         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


ENGLISH SHORT STORY FOR KIDS DAN ARTINYA        In the beautiful lake,lived a swan.The lake was very clear,there were many food there.The swan lived happily because the swan no need to go far looking for some food.On a sunny afternoon,crow crossed over the lake . A crow looked at a swan standing on the stone of the side lake.Because felt cerious with swan,a crow decided to perch in the one of branch near the lake.
       "Wow....,beautiful swan,If I were as beautiful as her I would be happy ",said crow.The swan standing looked at a crow shadow in the water and she called a crow to join with her.
        "What are you doing there,crow?come here,we play together,"ask a swan.apparently,a swan not only beautiful face but also beautiful heart.A crow was flying to approach a swan.and then they played together.
       since then,a swan and crow became a good friend.So comfortable at the lake,a crow stay overnight in a swan house,after aday there,a crow missed her family,she wanted to go home.
       "I have to go home.maybe my family miss me."said a crow."unfortunately,whereas,I am so glad can be with you.I will miss you later,"said swan sadly.
        "Don't be sad swan,Someday I will play to your house again.If you want to play in my house,no matter.My house is in the peak of this forest.No difficult to find it,"said crow.
       They parted ways,swan off the crow with a heavy heart.Several day later, A swan missed crow and a swan dare herself to across the forest to meet a crow.really, it was not difficult to find a crow's house,both of them let go and told manything.
       suddenly,A crow realized that there was hunter wanted to catch them.A crow made a discordant sound giving information to her friends.But the hunter startled with that sound and aim the shotgun at the swan and a swan was shot by hunter ,how sad crow because her friendship with swan must end with death.

        Disebuah danau yang sangat indah,hiduplah seekor angsa.Danau itu sangat jernih,ada banyak makanan di sana.Angsa itu pun bahagia,karena ia tak perlu pergi jauh untuk mencari makanan.
       Pada suatu sore yang cerah,gagak melintas di atas danau itu.Ia pun melihat angsa yang sedang berdiri di batu tepian danau.Karena merasa penasaran dengan angsa,ia memutuskan untuk hinggap di salah satu dahan dekat danau.
       "Wah,cantikknya angsa.Andai aku secantik dia,pasti aku sangat bahhagia."ucap gagak.
         Angsa yang sedang berdiri itu,melihat bayangan gagak dari dalam air.Ia pun memanggil gagak  untuk bergabung dengannya.
          "Apa yang kau lakukan disana,gagak?kemarilah.Kita bermain bersama,"pinta angsa.
        Rupanya,angsa tak hanya cantik rupanya,namun juga cantik hatinya.Gagak pun terbang mendekat ke Angsa.Mereka lalu bermai bersama-sama.
        Sejak saat itu,Angsa dan gagak menjadi teman baik ,saking nyamannya di danau itu,gagak menginap di rumah angsa.Setelah berhari-hari disana,gagak merasa rindu dengan saudaranya. Ia ingin pulang kerumah.
        "Aku harus pulang ke rumah.Mungkin keluargaku juga rindu denganku,ucap gagak".
         "Sayang sekali. Padahal,aku sangat senang bisa bermain denganmu.Pasti aku akan merindukanmu nanti,"ujar angsa dengan sedih.
           "Tak usah sedih,Angsa.Kapan-kapan,aku akan bermain ke rumahmu lagi.Jika kau ingin main kerumahku pun tak apa. Rumahku ada di ujung hutan ini.Tak sulit menemukannya,"jelas gagak.
            Mereka pun berpisah.Angsa melepas kepergian gagak dengan perasaan berat hati.
           Beberapa hari kemudian,Angsa merasa sangat rindu dengan gagak.Ia pun memberanikan diri terbang melintasi hutan untuk menemui gagak.
          Benar saja,rumah gagak tak sulit dicari.Kedua burung itu pun melepas rindu.Mereka saling bercerita banyak hal.
         Tiba-tiba,gagak menyadari bahwa ada pemburu yang sedang mengintai mereka.Gagak pun mengeluarkan suara yang sangat sumbang untuk memberitahukan teman-temanya Namun,pemburu kaget dengan suara itu dan tak sengaja mengarahkan senapannya ke arah angsa ,angsa pun tertembak mati .Betapa sedihnya gagak,karena persahabatannya dengan angsa justru harus berakhir dengan kematian.

Pesan moral
Sebagai manusia kita tidak boleh mengganggu kehidupan hewan karena mereka punya hak untuk hidup bahagia. 



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