         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...

"Dropping a baby in the river"(Menjatuhkan bayi di sungai)

 A young man was seen enjoying the view of the river. 
Seorang pemuda terlihat sedang asyikmenikmati pemandangan sungai.
In the vicinity of the river grew a very beautiful plants. 
Di sekitar sungai itu tumbuh tanaman yang sangat indah.
The birds flew, adding to the beauty that afternoon.
Burung burung pun berterbangan,menambah keindahan sore itu.
" it's a beautiful view this afternoon.
 Sungguh indah pemandangan sore ini
 It's so beautiful that it keeps the mind calm, "the young man said.
Sangat asri,sehingga membuat pikiran tenang,ujar pemuda itu . 
 But suddenly he saw a man was holding a baby. 
Namun tiba-tiba ia melihat seorang laki-laki sedang menggendong bayi.
It seemed the baby is his son.
Sepertinya bayi itu adalah anakkya. 
The man headed for the river. 
 Laki-laki itu menuju sungai.
Olala, the man lifted the baby up high. 
Olala,laki-laki itu mengangkat bayi itu tinggi-tinggi. 
The baby was crying loudly.
Bayi itu pun menangis kencang.
What will the man do? Will he throw the baby away? "The young man thought.
"Apa yang akan laki-laki itu lahukan?Apakah ia akan membuang bayi itu?"batin sipemuda.
"You can swim my son," exclaimed the baby owner.
 "Kau pasti bisa berenang anakku,seru lelaki pemilik bayi.
 Hearing that, the young man ran up to the man.
 Mendengar hal itu,si pemuda langsung berlari menghampiri lelaki itu.
 He had to help the baby in his hands.
Ia harus menolong bayi yang ada dalam tangan lelaki itu.
 "What do you want to do with the baby?" Yelled the boy. 
 "Mau kau apakan bayi itu?"teriak pemuda.
"This is my son, I'm going to drop him into the river, "replied the baby owner.
Ini anakku,aku akan menjatuhkannya ke dalam sungai,"jawab lelaki pemilik bayi.
 "If you drop it into the river the baby will die," the boy yelled.
 "Jika kau menjatuhkannya kedalam sungai bayi itu akan mati,"seru pemuda itu.
 The man laughed at the young man's answer.
Laki-laki itu malah tertawa mendengar jawaban si pemuda.
"Why are you laughing?" The boy asked in surprise. 
"Kenapa kau tertawa?"tanya pemuda itu heran.
"This baby will not die, I'm his father and I can swim. 
"Bayi ini tak akan mati,aku ayahnya dan aku bisa berenang. 
My child would be able to swim," said the man.
Anakku pun pasti bisa berenang,"ucap lelaki itu.
Quickly, the boy grabbed the baby.
 Dengan cepat si pemuda merebut bayi itu.
 He then advised the man, that if the father could swim,it was not exactly  his son could swim also.
 Ia lalu menasehati laki-laki itu,bahwa jika seorang ayah pandai berenang belum tentu anakknya bisa berenang.
Moreover the son was still baby.
Apalagi  anakknya masih bayi.
"You can swim also have to learn first, right? 
 "kau bisa berenang juga harus belajar dulu,bukan?
If you never learn to swim as a child, you can never swim too until now," advised the youth.
 Jika kau tak pernah belajar berenang sewaktu kecil,kau pun tak akan pernah bisa berenang sampai sekarang,"nasehat pemuda.
The man was aware of his mistake. 
 Lelaki itumenyadari kesalahannya.
He immediately hugged the baby and promised not to repeat the same.
Ia pun langsung memeluk bayi itu dan berjanji tak akan mengulangi perbutan yang sama.
"You can teach your son to swim someday, if he has grown up. 
 "kau bisa mengajari anakmu berenang kelak,jika ia sudah tumbuh besar.
Now dear your son, just as a father loves his son," continued the young man.
Sekarang sayangilah anakmu,layakknya seorang ayah menyayangi anakknya,"lanjut pemuda itu.
The man was back carrying his son,
 Lelaki itu pun kembali menggendong anaknya,
 he came home with deep regret.
 Ia pulang dengan penyesalan yang mendalam.
Ah, he almost committed a careless recklessness due to his own stupidity.
Ah, ia hampir melakukan suatu perbutan yang ceroboh akibat kebodohannya sendiri. 

Pesan moral:
Tiap orang memiliki kelebihan yang berbeda-beda.Jadi jangan paksa orang untuk mengikuti apa yang kita lakukan.

Thank for reading STORY FOR KIDS 2 ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.


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