         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Hari ini adalah hari yang sangat cerah.Matahari bersinar dengan teriknya.
Today is a very sunny day. The sun shines brightly.
 Angin berhembus dengan lembut,membuat dedaunan bergoyang dan melambai-lambai.
The wind blows gently, making the leaves sway and wave.
Udara siang  itu jadi tidak terlalu panas,karena angin membawa udara yang sejuk.
The afternoon air was not too hot, because the wind brought cool air.
Dari jauh,tampak raja dan ratu sedang asyik berkuda.Rupanya, mereka hendak berkeliling kampung sambil menikmati pemandangan yang masih asri.
From afar, it appeared that the king and queen were busy riding. Apparently, they wanted to go around the village while enjoying the beautiful scenery.
"Wahai istriku,apakah kau tahu siapa pemilik gubuk tua itu?"tanya raja,enasaran saat melihat sebuah gubuk.
"O my wife, do you know who owns the old hut?" Asked the king, curious when he saw a hut.
"Suamiku,itu bukan gubuk.Itu adalah rumah si petani,"jawab ratu.
"My husband, it is not a hut. It is the farmer's house," answered the queen.
Raja sangat terkejut begitu mendengar jawaban dari ratu.
The king was very surprised when he heard the answer from the queen.
Selama ini raja memang tidak pernah mengunjungi perkampungan.Jadi ia juga tidak tahu bagaimana kehidupan seorang petani.
During this time the king had never visited the village. So he also did not know how the life of a farmer.
"Lalu bagaimana mereka bisa tetap hidup?Bukankah itu tempat yang tidak nyaman?"tanay raja.
"Then how can they stay alive? Isn't that an uncomfortable place?" Asked the king.
"Aku tidak tahu.Yang jelas pasti mereka sangat menderita,"kata ratu.
"I don't know. What is clear is that they suffered a lot," said the queen.
Keesokan harinya,Raja kembali ke perkampungan tersebut.Namun ia tidak berpakaian selayaknya raja.
The next day, the King returned to the village. But he did not dress like the king.
a justru mengenakan baju petani.Rupanya raja ingin merasakan kehidupan petani.
a precisely wearing farmers' clothes. Apparently the king wants to feel the life of farmers.
Raja lalu menemui petani yang tinggal di gubuk tua.Ia minta izin untuk membantu pekerjaannya di sawah.
The king then met a farmer who lived in an old hut. He asked for permission to help his work in the fields.
Dengan senang hati si petani mempersilahkan.Mereka pun pergi bersama-sama ke sawah.
With pleasure the farmers invited. They went together to the rice fields.
Mereka mulai mencangkul tanah dengan semangat.Saat siang hari petani tetap bekerja dan tidak bekerja sama sekali.
They began to hoe the land with enthusiasm. During the day the farmers keep working and not working at all.
Padahal matahari bersinar sangat terik.Si petani bahkan tidak memiliki bekal makanan untuk dibawa.Raja tertegun melihat kerja keras petani.
Even though the sun was shining very hot. The farmers did not even have food supplies to carry. King was stunned by the farmer's hard work.
Menjelang senja,mereka baru pulang.Raja langsung menuju ke istana.
Near dusk, they returned home. King immediately headed to the palace.
Olala,seluruh badannya terasa sangat pegal.Setelah diobati oleh tabib,ia pun sembuh.
Olala, her whole body felt very achy. After being treated by a doctor, she recovered.
raja lalu menceritakan pengalamannya kepada ratu.Ratu tersenyum mendengar cerita raja.
The king then told his experience to the queen. The queen smiled at the king's story.
Ratu merasa sangat senang,karena kini raja telah berubah dan mau memikirkan nasip petani.
The queen feels very happy, because now the king has changed and wants to think about the farmers' food.

Pesan moral/Moral message
Menghargai kerja keras orang lain itu harus.Ulurkan tanganmu kepada  orang yang membutuhkan.
Appreciating the hard work of others must. Extend your hand to someone in need.
Thank for reading STORY FOR KIDS ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.


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