         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Negeri chu dan negeri Yan hidup berdampingan.Namun sayang,penduduk kedua negeri tiu tak pernah akur.
Chu and Yan countries live side by side. But unfortunately, residents of the two countries never got along.
Mereka tak pernah mau menyapa satu sama lain bila berpapasan.Penduduk kedua negeri itu menganggap bahwa negeri mereka sendiri yang paling baik.
They never want to greet each other when they meet each other. The population of the two countries considers that their own country is the best.
Suatu hari,penduduk kedua negeri itu hendak menyeberang ke kerajaan tetangga.Tapi,hari itu adalah hari yang sibuk.
One day, residents of the two countries were about to cross into the neighboring kingdom. But, that day was a busy day
Hanya tersisa satu perahu didermaga.Mau tak mau,mereka harus menumpang di satu perahu yang sama.Meski satu perahu,mereka masih tak mau menyapa.
There is only one boat left on the dock. If they don't want to, they have to ride in the same boat. Even if they have one boat, they still don't want to say hi.
Tibalah mereka di tengah laut.Tiba-tiba hujan badai datang.Ombak besar menghantam kapal,mengakibatkan kapal itu kehilangan kendali.
They arrived in the middle of the sea. Suddenly a rainstorm came. A large woman hit the ship, causing the ship to lose control.
"Layar kapal harus segera diturunkan.Jika tidak,kapal ini bisa terbalik.Siapa saja tolong urunkan layar!"perintah nahkoda kapal kepada penumpang kapal.Penduduk negeri Chu bergegas menurunkan layar.Tapi layar sangat sulit diturunkan.
"The sail of the ship must be lowered immediately. If not, this ship can be overturned. Anyone please undo the sail!" Commanded the ship's captain to the passengers of the ship. Residents of the land of Chu rushed down the sails. But the sails were very difficult to lower
"Layar kapal sangat sulit diturunkan.Jika kita tak bisa menurunkannya,bisa-bisa kita tenggelam,"seru salah satu penduduk negeri Chu.
"The sail of the ship is very difficult to lower. If we can't bring it down, we might sink," exclaimed one of the residents of the land of Chu.
"Bagaimana ini?Jika kapal tenggelam,calakalah kita,"ucap salah sau penduduk negeri Yan.
"Benar sebaiknya kita bantu mereka menurunkan layar,"sahut penduduk yang lain.Penduduk neneri Yan pun bangkit dan membantu penduduk negeri Chu.Mereka bahu-membahu menurunkan layar.Olala, tak perlu waktu lama,layar sudah turun dengan sempurna.
"What do we do? If the ship sinks, please let us go," said one of the residents of Yan.
"That's right, we should help them bring down the screen," said another resident. Yan's inhabitants got up and helped the residents of the land of Chu. They worked shoulder to shoulder down the screen. Otherwise, it didn't take long, the screen had gone down perfectly.
"Hore!!Kita berhasil,"seru penduduk dari dua negeri itu sangat bahagia.Mereka tak sadar,jika mereka telah bekerja sama.Beberapa saat kemudian,hujan reda.Semua yang ada di kapal pun selamat.
"Hooray !! We succeeded," exclaimed the residents of the two countries were very happy. They were not aware, if they had worked together. A few moments later, the rain subsided. Everyone on the ship survived.
Saat itulah,penduduk negeri Chu dan negeri Yan tersadar.Selama ini,saling tidak menyapa justru membuat mereka rugi.Jika mereka bekerja sama sejak dulu,mungkin kedua negeri itu akan hidup dengan damai,rukun dan bahagia.
At that moment, the people of Chu and Yan were aware. During this time, not greeting one another made them suffer losses. If they worked together long ago, maybe the two countries would live in peace, harmony and happiness.
Ya!Tak ada untungnya saling mendiamkanSaling bekerja sama jauh lebih indah.
Yes! There is no point in silencing each other. Working together is far more beautiful.

Pesan moral/Moral message
Kawan,jangan suka mendiamkan teman,ya.Hanya akan membuat kalian rugi.Coba saling menyapa dan berteman dengan baik,pasti kalian akan menjadi lebih bahagia.
Friend, don't like silence friends, yes. Only will make you lose. Try greeting each other and make good friends, surely you will be happier.

Thank for reading story kids 2 english dan artinya in my blog. 


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