Ada tiga kerbau yang bersahabat.There are three friendly buffalo.
Mereka selalu bersama-sama,mulai dari bermain sampai mencari makan.
They are always together, from playing to finding food.
Nah,cara makan ketiga itu sangat unik.Mereka menyatukan kepala saat sedang makan.Jadi,jika dilihat dari atas,mereka membentuk sebuah lingkaran.Lucu bukan?Well, the third way of eating is very unique. They put their heads together while eating. So, when viewed from above, they form a circle. Isn't it funny?
Tapi,cara makan kerbau itu sangat tidak disukai serigala.
But, how to eat buffalo is very disliked by wolves.
Dengan cara makan seperti itu,serigala tidak bisa memangsa mereka.
By eating like that, wolves cannot prey on them.
Mereka selalu bersatu.Serigala tidak mungkin menang jija melawan kerbau sekaligus.Itulah mengapa ketiga sahabat kerbau itu jauh dari ancaman serigala.
They are always united. Wolves can not win jija against buffalo at once. That's why the three buffalo's friends are far from the threat of the wolf.
Pada suatu Pagi,ketiga kerbau itu terlihat sedang berselisih.
One morning, the three buffaloes were seen at odds.
"Aku igin merumput di padang rumput dalam hutan sana.Kata kelinci rumput disana lebbih enak dari rumput yang disisni,"ucap salah satu kerbau.
"I want to graze in the meadow in the forest. The rabbit said, the grass is better than the grass here," said one buffalo.
"Tidak aku tidak mau.Didalam hutan sangat berbahaya.Disana ada banyak hewan buas yang siap memangsa kita,"tolak kerbau yang lain.
"No, I don't want to. In the forest is very dangerous. There are many wild animals ready to prey on us," said another buffalo.
"Baiklah jika kalian tak mau ikut denganku,biar aku sendiri yang pergi kesana,"ujar kerbau itu,lalu pergi meninggalkan kedua sahabatnya.
"Well, if you don't want to come with me, let me go there myself," said the buffalo, then left his two friends.
Ya!Kedua sahabatnya memilih untuk merumput di padang rumput biasa.
Yes, his two friends chose to graze on ordinary pastures.
Rupanya kabar itu terdengar oleh serigala.Serigala pun menjadi amat senangia langsung mengikuti kerbau yang sedang makan di hutan.
Apparently the news was heard by the wolf. The wolf became very happy to immediately follow the buffalo that was eating in the forest.
Diam-diam serigala mengintai kerbau itu.Karena kerbau itu hanya sendirian,dengan mudah serigala menerkam kerbau itu.
The wolf secretly stalked the buffalo. Because the buffalo was alone, the wolf easily pounced on the buffalo
Si kerbau pun menjadi santapan serigala.Itulah akibat dari perpecahan.Mereka tidak kuat lagi.Andai mereka tetap bersatu,mungkin mereka tetap hidup bahagia dan bisa menikmati rumput di padang rumput yang biasa.
The buffalo also became the food of the wolf. That was the result of the split. They were not strong anymore. If they remained united, maybe they still lived happily and could enjoy the grass in the usual pasture.
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