pun bersorak dan bertepuk tangan.Mereka lalu melemparkan beberapa uang koin ke pinggir guci.
Raj, the husband, is a snake charmer. Every day, Raj, goes to the village square while carrying a jar filled with poisonous snakes. When he blows his flute the snake will come out and dance. The person who saw it cheered and clapped They then threw a few coins to the edge of the jar
Setelah pertunjukan selesai,Raj pulang.Ia lalu memberikan uang koin ke pinggir guci.
After the show finished, Raj went home. He then gave coins to the edge of the urn.
Suatu malam,Raj meminta izin untuk pergi ke kota besok pagi.Ia berharap,dengan melakukan pertunjukan di kota,ia akan memperoleh lebih banyak uang.Akba pun mengizinkan suaminya pergi.
One night, Raj asked permission to go to the city tomorrow morning. He hoped, by performing in the city, he would get more money. Akba also let her husband go.
Pagi-pagi sekali,Raj berangkat ke kota.Di alun-alun kota,Raj meletakkan guci berisi ular dan membuka tutup gucinya.
Early in the morning, Raj left for the city. In the town square, Raj put a jar filled with snakes and opened the lid.
Ia mulainkan suling dengan indahnya.Si ular keluar dan mulai menari dengan lihainya.Orang-orang kota yang belum pernah melihat melihat pertunjukan itu pun bersorak-sorai.
He began to play the flute beautifully. The snake came out and began to dance with it. The people of the city who had never seen the show also cheered.
Orang-orang melemparkan uang koin.Bahkan,mereka juga melemparkan koin emas.Raj pun pulang dengan sangat senang.Baru pertama kali ia melihat uang emas sebanyak itu.Akba yang menerima uang itu tak kalah gembiranya.Ia pun menyimpan uang itu di guci.
People threw coins. In fact, they also threw gold coins. Raj went home very happy. The first time he saw that much gold money. Akba who received the money was no less happy. He also kept the money in a jar.
Saat suami istri itu sedang tidur dengan lelapnya,tiba-tiba beberapa perampok datang.Rupanya mereka sudah mengikuti dan mengawasi raj sejak tadi.Karena takut ketahuan,mereka tergesa-gesa mengambil satu buah guci tanpa memeriksa isinya terlebih dahulu.
When the husband and wife were sleeping soundly, suddenly some robbers came. Apparently they had followed and watched raj since earlier. Because of fear of being caught, they hurriedly took one urn without checking its contents first.
Keesokan harinya,Raj menyadari bahwa salah satu gucinya telah hilang.Ia membuka guci yang masih tersisa.Ternyata isinya adalah koin emas.Ia tertawa sambil membayangkan takutnya para perampok yang salah mengambil guci.
The next day, Raj realizes that one of the jugs is gone. He opens the remaining jar. It turns out that the contents are gold coins. He laughs while imagining the fear of the robbers who took the wrong jar.
Benar saja,para rampok seketika ketakutan saat membuka guci yang yang mereka bawa.Tentu saja,itu karena guci itu berisi seekor ular berbisa.
Sure enough, the robbers were immediately frightened when opening the jar they were carrying. Of course, it was because the jar contained a poisonous snake.
Raj lalu keluar rumah.Ia memainkan srulingnya.Apa yang terjadi?Olala,beberapa lama kemudian seekor ular muncul dihadapannya.Ya!Itu adalah ular berbisa miliknya yang dibawa para perampok.
Raj then exits the house. He plays his flute. What happened? Olala, after a while a snake appeared in front of him. Yes! It was his poisonous snake brought by the robbers.
"Ular pintar,kau telah kembali.Aku berjanji,aku akan menjagamu,"kata raj sambil mengelus ular tersebut.Wh,sungguh pintar ya ular itu!
"Clever snake, you have returned. I promise, I will take care of you," said Raj while stroking the snake.

pesan moral
Mencuri adalah perbuatan yang tidak baik,teman.Yuk,bersemangat dalam melakukan kebaikan.


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