         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Disebuah wilayah yang subur,hidup kakak beradik.Mereka adalah putra mahkota di kerajaan wilayah tersebut.Saqhem sang kakak,sedangkan Hazeem adiknya.
In a fertile region, the brothers lived. They were crown princes in the kingdom of the region. Saqhem was his brother, while Hazeem was his younger brother.
Karena ayah dan ibu mereka telah lama meninggal,kakak beradik itu hidup bersama paman mereka.
Because their father and mother had long passed away, the siblings lived with their uncle.
Tahun ini,kerjaan mendapatkan panen yang melimpah.Hazeem dan Saqhen pun berencana mengadakan pesta untuk rakyat.Namun,paman mereka melarangnya dengan alasan untuk menghemat hasil panen.
This year, the work gets an abundant harvest. Hazeem and Saqhen also planned to hold a party for the people. However, their uncle forbade it with the reason to save on crops.
Olala,paman mereka ternyata mempunyai sifat licik.Dia berniat jahat terhadap putra mahkota.
Olala, their uncle turned out to have a cunning nature. He intended evil against the crown prince.
"Wahai seluruh rakyat,ketahuilah,tahun ini negeri kita mengalami panen sangat melimpah.Namun,putra mahkota tak mau membagikan hasil panen."
"Hai  people, you know, this year our country experienced a very abundant harvest. However, the crown prince did not want to share the harvest."
Fitnah dengan cepat menyebar ke seluruh penjuru negeri,rakyat lantas sepakat untuk mengusir kakak beradik tersebut.
Slander quickly spread throughout the country, the people then agreed to evict the siblings.
Kini,Saqhem dan Hazeem hidup berdua di dalam hutan.Mereka tak membawa bekal apapun.Hanya ada sepotong roti di dalam kantung Hazeem.Saat akan memakannya,ia melihat kakaknya yang juga sedang kelaparan.
Now, Saqhem and Hazeem live together in the forest. They don't bring any provisions. Only there is a piece of bread in the bag of Hazeem. When going to eat it, he sees his brother who is also starving.
Akhirnya,diberikanlah roti itu kepada kakaknya.
Sang kakak ternyata juga tak tega melihat adiknya belum makan dari kemarin.Namun,sang adik selalu berkata bahwa ia sudah kenyang.Hal itu terus menerus berulang.
Finally, he gave the bread to his brother.
The older brother also couldn't bear to see his younger brother haven't eaten since yesterday. However, the younger brother always said that he was full.
"Apa yang kau sembunyikan dariku,Hazeem?"Tanya Saqhem."Kau tak pernah makan,tapi kau selalu bilang kau sudah kenyang.Bagaimana bisa seperti itu,adikku?"
What are you hiding from me, Hazeem? "Asked Saqhem." You never eat, but you always say you are full. How can that be, my sister? "
"Wahai kakakku,aku tak menyembunyikan sesuatu darimu,"jawab pangeran Hazeem."Aku memang tidak makan,tapi aku selalu meresa kenyang.Itu karena kasih sayangku padamu kak."
"O my brother, I do not hide anything from you," prince Hazeem answered, "I do not eat, but I always feel full. That's because of my love for you sis."
Mendengar hal itu,Pangeran Saqhem terharu.Ia memeluk adiknya dengan penuh kasih sayang.Akhirnya,mereka memilih tinggal di hutan,jauh dari keramaian,dan tinggal dalam kedamaian.
Hearing this, Prince Saqhem was moved. He embraced his sister with great affection. Finally, they chose to live in the forest, away from the crowds, and live in peace.

pesan moral
kasih sayang selalu membuat seseorang rela melakukan banyak hal untuk orang yang dikasihinya.
compassion always makes someone willing to do many things for the people he loves.


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